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30 questions to make a woman laugh –

It has always been said that the quickest way to conquer a girl is to make her smile, so here we leave you 30 questions to make a woman laugh that will help you get to know her better and, in addition, reach her heart using the sense of humor.

Before we start, we would like to give you some tips so that your conversation with that girl goes smoothly and the questions you ask really make her laugh:

Just relax: If you are tense, it will show in both your voice and your body language. Inhale Exhale. The confidence you project is very important in making her feel comfortable and making her smile.Always stay true to your essence: Don’t try to change your personality, trust who you are and your abilities. When you are yourself, the conversation will flow and won’t feel forced. If someone is going to love you, let it be because of your personality and not because of who you appear to be.Don’t try to impress herlet the talk flow and you will see how a good image of yourself is created.Don’t assume right off the bat that she’s perfect: nobody is. Use the questions to make conversation and get to know her better. Only then will you know if she is the one and fits what you are looking for in a partner.Keep the conversation simple, fun and a little curious to reveal all its layers in a subtle way.Eliminate the fear of asking the wrong questions from your mind: There are no bad or good questions, just create the environment of trust and follow your instincts.

Flirting is an art. To do it well, you must be able to create a fluid and comfortable conversation with a girl. Questions are an excellent tool to make the conversation flow naturally and show her that you are interested in her.

What are the best questions you can ask to train her and get to know her at the same time? Here we leave them for you:

1. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

We all do something that is a little strange to most, but that fills us with happiness. Find out what that taste or interest is that embarrasses your girl and make her feel comfortable with her obsession.

We assure you that you will soon gain their trust by asking this style of fun questions to answer. Surely they will both laugh and tell each other things that they love to do, but that they don’t usually tell anyone.

2. What have you done that you would never do again?

This is a fascinating question that will force you to think about your experiences and anecdotes. Plus, it will let you know how adventurous she is.

Regardless of whether you both have had similar experiences, we assure you that you will laugh a lot telling each other the stories of the moments you have lived and that you would never repeat.

3. What is your favorite thing to do with a boy?

This question is designed so that you know the interests of the girl you are flirting with. That doesn’t mean you should try to do everything she tells you. If you try, she will look forced and you will look desperate.

Yes, you can use her answers to get to know her a little more. They may surprise you as they reveal their deepest feelings and desires, and they will also give you clues about how compatible they are.

4. What is the strangest thing you have eaten and liked?

This is one of the best fun questions for games, since many of us have tried food combinations that sound strange and incompatible but, thanks to their unmatched flavor, we would eat them again.

Who knows if those anecdotes with strange food lead to romantic dinners that include experimenting with flavors and textures?

5. Why do you usually pull the door when it says “push” on the sign?

We don’t know why, but most women do this unconsciously. In fact, we don’t mind making mistakes by “contrary to the sign.”

It’s something unconscious that maybe she doesn’t know why she does it, but maybe she can give you a funny explanation, or she might get a little angry. This way you can take advantage of the moment to joke with her in an affectionate way.

6. What do you consider more romantic: dancing or eating with someone?

Both activities are intimate and fun. They allow you to demonstrate skills and get to know the person in a more subtle, but close, way.

Depending on her answer, you can invite her to take classes together as a different date in which you both share your common interests.

7. What’s the funniest line they’ve used to try to pick you up?

All of us girls have anecdotes about pick-up lines and attempts at conquests that we have been told. I assure you that most of those stories are very funny.

These types of funny questions for friends are great for spending an afternoon laughing and comparing stories about who has been told the worst phrase.

8. If there is a bunny, a bear and me, which one would you kiss, hug and coo in your arms?

If what you are looking for is to make the girl you are trying to flirt with a smile, you can ask her stupid questions like this.

It will be fun to see what he chooses and will also give you an idea of ​​what he wants to do with you. Anything I say makes you a winner.

9. How would you describe yourself? A naughty or good girl?

This is one of the best fun questions to ask that will definitely make her think about her answer. If you want more laughs, ask him to justify his answer.

10. If I told you I would do anything funny for you, what would you ask me to do?

This can be a dangerous question if you are very shy, but it is a way to get to know her better and open up situations where you could connect on a higher level.

She will surely tell you something that amuses her: it could be a children’s dance, singing or wearing makeup in public for 5 minutes. Regardless of the activity, you will surely laugh a lot and your relationship will become closer.

