The slimming process is not always easy. Food reeducation, building the habit of exercising, and of course, finding a balance to live in can be challenging. And besides all that, when reaching the desired weight, many people have to deal with a new challenge: the sagging.
Common, especially in those who lost a lot of weight through surgery, the tissue sagging it happens because that skin – which was stretched as the fat increased – does not return to its “original” size as the fat lodged in the body is eliminated. “It doesn’t happen to everyone. When younger you can lose weight and not become flaccid, but with more than 35 years there is already a decrease in collagen” he explains Fernando Biancoplastic surgeon.
Collagen, like elastin, is responsible for the skin’s elasticity. In cases where their production is low, tissue sagging cannot be completely avoided. “The best way to reduce the flab error is to lose weight slowly, exercising and eating well with a rich protein intake and supplementing with collagen” shares the professional.
But, if you have already acquired “loose skin” there are several options to improve the appearance, from exercises, aesthetic procedures to electrostimulation.
Exercises x Flaccidity
– (Bojan89/Thinkstock/Getty Images)
The areas most affected by sagging are usually the abdomen, back, arms, buttocks and thighs. “It is common, in a weight loss process, for men and women to think only of cardiovascular exercises to increase caloric expenditure and thus lose weight faster. But the increase in muscle mass promoted by bodybuilding is primordial factor to control and avoid saggingas it helps maintain weight over the long term and favors an increase in basal metabolism”, explain Matheus Viannapersonal trainer.
This physical activity has several health benefits as a whole, including the skin. “ANDIt will act to increase muscle stiffness, but in addition to that, it will also contribute to increasing the release of hormones that act directly on skin quality, improving tissue oxygenation and increasing blood flow. Othat is, not only acting on skin firmness, but also promoting an anti-aging effect”, says Matheus.
Therefore, bodybuilding can be a strong ally during and after the weight loss process. It is able to promote the necessary effect to prevent sagging, as it creates and helps maintain muscle mass. “As I said before, there are areas of our body that are most affected by sagging, an interesting path is to start with strength exercises in the most affected areas so that it becomes an intelligent training prescription and directed to what you need”, concludes the professional.
Cosmetic procedures x sagging
– (rusak/Thinkstock/Getty Images)
Depending on the degree of flaccidity, aesthetic treatments can provide excellent results against flaccidity and be the best option when you do not want to undergo a surgical procedure. “Mild to moderate degrees can be treated with in-office procedures, such as micro and macro-focused ultrasound”, exemplifies the dermatologist Luiza Archer. Furthermore, there are the biostimulators (such as Sculptra and Radiesse) and lasers, which are done in the office. The intention of the devices is to produce collagen.
But before throwing yourself into aesthetic treatments, you need to reach the ideal weight and stabilize it, and then consult a professional, who will assess the degree of flaccidity and the necessary treatment. “Topical products, or even in-office procedures, do not usually give good results. if there is too much sagging. It is important to evaluate properly so that the patient invests in what will really bring good results”, advises Luiza.
Another method mentioned by Fernando Bianco is the Renuvion, new American technology that makes a skin retraction to make an internal production of collagen, retracting the skin with heat and stimulates the projection of collagen with a plasma jet better than any other external device. “It may or may not be associated with liposuction. If the client only has flaccidity, he can apply the technology without liposuction. Renuvion can be done on most parts of the body: back, breeches, buttocks, abdomen, inner thigh, neck, it treats almost all areas of flaccidity”.
Surgery x Sagging
In some cases, skin sagging is so severe that, despite physical activity and aesthetic treatments, surgery becomes the most viable option to deal with it.
Luiza Coutinho, plastic surgeon, shares that tummy tuck is one of the treatment options. “It is a surgery that has the ability to improve the patient’s body contour, removing excess skin from the lower abdomen and treating rectus abdominis diastasis, and with the possibility of performing liposuction. It is a surgery with excellent results, but the patient has to agree with the scar. The more severe the sagging, the bigger the scar” explains.
Its recovery requires hospitalization for one day after the procedure and you must sleep with your torso elevated and legs bent at 45° for 15 days, walk with your torso slightly leaning forward for the same period, perform dressing cleaning and care with the drain daily, which can be placed to drain liquids and blood. “The abdominal belt is used for 1 month 24 hours a day and in the 2nd month for 12 hours a day. The patient should walk around the house every 2 h and avoid absolute rest. Use of elastic stockings is important in preventing venous thrombosis of the legs. Do not exert force with the abdomen for 2 months, including lifting weights and gym activities”, says Luiza, who also reinforces the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, rich in vegetables and proteins, in addition to increasing fluid intake.
Surgery for other parts of the body follows the same steps and indications.
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