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Hey love


Tonight, I can’t stop staring at the ceiling and missing it. Not from someone who was once part of my life, but from someone I haven’t met yet. You know that person you’ve been waiting for your whole life?

I’m missing you. You are the person I will meet and I will understand why it didn’t work out with the others, you are the one who will make me smile for nothing, who will remind me how good it is to like someone, who will teach me to love again, a new and unique way that I have never felt before, who will look at me and smile at what they see, who will make me feel important and who will have a hug at home.

I want you to know that I’m already waiting for you, anxiously; and besides, I want you to know that I’ve also had disaffections, illusions and some wounds, which left my heart a little fearful and suspicious with the door locked; I see who passes, who knocks on the door, I watch through the peephole, I get insecure and take a long time to let someone visit here.

But as one of my favorite authors – Frederico Elboni – says “I have a heart made of watermelon, sweet, but full of bitter seeds that are removed when loving.” It will be you who will rid me of them; it will be you who will remind me how good it is to have someone to share every moment.

When it’s you through the door, I’ll know I can leave the fear behind ’cause you’ll hold my hand and help me get rid of all the mess, throw all the mess out the window and take all the insecurity about loving that built inside me.

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I wonder what you are doing now; I wonder what color your hair is, what your eyes are and what your smile is like, but don’t worry, I know I’ll love each of these things. You will conquer me. I look around every place I go, I observe all the faces that pass me, whether on the street, on buses, on trains, on subways, at college and even at the bakery.

I watch each one, hoping it’s you; the one that with an exchange of looks will make me smile and something inside me will tell me that the search is over.

We will meet; I don’t know when, but I know that we’re going to bump into each other on the paths of this life, I feel like it, as crazy as it sounds. I’m here waiting for you and the sooner we meet, the better. I can’t wait to be fully happy by your side.


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