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20 signs that you are no longer in love

As much as it is difficult for us to accept it, sometimes heartbreak knocks on our door. Below, we present some signs that will help you identify whether you are still in love or not, and what to do if that is no longer the case.

Signs that you are no longer in love are related to a loss of vitality in the relationship. This manifests itself in many ways, ranging from barriers in communication to an obvious lack of interest in the other. In this context, sometimes infidelity also appears.

These signs constitute an invitation to stop. That pause allows us to get back on track and helps to confirm that everything is over. Below, we will talk about some of these signs.

What are the signs that you are no longer in love?

Romantic relationships can affect our lives. When we are in love and the feeling is reciprocated, we feel happy, motivated and inspired. But what happens when love starts to disappear? How do we know if we are no longer in love?

Answering this last question is very important to make better decisions within the relationship and to protect our mental health. It does no one any good to continue in a relationship where there is no longer affection or love.

1. You are no longer happy when it arrives and you are not excited

Before you were looking forward to him arriving, to tell him your things, to tell you his. You felt excited and no one could replace you. However, Now you are indifferent to his presence. There are even times when you don’t even want him to be present.

When you are in love, you long for the moment of meeting the person you love. That interest is reflected in your attitude, your smile and your motivation to talk and make new plans.

Therefore, one of the signs that you are no longer in love appears when The meetings begin to space out and interest is lost.. Tardiness is more frequent, the attitude is dull and carefree. These can be indicators that the other no longer awakens loving feelings.

2. You no longer have sexual fantasies or desires

Another sign that you are no longer in love is that you no longer think about your partner on a sexual level., it doesn’t even cross your mind, and if you do it it’s with other people. Although you are not unfaithful to him out of respect, your mind betrays you.

In a couple, sex is much more than an expression of physical pleasure. Research from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships indicates that attempts at physical intimacy improve satisfaction and communication in relationships and reduce conflict.

3. You don’t put effort into the relationship

One of the main signs that You are no longer in love, it is because you are no longer making an effort to have a relationship. healthy and satisfying. This is because commitment has been decreasing along with the desire to have a long-term and stable relationship.

4. There are no more caresses and you avoid physical contact

The affection has disappeared. You don’t feel that sensation and that desire to give him a kiss, a caress or a hug. The flame has gone out, the affection has been extinguishedyour feelings have cooled down.

You can’t stand him touching you or kissing you. Not only do you avoid petting it, but you reject the gesture when your partner does it, responding with snub or indifference.

5. You no longer say “I love you”

Although saying “I love you” is not synonymous with being truly in love, When there is no longer love, the desire to use those words is null. Even the actions that were previously used to show love are considerably reduced. Since you are no longer in love you don’t see the need to say it or show it.

6. Your face expresses boredom when you are with that person

They say that the face is the mirror of the soul, without realizing it, your sadness and your discomfort when you are with that person are reflected in your face. You get bored making plans with her and you don’t want to spend time with her because you get bored.

7. You are no longer interested in his life or what happens to him

In the past you worried about how he did at work, if he was happy or sad, how he was with his friends. Now, his everyday life doesn’t have as much value and you no longer care what he does. What happens to him doesn’t interest you, or at least not like before.

8. That person is no longer attractive to you in any way.

Before you liked everything: his voice, his gestures, his physique, his personality, the way he looked at you, etc. Now, everything disgusts you. When you are not in love you do not find anything of everything that interested you. Sometimes even those same things bother you.

9. Their flaws are more obvious

Something that happens when you are in love is that you overlook your partner’s flaws. You focus on its virtues, and these are what you have as a reference to evaluate it. In some cases you can even omit them, or at least justify them. But When you are no longer in love, all those defects become more evident and annoying..

10. You get irritated and complain frequently

You find every action of your partner irritating, no matter the moment. You feel like you can’t do anything right and you find yourself complaining a lot. Even the smallest actions of the other person bother you deeply.

11. You fantasize about being unfaithful

Another sign that you are no longer in love has to do with exclusivity. You feel attracted to other people. Maybe you don’t do anything to feed those interests, but this doesn’t stop you from constantly fantasizing about the possibility of being unfaithful.

