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4 attitudes of those who raise their children without machismo

The fight against sexism should start at home, with very young children. Do you think it’s too early to address the issue? In fact, it’s not. Some simple everyday situations end up carrying a load of prejudice and ignorance that often go unnoticed.

At that moment, the parents’ behavior is fundamental for the change of scenario: it is necessary to educate the little ones so that they do not reproduce attitudes like this, which give rise to so many forms of violence against women.

Here are some points you should address:

Respect for the body of the other

It’s important to talk to children about each other’s bodies. As? They need to understand that it is necessary to respect the will of the colleague. If a show of affection or a joke is not well accepted, it’s time to intervene and say that we can only touch the other with his permission. That story of “children are not evil” is still true, but if the justification is always that and if there is permissiveness, such actions become rooted.

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Joke has no gender

Panels and dolls for girls, cars and workshop for boys. Have you ever stopped to think how this division can be carried into adult life? Women at home, men at work. We don’t want that, right? The idea is that the two can occupy the spaces they want – including, if they so wish, these. Freedom in childhood is important so that boys don’t believe it’s wrong to take care of a doll or girls doubt that they can be engineers, for example.

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Boys cry, yes!

You know that maxim that men don’t cry? It’s all bullshit. Yes, it is necessary to encourage boys to talk about their feelings, express their fears and even anger in a healthy way. “Being tough,” or anything like that, only reinforces the stereotype that frustrations can be relieved by being aggressive—and in the future, that thinking could be explosive.

Everyone should participate in household chores

This creates a sense of responsibility, gender equality in the home, and respect between boys and girls in the home environment. After all, one should not serve the other, but should live in mutual aid.

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