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3 Crossfit exercises to tighten your abs –

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More than shaping your muscles and improving conditioning, CrossFit’s proposal is to prepare you for any physical challenge that life may bring. “In addition to being a workout to make your butt firm and your stomach flat, the method develops ten physical abilities”, says instructor Carlos Klein, from CrossFit 79, in São Paulo. “The modality works strength, speed, power, coordination, agility, balance, precision, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance”, adds Klein. As a bonus, you conquer the body of your dreams, almost like a “superwoman”. Here, he teaches three top moves for the abs:

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1. Abdominal

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A. Lying down, legs in butterfly position (knees flexed outwards and soles of feet together) and arms extended backwards. Place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your lower back. B. Raise your torso, concentrating strength on your abdomen and bringing your hands towards your feet, then come back.
Do 10 repetitions.

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2. Russian Twist

Sitting with your legs bent, holding a kettlebell at chest level, lift your feet off the ground, lean your torso back a little and find your balance point. Keeping your abdomen contracted, rotate your torso, taking the ball from side to side without touching your feet to the ground.
Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

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3. Complete abs

A. Lie on your back, knees extended, hands at your sides. B. Raise your torso toward the ceiling and flex your hipseyes. Be careful not to tense your neck.
Do 10 repetitions.

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