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27 Memorable Books Worth Reading Before You Turn 30

There are works of art that fall into our hands just in time and help us in a certain situation in everyday life. Especially for these occasions, we have prepared for you a compilation of books that are worth reading before you reach your 30s.

Each of them is a treasure that will enrich your spiritual and cultural world and make you a better person.

clockwork orange

Anthony Burgess

One of the most popular novels, whose main theme is maturity. The book is a satirical filigree about society in general and about each of us individually. Most importantly: no morals. “Being able to accept life as it is” is the slogan of this book.

The Witch of April and Other Tales

Ray Bradbury

This is a short story about an unhappy love. In just a few pages, one of the most sincere and lyrical writers of the 20th century clearly explains to all young women that unhappy love is the most wonderful moment that can happen to a human being.

lord of the flies

William Golding

A horrible story about the fun of English students on an uninhabited island. Small children experience evolution, but on the opposite side, civilized children turn into evil wild animals, sowing fear and strength, capable of committing murder. A story about freedom, which presupposes responsibility and the fact that youth and innocence are not synonymous.

Heaven has no favorites

Erich Maria Remarque

An incredible and powerful work by a great master whose prose never loses relevance. This is a perfect and moving story about loneliness and great love, death and the appreciation of life.


George Orwell

Although this book was written in 1949, its meaning and main idea remain current, even after 70 years. Undoubtedly, a firm work in both artistic and philosophical senses, whose reading is not recommended for vulnerable people, pregnant women and people prone to suicide. The rest must read it!

The sun is for everybody

Harper Lee

A book whose narrator is a child who will tell you about justice and the fight against prejudice. It also talks about the damage of racism, the problems of food and education. In general, it is a treaty in which, over time, you will find all the answers to your questions.

For whom the bells toll

Ernest Hemingway

A brief but strong reflection on the theme of death, ideologies and the incredible brutality and irrationality of war.

War and peace

Leo Tolstoy

This is a classic that no one should miss. However, it is recommended to read at a mature age. This is an incredible work of art that talks about history, drama and people whose fate is intertwined with a fateful moment.

One hundred years of Solitude

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Welcome to a completely special world created by García Márquez! Welcome to the hospitable home of the Buendía family! Here guests are welcome, but they are often indifferent to those closest to them. There’s too much sex, too much lust and too little love. You will understand how important a loving family is in every person’s life.

The Dharma Wanderers

Jack Kerouac

Upon returning from the war in the mid-1940s, veterans found no truth or merit in the United States and began to wander. To the sound of jazz in the smoky bars, to the whistling of the wind through the openings of the freight cars, they discovered for themselves the meaning of creation and human life. It is a work dedicated to all travelers.

The French Lieutenant’s Wife

John Fowles

Every day by the sea, a young woman dressed in black stands and looks at the horizon. One day, she is noticed by a young man who should already be married, but things don’t go well. Will he get married or will he give free rein to his feelings? You decide. The incredible John Fowles wrote two final variants to show that remorse is an individual choice.

The wind in the willows

Kenneth Grahame

An amazing children’s book that reminds all adults of the importance of seeing and appreciating the simple joys in life. This is a story full of adventure, magic and team spirit.

The art of war

Sun Tzu

One of the oldest books on war strategy in the world. The wisdom of this work can be used in any sphere of our life. He will teach us to accept dispute and how to obtain what is desired, whatever the cost.

Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien

This book can be read in childhood and also in a more adult stage, whatever. When you flip through a few dozen pages, you’ll completely forget that this is a fictional story. It is especially recommended for the development of imagination.

David Copperfield

Charles Dickens

This is another story that teaches the reader of any age how important discipline, emotion and morality are to achieving goals and success.

Bel Ami

Guy de Maupassant

A classic French novel with an “anti-hero” as the protagonist. Young journalist Georges Duroy tries to enrich himself in Paris. He has no talent, he is petty, fearful and illiterate. But he is very handsome. A terrifying story about how talented and intelligent women become victims of their own blindness. A romance that prevents stories with men who take advantage of everything in life.

The big Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This novel was included in the list of unrecognized masterpieces when it was published. It’s a cautionary tale about the vicissitudes and temptations that stand in the way of the American dream, the importance of good and loyal friends compared to having too many of them, and the desire to possess something sweeter than mere possessions.

The catcher in the rye

J.D. Salinger

A book about the difficulties in the life of a teenager. And no matter what age this happens. Disturbances, loneliness and fear of incomprehension: each person experiences them, which is why this work has become something close and understandable to millions of readers around the world.

Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Undoubtedly, a masterpiece of Russian literature. No one has described the human soul as accurately without resolving its deep meaning as Dostoevsky. A work that should be read by everyone.

The prince

Nicolas Machiavelli

A respectable description of different situations in terms of management, power structure and the condition of the state. From political and corporate struggles to achieve common progress to the willingness to manipulate and direct others for one’s own benefit and personal interests.


Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau spent two years, two months, and two days outside Concord (Massachusetts) in the cabin he built on the banks of Walden Pond to write this book. This is a story about what it really means to be free from societal pressures and stereotypes.

the republic


The traditional work of one of the great sages gives the reader fundamental knowledge about political theory, how it should be carried out in life, how leaders should govern and how subordinates should obey.


Vladimir Nabokov

The perception of this story depends directly on the reader’s point of view. Some will see a sick pervert and an erotic connotation, and others will find deep thought, the beauty of words and the infinite limits of the contradictions between the sensation of life and love.

The Master and Daisy

Mikhail Bulgakov

A masterpiece by Bulgakov published only after his death. This is a multifaceted novel about the confrontation of good and evil, which immerses the reader in the world of passion and human essence.

the metamorphosis

Franz Kafka

Kafka is a difficult and obscure writer. It’s not easy for a young woman to fall in love with his books. But you have to try. The novel Metamorphosis is an absurd pamphlet about human loneliness. If you put aside the author’s modern gimmicks and focus on the essence, you’ll understand that it’s all about life, the illusion of love, ugliness, and the loneliness of each.

The little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

As they mature, people begin to think that they have lost something valuable and important. And to find this, it is necessary to read and reread books like The Little Prince, in order to understand its implicit meaning and then try to apply it in life.

Trap for Cinderella

Sébastien Japrisot

A light and amazing detective story about two young French people who love white clothes and convertible cars. One of the greatest works of art on the amazing character of women and their evil, written with infinite admiration.

Of course, the list is far from containing every book that must be read before age 30. There are so many other interesting stories waiting for you! So, share in the comments the most valuable works from your point of view.

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