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What is the edemigenic syndrome, a disease that affected Erasmo Carlos –

(Official website/Reproduction)

O vascular surgeon Dr. Caio Focássio says that the edemigenic syndrome is characterized by generalized edemathat is, a swelling caused by an excess of liquid trapped in the tissues of the body.


This excess can be caused by the malfunction of the kidneys, liver or heart or when the body has an imbalance in the biochemical forces that are responsible for the fluids in the blood vessels.


“Among the main risks of complications is that an untreated edema can cause the accumulated liquid to detach from the tissues, and can cause death. That is why the treatment is so essential, which can be done by the use of medicines to remove excess fluidbut it is also worth remembering that the edemigenic syndrome can also be caused by an underlying disease”, concludes the specialist doctor.

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