It is impossible to keep the abdomen dry after three pregnancies. It’s impossible to get thin without starving yourself. It’s impossible to have defined muscles after 40. Lie, lie, lie! Want more concrete proof than Angelica’s perfect body? Mother of Joaquim and Benício, aged 8 and 6, and little Eva, just 1, the presenter reached maturity as one of the most admired women in Brazil for her ability to stay at the top – in her career and in good shape. Just over a year after becoming a mother for the third time, she shows that she has never looked better. “I gained 12 kilos during Eva’s pregnancy and lost the first 6 kilos naturally. When I stopped breastfeeding, I decided to intensify the training to eliminate the rest. I also looked for a nutritionist and changed the diet, ”she says. “I believe that one thing does not work without the other.” The result of this discipline you can see here, in the photos taken by the master in photographing beautiful women, JR Duran, and on TV – in the program Estrelas, on Globo.
When Eva turned 8 months old, the presenter sought out nutritionist Andrea Santa Rosa Garcia in order to remake her daily menu. “I’ve always liked healthy and natural foods, but as there have been so many new things lately, I wanted to learn more and reorganize my kitchen,” she says. Angélica has not eaten red meat for 27 years. In order not to become weak, she needs to compensate for the nutrients and replaces meat with fish, shiitake, quinoa and eggs. In this new phase, Andrea Santa Rosa eliminated foods with gluten and lactose and Angélica approved. I felt that digestion was easier and I lost weight too, ”she says. Even so, blood tests showed an iron deficiency, which was repaired with vitamin and mineral supplements prescribed by the nutritionist. “We also include some antioxidants to facilitate weight loss and supplements to keep the intestine healthy and working properly”, explains Andrea. Along with assistants Alessandra Almeida, Amanda Erasmi and Yasmin Gonzalez, the nutritionist prepared a varied menu and balanced recipes – which you can see in this article.
Angelica’s 10 Diet Tricks
1. How is your breakfast?
When I go to work out early, I drink an almond milk shake with red fruits, chia and whey protein. On the way back, I drink a fruit juice. On days when I don’t work out, I just drink juice and a gluten-free sandwich with buffalo cheese. Sometimes I replace the bread with tapioca with jam or a ciabatta bread with a scrambled egg.
2. What do you carry in your purse to avoid a hungry person at work?
I always take a light snack, because I don’t go more than three hours without eating. It could be a granola bar or gluten-free sweet biscuits.
3. What goodies do you not give up?
Organic or gluten-free cookies.
4. Do you have any food tricks?
Always eat a salad or soup before the main meal and don’t go too long without eating. Otherwise, hunger comes with everything.
5. How do you season your salad?
With olive oil and pink salt.
6. What is your favorite legume?
Beans, always. I’m eating azuki a lot because it has more iron.
7. What’s never missing from your fridge?
Natural juices, coconut water and buffalo cheese curd.
8. What kind of food makes you feel bloated?
I did several tests to see if I had any kind of food allergy and found nothing. I feel that cutting down on gluten helped with digestion and reduced bloating.
9. Do you usually eat at home or in restaurants?
I almost always cook at home. Luciano and I rarely go out to dinner. For lunch, I eat at home or take a packed lunch to work.
10. Is it easier or harder to control the diet with children at home?
Of course, there is always cake, sweets and other temptations around, but I believe that this only gets in the way for those who are not really looking for results. The secret for those who have a husband and children at home is to stay focused.