Many times a relationship seems to be a lot of headache and work until you realize that you are actually a lucky person. A happy relationship can indeed be achieved. It’s just going to take a little effort from you and your partner.
We’ve put together a list of some things you and your partner need to do together to build a happy relationship:
1- Relive the encounters
mark one dateeven if you are already in a relationship for years, this is still important. In fact, it’s especially important for couples who have been together long enough to settle down.
Go out together at least once a week. If you’re having trouble coming up with date ideas, try recreating the date you had with your partner on beginning of the relationship. Do the exact same thing(s), or spice up the date by reinventing it in some meaningful way.
Do something new and exciting. Doing something that gets your blood flowing and increases your heart rate improves the feelings of complicity between the two of you. If you’re feeling brave, go out on a date that makes you feel like kids again: go to a comedy show, take a cooking class, or test drive a new car. How about starting this week?
2- Practice forgiveness
To forgive it is a decision to leave the past behind and focus on the present. It’s all about taking control of your current situation, as you must give your partner as much as you demand of them.
Remember that the benefit goes to the one who forgives. Forgiving your partner absolves him/her, but it also frees you from carrying hate and grudges. Don’t see this as an entirely selfless act – it’s something you’re doing for both of you.
3- Laugh and have fun together
Laughing at each other and with each other is a sign of security in love. Laughter helps the world go round and it can do that to your relationship too. Laughter helps your body burn calories, increases blood flow, strengthens the immune system, and lowers blood sugar levels.
Laughter can be comforting, contagious, or aphrodisiac, among many other things. Don’t forget to smile when you’re with the person you love the most.
4- Support each other
Supporting those we love means making your partner’s happiness and well-being a priority, whether doing a lot or a little. Keep in mind that part of the reason you’re together is that you’re big fans of each other, so make sure you do. Show support in the following ways:
Be a good listener. If your partner needs you to listen, do so willingly. You don’t always have to come up with a solution, just support.
Offer encouragement. If your partner is trying to make a positive change, start a new hobby, or accomplish a difficult task, cheer them on.
Give him/her a safe place. Let your partner be vulnerable in front of you without fear of being judged.
5- Spend time with each other
Make it a priority, even if it’s a little inconvenient at first. Relationships need shared experiences to grow and you are demonstrating that taking care of yours is important to you.
Choose a hobby. learn something new together it can help you both get closer as well as discover a leisure activity you both enjoy. Try sports like tennis, or basketball, or learning a new language, cooking, crafting, or whatever else you’re willing to try. But do it together!
6- Develop better communication between you
Most people aren’t natural communicators – it’s something everyone needs to improve on. The way you talk to your partner may seem like a small thing, but you do it several times a day and it has an effect. Consider these solutions:
Do not use directive language. Try to keep phrases like “You should” or “You can not” outside of your relationship. You and your partner are equal and neither of you has the authority to boss the other around.
Relay your expectations. If you expect your partner to do something, say. Don’t expect him or her to read your mind and don’t rely on hints. Speaking clearly what you want gives your partner a chance to succeed (and keep the previous point in mind: instead of saying, “You should take out the trash every day,” say, “I I would be very happy if you took out the garbage every day”).
Say “please” and “thank you”. You should be able to be relaxed with your partner, so you don’t have to worry about having good manners all the time. The exception to this is politely asking and expressing gratitude when your partner does something – don’t assume they know you mean it.
Fight fair. Don’t let all those communication skills go down the drain during a fight. Try to express what you think in a kind and respectful way, in a way that doesn’t hurt your partner. If he/she insists on yelling or insulting you, patiently maintain a calm demeanor.
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There are 7 types of Relationship. Which one of these does yours fit in?
Material based on the website