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7 Homemade recipes to treat your pet

Just drip a drop of rue tea on the skin to scare away fleas from your dog.
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1. Get rid of any type of scabies
Natural remedy: melon-de-são-caetano (or bitter melon)

Before using this recipe, make sure it’s really scabies. Fungus, allergy and other skin diseases also cause hair loss. If it is scabies, daily for three weeks, give the animal a normal bath, dry it with a towel and apply pure melon juice. Let it act for 10 minutes (he can’t lick it, it’s toxic!), rinse well and dry.

2. Increase your pet’s stamina
Natural remedy: oats

If he is sick, mix between 1 and 2 col. (coffee, tea, dessert or soup, depending on the size of the dog), or up to 1 col. (tea) if it’s a cat. But if he’s hurting his digestive system, oatmeal can give him diarrhea! In that case, use leaf tea.

3. End colic and detoxify your pet
Natural remedy: rice water and fennel tea

Rice water helps to detoxify and tea relieves cramps. Wash uncooked rice (use one glass of water for every ½ cup of regular rice at a time) and separate the third passage of water. Put it in a syringe without a needle and give a little bit of the liquid several times a day. Alternate the medicine with fennel tea, which relieves cramps.

4. To calm animals that are left alone
Natural remedy: passion fruit leaves (passiflora)

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In a pan without a lid, boil for 10 minutes 3 to 5 g of passion fruit leaves in 250 ml of water. When it cools down, mix this tea in the water that the animal drinks.

5. Scare away fleas and ticks
Natural remedy: rue

Prepare an infusion with 20g of rue leaves in 1 liter of hot water (not boiling) and use it as the last rinse after your normal bath. Let it dry naturally. St. Mary’s wort twigs under their bed act as a repellent.

6. Faster healing for minor injuries
Natural remedy: kale

Place a mashed cabbage leaf on the wound. Place a mashed cabbage leaf on the wound. But, if he insists on eating the bandage, use plan B: skip the cabbage and mix 1 part of calendula tincture in 2 parts of boiled and filtered water and apply it to the wound three to four times a day.

7. Relieve cold, flu and cough symptoms
Natural remedy: guaco

Has the vet given the diagnosis yet? Then prepare the syrup: boil 6 chopped guaco leaves in ½ liter of water, strain, mix the juice of 1 lemon and sweeten with 3 tbsp. (soup) of pure honey. Give 1 col. (of tea, dessert or soup, depending on the size of the animal), three to four times a day.

Source: Elizabeth Estevão, veterinarian, master in homeopathy and professor of homeopathy and phytotherapy courses at Facis-Ibehe.

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