You must have heard, at least once, about yacon potato. In times when much is said about foods that, more than nourishing, can offer health benefits, this vegetable has gained a lot of prominence.
Bruna Lyrio, nutritionist specializing in Clinical Nutrition and Aesthetics, from Clínica Tostes, explains that the yacon potato, despite not being part of the potato family, became known by the name of yacon potato in Brazil and in other countries, such as Peru, Argentina , New Zealand, Japan and others from Europe.
“Yacon is a vegetable of the Asteraceae family and originates in the Andean valleys. The food has a low caloric value, succulent and sweet texture, reminiscent of the taste of pears. It is also a source of fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), prebiotics that cannot be absorbed in the upper part of the digestive tract and are fermented by beneficial bacteria in the intestine”, explains nutritionist.
In this way, FOS are very important for regulating the intestinal flora, promoting the multiplication of beneficial bacteria and, naturally, contributing to good intestinal function.
Below you will find out more about the benefits that yacon potatoes can offer to your health and how to consume them.
Yacon X Potatoes X Sweet Potatoes
The English potato is the most known and used. It has a little less calories than sweet potatoes, but it is a food with a high glycemic index, composed practically of carbohydrates, not being suitable for diabetics. For those who have the disease, the best option is even the yacon potato.
The yacon, according to Bruna, has about 10 times more antioxidant substances than the English potato. And this is already one of its great advantages.
“In the case of sweet potatoes, although they have a greater amount of carbohydrate (sugar) in their portion than the English potato, blood glucose (blood glucose) responds differently, as glucose (sugar) tends to rise less in the consumption of sweet potato”, comments the nutritionist.
In addition, it is worth remembering, sweet potatoes are more nutritious than English potatoes, in addition to having a low glycemic index.
“Yacon potato, in turn, has a lower amount of digestible carbohydrate (sugar) than sweet potato and also has a good amount of fiber, which is one of the substances that helps prevent blood glucose (blood sugar) from rising too high. … With that, it helps in the control of glucose”, adds Bruna.
Nutritional composition and benefits of yacon potato
According to Bruna, the chemical composition of yacon varies greatly, as it has a rapid capacity to lose water and decompose fructo-oligosaccharides. “It can be different according to the period it is taken from the ground, post-harvest treatment, seasonality, climate, altitude, soil type and storage time,” he says.
But, in general, as Bruna points out, yacon is rich in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidant substances, such as phenolic compounds. It has low concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and iron. “In 100g of yacon, we find 0.13g of protein and 5.51g of digestible carbohydrates, in addition to 2.95g of dietary fiber”, highlights the nutritionist.
Among the main benefits of yacon potato can be highlighted:
1. Control of diabetes
Bruna comments that few studies have been carried out in humans. “However, the few results have been shown to be positive in reducing glucose and triacylglycerols. One of the hypotheses raised is that yacon may act by improving insulin sensitivity,” she says.
The fructo-oligosaccharide molecules present in yacon potatoes are not easily broken down (as in the case of most tubers and roots), thus digestion is slow, which helps to stabilize the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood and prevent consequential damage. insulin spikes.
2. Good bowel function
Bruna explains that yacon has been indicated as a prebiotic for having fructo-oligosaccharides, which can help in the modulation of the intestinal microbiota and in the proliferation of some beneficial bacteria.
Prebiotics can be briefly defined as non-digestible fiber that acts as “food” for beneficial gut bacteria. In this way, they are essential foods for the regulation of the intestinal flora.
3. Helps in the slimming process
The yacon potato doesn’t work miracles (as no food does), but it can be an ally in the weight loss process.
“Due to the fact that fructo-oligosaccharides are low digestible carbohydrates, their energy value (kcal) is lower than most other carbohydrates. Therefore, we can say that the yacon potato is a low-calorie substitute, which can favor weight loss”, says Bruna.