11. What would you do if you saw your crush naked?

If she finds it difficult to take her eyes off of her crush With clothes on, imagine what it would be like if you saw him naked. Although it may be a bold question, it will make her bring out the sensual side of her.

It will be very fun to see how she takes this answer: if she is shy, she will blush and not give you a very explicit answer; But if she is daring, you will be able to know her fantasies and intimate preferences.

12. What would you do if you were invisible for 24 hours?

It is a question that we have all asked ourselves at some point when watching superheroes, but we rarely dare to reveal the answer. Would you do the same thing she wants to do? How bold is she?

Surely both of them would do a lot of things and most of them would be full of fun.

13. If you were a man for a day, what would you do?

It’s always interesting to hear what others would do if they were the opposite sex for a day. This reveals a lot about her personality and fantasies, so listen carefully to learn more about her personality.

14. Would you be able to quickly pronounce “Supercalifragilistico” ten times without making a mistake?

These types of funny questions to ask at any time are a sure formula for fun and laughter. Asking him or her to say complicated words or tongue twisters repeatedly and quickly is a great way to break the ice and have fun together.

15. What is the funniest prank you have ever played?

We have all played a prank at some point in our lives, but some people are born with a special talent for it. Regardless of whether she is one type or another, the response will be the same: a good anecdote and lots of laughs.

You’ll bring out their fun side and maybe you’ll even be encouraged to make some jokes together.

16. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever been caught doing?

This is one of the funniest funny questions for friends that you can ask to liven up a conversation.

If you do it to a girl, I assure you her responses will be fun and silly in the good sense of the word: dancing like crazy, practicing kissing with a stuffed animal, imitating some artist…

17. Have you ever been in a fight against another girl?

Although it is not common behavior, almost all girls have been in a fight (whether verbal or physical).

It may not be easy to admit, but once she does I assure you that you will laugh a lot while she remembers the anecdote and how strong/brave she was that time.

18. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you at school?

Start by telling a story about the funniest thing that happened to you as a child, and then ask her to tell you one of her own. This way you will ensure two things:

That she has enough confidence to open up to you. You will show that you are really interested in her.

19. If you could jump into a pool filled with any substance other than water, what would it be?

Fantasies are always something fun to talk about. You give space to the imagination and when it flourishes, many funny things happen.

She may tell you that she wants a pool full of candy, money, stuffed animals, chocolates, wine, cheese… Regardless of her answer, you will be able to get to know her more deeply and the type of person she is.

20. If you were trapped in a room and had to listen to one song, over and over again, what would it be?

This question should not be missed if you want to know their musical tastes. It’s more fun to do it this way than simply asking what artists you like or what your favorite songs are.

21. What superpower would you like to have?

Silly but fun: Maybe you want to fly to see the world without spending on airfare, be able to read other people’s minds, move objects, or even be able to get everything you want just by thinking about it.

It’s an open question that will give you a lot to talk about.

22. What was your worst date like?

Ask him about his past dating experiences. If you’ve been the victim of a horrible date, find out what marked that outing as the worst, you’re sure to get a good laugh.

23. Do you prefer a conversation full of emojis and memes or a call with laughter and laughter?

This is the final letter you should throw before ending the date or hookup process. If she is delighted with your personality full of silly and fun questions, we assure you you will be lucky.

If you don’t have his number you will get it, but if you already have it, his response will give you an idea of ​​how you should conduct the conversation via chat so that you continue to be successful in the conquest.

24. Is that your favorite color? That scarf highlights the color of your skin

Does it sound weird to ask what their favorite color is like this? Don’t worry about sounding effeminate, it won’t be: we all like compliments and doing it this way is subtle, but fair enough to notice that you pay attention to the small details.

Women want to be recognized and appreciated for the effort we make to look good, especially during a date. By doing it this way you recognize her outfit, her skin/eye color and also try to get to know her better.

25. I love your smell, is it your natural scent or do you use any perfume?

There are certain things that women love to hear from men and one of them is polite compliments. If you mention her sweet aroma as a natural part of her essence, we assure you she will feel loved and valued.

26. Where do you get your excellent sense of humor?

The vast majority of us have some funny traits, but having a great sense of humor is something…

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