Thalassophobia is a type of phobia characterized by irrational, excessive and persistent fear of large bodies of water. Learn about its origins and how to overcome it in this entry.
For many of us, the image of a beach with calm sea is the most attractive and relaxing.. Few actions can produce as much satisfaction as a swim in the ocean on a hot summer day. However, for those suffering from thalassophobia, such circumstances are nothing short of a nightmare.
There are many people who experience anxiety and fear in the presence of the sea.. However, someone with thalassophobia develops such profound discomfort that her physical and emotional well-being is compromised. Where does this phobia come from and what can we do about it?
What is thalassophobia?
Thalassophobia is a type of specific phobia that is characterized by he irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of large bodies of water, the sea or ocean being prominent objects of fear. Those who suffer from it experience true panic in the presence of this type of stimulus or even when imagining that they could be near them. Fear can even arise when looking at related images or thinking about them.
Main symptoms
Thus, the symptoms manifest themselves through three main aspects:
From a physiological point of view, symptoms such as sweating, palpitations or shortness of breath appear. Feelings of dizziness, derealization, depersonalization and somatic pain, such as chest pain, may also arise. Even when looking at images or thinking about the sea, they may experience physical symptoms of anxiety, which reinforces their fear. On a cognitive level, they experience a disproportionate fear without rational foundations towards the sea or other large bodies of water. There are those who fear being trapped in the sea, sinking or being unable to reach shore. In addition, many people feel that a sea creature could come out from the bottom and attack them. Although they are aware that their fear is excessive and irrational, they find it difficult to control or overcome. this fear interferes with daily life by limiting your activities social and recreational. For example, they avoid watching movies that are related to the sea. They may feel anticipatory worry at the simple idea of facing situations related to the sea, which generates discomfort. Finally, At a behavioral level, the person with thalassophobia will try, by all means, to avoid any type of contact with these large surfaces of water.. If it is not possible to stay away, contact is endured at the cost of great discomfort, trying to escape the situation as soon as possible.
An irrational terror and other similar phobias
It is important to emphasize that, as in all specific phobias, the fear is irrational in nature and does not obey any logic. If we fell off a boat in the middle of the ocean, we would all experience panic; however, Those who suffer from thalassophobia feel a similar sensation just by dipping their feet in the sea..
In addition, it is relevant to mention that there are other phobias that are similar to thalassophobia. On the one hand, bathophobia, also known as fear of depths, is characterized by an intense fear of the deepest areas of the ocean, lakes or any large body of water. People who suffer from it may experience extreme anxiety at the idea of finding themselves in places where they cannot see the bottom.
On the other hand, hydrophobia refers to the fear of water in general, including swimming pools, bathtubs or running water. Unlike thalassophobia, which focuses specifically on the sea, hydrophobia encompasses any form of water and can generate an avoidance response towards situations that involve contact with it.
What is the origin of thalassophobia?
So where does this phobia come from? Well, the causes are not always known and, in most cases, they are multifactorial in origin. Even so, It is common for thalassophobia to arise for the following reasons:
Traumatic experiences lived in first person in relation to water. For example, having nearly drowned, been trapped in a large body of water with no escape, or lost a loved one in such circumstances. These events can affect any time in life, but are more common during childhood. genetic predispositions reacting with high levels of anxiety to situations in which a possible loss of control is perceived, as well as the irrational thoughts mentioned in previous lines, are both symptoms and causes of this condition. These factors may contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, such as thalassophobia. Vicarious conditioning. Witnessing another person experience unpleasant events in the water can cause the appearance of the phobia. Even if this image comes from movies or fictional series.Ignorance of the marine world can also increase fearsince there is no clear understanding of the possible dangers that may appear in a specific place.
To address thalassophobia, it will be necessary to combine techniques that work on different levels: physiological, cognitive and behavioral. In most cases, thalassophobia has a good prognosis, since specific phobias respond very well to psychological treatment.
The cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in an approach recognized in the scientific community and among therapists. Focused on replace obsessive thoughts By more rational others, it is an effective technique to treat thalassophobia. The therapy of progressive exposure to waterwhether in imagination, virtual reality or live, is the most used option, providing tools to confront fear effectively and demonstrating the groundlessness of said fear.
It is common to instruct the person in relaxation techniques that help control anxiety.. On the other hand, it is about modifying dysfunctional and catastrophic beliefs, replacing them with others more adjusted to reality.
However, some people may require other treatments, such as psychiatric approachwhich is based on the use of drugs with the aim of returning the mind to a state of balance.
Drug treatments are generally effective in eliminating symptoms; but once the medication is stopped, symptoms may reappear. For this reason, this approach is often combined with some type of psychological therapy. If you have any symptoms, it is important to consult with a health professional to receive appropriate treatment.
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