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Love is (always) in the little things


He knows all your quirks, all your desires and your dreams. He knows that this silly drama she makes is a way she finds to express herself.

He knows she would drop anything for him if she ever had to. He knows that she loves to talk about their relationship, talk and talk for hours about any and all subjects and he also knows that she has a habit of thinking and rethinking when something is bothering her. He just knows.

They have a special way of dealing with each other, a special way. When they are together, nothing else matters. Cliche? Yes, but that’s how she feels, and so does he. She respects his tastes, except when it comes to horror movies. Then she picks up one of the books she is reading and stops paying attention to the TV.


He supports her in everything and goes everywhere she asks and can wait for her to rummage through bookstores while looking for a book she hasn’t read yet.

Just by looking at her he knows everything she is feeling, he knows how to read her without needing words. She understands him like no one else, she knows what he needs, what he wants.

He knows how to deal with his PMS and knows the right day to arrive with a box of chocolates to calm it down. She’s a woman of phases, and he, well, he understands her. One has patience and understanding with the other, despite an argument here and there.

Read Also:  Everything that is yours will reach you in the right time!

They have their own traditions and so they go on with life and love in the little things.

Luiza Marques


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