Yacon can also help reduce hunger. “Appetite control is also observed in the consumption of FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), which are the fibers fermented by the beneficial bacteria in the intestine”, adds the nutritionist.
4. Possible improvement in calcium absorption
Bruna explains that a study carried out with humans showed that the intake of 15g of FOS can increase calcium absorption by 10.8%. “However, more studies should be carried out, as most of them were done in rats and not necessarily with yacon”, she says.
5. Improved immunity
Bruna also points out that some studies associate the consumption of yacon with an improvement in immunity, with an increase in some of the body’s defense cells.
6. Helps control cholesterol
By contributing to the good functioning of the intestinal flora, it can be said that yacon potato can indirectly help in the control of blood cholesterol levels.
Bruna also highlights that studies carried out with fructo-oligosaccharides (not specifically with yacon potatoes) show a decrease in cholesterol, LDL and triacylglycerol. “However, no conclusion has been reached on the mechanism that leads to this reduction. Most studies are done with laboratory animals; there are few studies carried out in humans”, comments Bruna.
7. Antioxidant function
The yacon potato has significant amounts of phenolic compounds, thus having an important antioxidant function (cellular protection against the harmful effects of free radicals, which are responsible for premature aging and various diseases).
How to consume yacon potato
The consumption of yacon potato must be controlled, as Bruna points out, due to the high amount of fructo-oligosaccharides. “Because excess can lead to increased gas production (flatulence) and have a laxative effect,” he says.
“Around 200g of yacon or 40g of flour is equivalent to approximately 20g of FOS, the maximum tolerated dose per day. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed this limit”, adds the nutritionist.
“It is worth remembering that each person reacts individually to food, so if you are going to introduce yacon potatoes in your meals, start using smaller amounts so that you can observe if there will be an increase in flatulence”, explains Bruna.
Another important fact, according to the nutritionist, is that there is no study in the literature that considers the use of yacon made with leaf extracts safe, therefore, its use is not recommended.
To enjoy the benefits of yacon potato, the tip is to consume it raw and peeled. It can be added to juices, salads or consumed as a fruit (since it resembles a pear) with cinnamon, for example.
Yacon potato recipes
Below, nutritionist Bruna suggests three healthy and practical recipes with yacon:
1. Melon Juice with Yacon Potatoes
- 2 cups of melon (chopped)
- 1 medium yacon potato
- 10 mint leaves
- 1 cup of coconut water
Preparation: Blend everything in a blender. Yield of 2 servings.
2. Yacon Potato Cake
- 3 eggs
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil (slightly heated so it doesn’t become liquid) or other oil
- 3 medium yacon potatoes, peeled and chopped
- 1 cup demerara or brown sugar
- 1 cup of rice flour
- 1 cup (tea) cornstarch
- 1 cup cinnamon (powdered)
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder
Method of preparation: first beat the eggs, oil and sugar in a blender. Then add the yacon potato, beating well. Place the mixture in a bowl and gradually add the rice flour, cornstarch and cinnamon, mixing everything together. Lastly, mix in the yeast. Place the dough in a greased and floured (with rice flour) shape (28×18) and put it in the oven (preheated to 180ᵒC) for about 40 minutes.
3. Yacon Potato Soup
- 1 onion cut into slices
- 4 leeks cut into rings
- 500 g yacon potatoes, peeled and sliced
- 4 cups (tea) of water
- 150 g of chicken breast
- 1 tablespoon of thyme
- 1 tablespoon of parsley
- 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
- salt to taste
Preparation: First sauté the onion and garlic. Add the potato and water. Separately, cook the chicken. Set aside and add the broth to the mixture. Cook with the pan covered. Warm, hit the blender. Return to the pan, add the seasonings, the already shredded chicken, wait for it to boil and serve. Yield is five servings.
Now you know the yacon potato better and know that it can offer health benefits. The best way to enjoy these benefits, however, is to rely on the guidance of a nutritionist, who will indicate the correct amounts and ways of consumption for each case!
The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.