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6 ways to make the most of your spinning class –

In addition to not requiring much motor coordination (just sit down and pedal), the spinning class It’s a calorie killer. Tests carried out by personal trainer Vivi Motta, from São Paulo, with professionals from the Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory of the School of Physical Education and Sports at the University of São Paulo prove: in one hour, women burn up to 570 calories – men can lose 870. That is: the equivalent of jumping rope for two hours or to walk for four hours.

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“In addition to losing weight and improving your breath, the modality strengthens the legs and butt. And the abdomen also strengthens to support the body in posture correct”, explains Vivi. During class, students simulate routes such as climbing mountains, giving gas on the straights and plummeting downhill at speed. The workout is tough, but there are tricks that can help you get to the end of the trail in one piece:

6 ways to boost your pedaling

Teachers reveal simple but very efficient attitudes to improve performance and provide more safety during a spinning session:

1. Use frequency meter

The device serves to monitor the heart rate during physical activity. “That makes it easier burn fat because the equipment shows whether you are below or above the so-called target zone, making the training effective”, explains professor Anderson Dias, from São Paulo. Some women do spinning with the aim of losing weight and are unable to lose weight because they pedal at a very low frequency, without reaching the ideal training zone.

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2. Wear sneakers
The spinning bike has a foot strap to secure the shoe, but use a special shoe (the same used by cyclists), can improve its performance. “These shoes have a hard sole, which guarantees the transfer of power from the leg directly to the pedal, without wasting energy”, says Anderson. “If you do the class using a tennis, which has the softest sole, the tendency is to force the arch of the foot. This can cause discomfort or even inflammation,” adds Laerte Sapucahy, from Rio de Janeiro.

3. Respect the class schedule
Periodization is what teachers call class scheduling. “There are mountain sessions, where you do a lot of strength to work the muscles of the legs; the so-called endurance, which prioritize fat loss; and interval training, to catch breath and improve fitness,” says Anderson. In other words, classes are not always the same. So you can pedal every day at different intensities.

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4. Use a gel bench or padded shorts
As you pedal sitting down at various times during the class, your butt usually hurts. After all, the spinning bike seat is pretty narrow. A gel cover that fits on the seat or shorts with extra protection on the butt are two features that provide more comfort during pedaling. “Often, the student gives up not because of the exercise itself, but because of the discomfort. With these accessories, you manage to stay active for longer”, guarantees professor Giba Ambrogi, cycling coach at 5 Ways Coachingin Sao Paulo.

5. Hydrate the body
A bottle of water or isotonic will help you maintain a good performance. “The isotonic, in addition to avoiding dehydration, It has mineral salts and carbohydrates, which help replenish energy, preventing fatigue. But remember that the drink is caloric and those who want to lose weight should not abuse it”, reveals nutrition specialist Carlos Simeão Júnior, from São Paulo.

6. Keep a towel nearby
It’s always good to leave a hand towel hanging in front of the bike. “Many women sweat a lot and it is important to dry your hands. Otherwise, they can slip on the handlebars during class”, warns the teacher Ricardo Azumaby Velocity, in São Paulo.

How to adjust the bike in spinning class

A lot of people don’t like to do spinning because they think that this type of stimulus forces their knees – which could cause an injury. But not quite. Just position yourself correctly on the bike before starting and your training will be safe and efficient. See the recommendations of Professor Anderson Dias:

seat height
Before stepping on, stand beside the bench and adjust it to hip bone height. When sitting on the bike, your knee will flex a little when the pedal is down

Distance from the seat to the handlebars
It is the measurement of your forearm, from the elbow to the closed hand. To check, when sitting, your knee should not go beyond the line of the tip of the foot

handlebar height
Make it taller than the bench. This guarantees a pedaling comfortable
Foot strap adjustment

arrest the tennis on the tape, leaving it firm, and put the laces inside, so it doesn’t get tangled in the pedal

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