When you no longer feel anything, you start to look the other way. There are co-workers and friends that you observe with different eyes. A world of possibilities opens up around you.

12. You want a new relationship

You think you deserve someone better and want to have a new relationship. Generally, when people are in love they have no desire to be with a different person. But when love begins to give way, fantasies of abandoning the relationship you have to build a new one are very common.

13. Reproaches and fights increase

Another sign that you are no longer in love is that the peels increase and lThe conversations between the two focus on reproaching each other for the mistakes they have made. This is partly due to increased emotional tension, and also due to the dissatisfaction of being with someone for whom you no longer feel anything.

14. It is no longer part of your life

The distance is physical and mental. When you are not in love you feel further away from that person and you have less and less time and desire to be by their side. Little by little it stops being part of your life and you don’t care if it is present or absent.

15. You no longer make plans for the future

Couples in love usually consider life projects together, as they want to continue sharing experiences side by side. In this sense, Yeah Your partner does not appear in your plans (such as, for example, traveling or movingart to another country), then it is very likely that the spark between you has died out .

16. You feel relieved when he leaves events

When your partner leaves an event you are at and you feel calm or at peace, it is a sign that your love is not as strong as before. Not even his rudeness bothers or disappoints you anymore. The tranquility and happiness of being away is a sign that you are no longer in love.

17. You are constantly asking for space

It is clear that your personal space and your freedom to carry out your activities is important. However, it seems that you take this principle to the extreme, using the excuse of space to avoid sharing with your partner. You are uncomfortable that he invades your privacy and it bothers you that he signals your distance.

18. Conflicts are indifferent to you

Arguing and working to resolve disagreements is a sign that you both care about the relationship. Nevertheless, If this interest has dissipated and the problems are indifferent to you, then the infatuation has evaporated.

19. Communication is routine

When the couple keeps the relationship alive, they also talk frequently. There is a lot of interest in getting to know the other person, knowing what they think, asking their opinion, etc. It seems as if the themes were never exhausted and the word began to occupy an important place within the link.

When you no longer feel the same way about your partner, you start to see him or her as someone predictable.. Because of this, you lose interest in communicating with her and only exchange routine messages.

20. Little concern for personal appearance

One of the ways in which eroticism manifests itself in a couple is through personal care.. Each one wants to be attractive to the other. They usually worry about their appearance when they are with their loved one.

If love begins to disappear, the interest in attracting a partner decreases. Thus, major oversights could occur on occasions that would require special attention to detail, such as a special outing or celebration.

In summary, and taking into account Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, we can affirm that all these signs show us that when falling in love ends, intimacy (closeness, connection and bond), passion (romance, physical attraction, consummation sexual) and commitment (decision to love the other and to maintain that love) fade.

So that, If you want to know whether or not you are in love with your partner, examine how much intimacy, passion and commitment you have with them. If you no longer want to be by his side and you are not attracted to him or want to maintain the bond, it is very likely that you have fallen out of love.

What to do if you are no longer in love?

Once you realize that you are no longer in love, It is best that you take your time to reflect on what is best for you. Try to visualize the situation from the outside to have an objective view. To do this, you can imagine what you would say to a close person if they were in the same situation as you.

If you have hope that falling in love may arise over time, it is important to communicate to your partner how you feel.. Well, rekindling the flame of love is not a single person’s task. It is also important that you listen to how the other person feels and look for solutions together.

For its part, If you decide to break up with your partner because you are no longer in love, you could apply zero contact to be able to move forward and turn the page. At least for the first few months. It is not worth “staying friends” or having other types of contacts. Although, if there are children involved, it is evident that contact must remain.

Final considerations

Signs that you are no longer in love are not necessarily a prelude to the end of the relationship. Sometimes they are the announcement of a breakup, but on other occasions they become a wake-up call, a warning signal that announces that it is necessary to change course.

Making the decision to break a relationship is not easy to do. It is normal that even if you no longer love your partner, you feel affection for him or her. However, keep in mind that this is not enough to continue a romantic relationship.

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