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Every silence has a name and a reason


Some silences speak. They scream so loud that they are capable of conveying more feelings than many words spoken or written.

They translate the end of a time, the natural or forced indifference, the need to be noticed or forgotten.

All silence has a name, it has a reason. Silence can be a symptom of nostalgia, of “I miss you but there is nothing more to say”; or a symptom of grief: “I was hurt by you, and instead of taking revenge with words, I give you my silence”; or it can still be a symptom of indifference and coldness: “my silence is proof that my soul is calm and at peace far from you”.

Silence speaks loudly for those waiting for an answer. It’s the message viewed and not answered even after 72 hours, it’s the disappearance of someone who used to make noise all the time, it’s the lack of that delicious laugh, it’s the impossibility of going after someone who doesn’t want to be found anymore.

Silence is a powerful weapon even for those who are not aware of being in a battle. Because within the silence there are countless interpretations, and this can drive those who are waiting for an answer crazy, due to all the concerns it causes.

But it can also be the little push that was needed for those who hope to turn the tide. Because to be treated with long silence is to live cloistered. And at that moment maybe it’s time to discover that whoever hides a lot, one hour ceases to be remembered.

Silence is necessary and carries numerous meanings. But it can also be used to hurt, in which case you have to be careful.

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Not everyone loves in the right way, and many people cling to shallow and wrong loves. You have to be careful with the silence. With the silence that we provoke or that is provoked in our life. And it takes courage to abandon silences that hurt, because the good thing about life is finding answers in the love we give.

Fabiola Simões

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