As much as you work out right and follow a healthy diet, sometimes achieving the famous flat stomach can be more difficult than losing weight. The good news is that one of the tricks to reduce fat in the region is nothing more than… eating – the right foods, of course. To make your life easier, we’ve separated six good allies for a flat stomach (scientifically proven!) for you to include in your shopping list now:
1. Whole grains
A recent study from Tufts University, in the United States, revealed that adults who consumed three or more servings of whole grains per day, and cut refined grains from their diet, such as white flour, white bread and white rice, decreased fat levels. abdomen by 10%. So what exactly defines a serving of whole grains? Try a slice of whole-wheat bread or half a cup of oatmeal (or brown rice) in place of white bread or white rice.
2. Frozen yogurt
The next time someone wants to give you a gift, make sure it’s a loyalty card from a frozen yogurt chain. According to a 2010 study conducted by researchers at the University of Alabama in the United States, women who consumed half a cup of yogurt ice cream a day lost about 2.5 centimeters of visceral fat. Researchers believe that the more calcium a woman consumes, the less belly fat she gains.
3. Olive oil
If you’re looking for a new diet to follow for the rest of your life, science says it should probably be Mediterranean (olive oil, olives, nuts, brightly colored fresh vegetables, fruit, tomatoes, squash, and a moderate amount of fish and chicken). That’s because several studies have proven that this type of food helps to lose more weight. A study conducted in Switzerland found that body weight, body mass index and waist circumference decreased more in subjects who followed the Mediterranean diet than the group who followed a low-fat diet. Spanish research has already revealed that following a diet rich in monounsaturated fats (such as those present in olive oil) really helps to exterminate belly fat.
See also: 7 foods that help flatten your belly
4. Almonds
According to a study published in The Journal of the American Heart Association, almonds can reduce the risk of heart disease, because they are great allies against abdominal fat. Consuming about 42g a day helped reduce cholesterol and belly fat. Nuts are good sources of monounsaturated fats and also an important ingredient in the Mediterranean diet.
5. Blueberries
The fruit is already known to contain good doses of antioxidants and improve the appearance of the skin. Now, we can say that they are able to shrink the waist as well. According to a study at the University of Michigan in the United States, mice that consumed a powder enriched with blueberries had less abdominal fat and triglycerides, lowered cholesterol and improved fasting glycemic indexes and insulin sensitivity after 90 days.
6. Apple cider vinegar
A 12-week study of 175 obese men and women revealed that the consumption of two tablespoons of vinegar diluted in water a day, before main meals, significantly improves all fat-related indicators: triglyceride levels ( a harmful type of fat), body mass index, visceral fat, and waist circumference. Yes, the bellies of all of them shriveled. But, in addition to the aesthetic benefit, the research participants are no longer part of the risk group for metabolic syndrome, associated with heart attack and diabetes. And without the need for major food renunciations.
And more: 7 foods to eat at night that will help you deflate