Home » Ritual Magick » What is agape love – Meaning, characteristics, examples and types, everything you need to know!

What is agape love – Meaning, characteristics, examples and types, everything you need to know!

Love is a universal feeling that, over the centuries, humanity has tried to define and explain from areas as diverse as religion, philosophy or psychology. Affection, affection, dedication, desire, commitment… are components of love that make this feeling have a thousand nuances and that give rise to different types of love, from that which arises between a couple to that which parents feel for their children. .

The types of love are not easy to classify, but one of them is considered to be the so-called agape love, for some the purest and truest. Butwhat is agape love? In this unCOMO article we delve into this concept and discover its meaning.

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What is agape love and its characteristics Examples of agape love What are the three types of love

What is agape love and its characteristics

If love could be pigeonholed into perfectly defined stereotypes (something impossible in practice), agape would be the feeling deeper and more selfless. Agape love is one that only pursues the well-being of the other, putting it before one’s own, without expecting anything in return, even if that love is not reciprocated. For their part, Greek philosophers already spoke of this type of love as the most generous and unconditional.

Neither has nothing to do with romantic love or with sexual desire. In agape love there is no jealousy, envy, distrust, betrayal or anger towards the other for their failures or actions that we do not like, because, simply, we love the person, accepting them as they are.

As an important characteristic, it should be noted that agape love It is a voluntary and conscious love, that is, one is not ‘blinded by love or passion’. You love because you love yourself, in the deepest way, because only the well-being and happiness of the other produces your own happiness. It is a compassionate, generous, loyal love capable of overcoming any adversity.

What is agape love according to the Bible

This concept is mentioned numerous times in this sacred book as the purest form of love that exists, because it is that in which God loves men (even reaching the sacrifice on the cross for their salvation). The Scriptures also indicate that it is the way in which human beings are to love one another.

The word agape was used by the first Christians to refer to a fraternal meal. In fact, a celebration where a table is shared is still called agape. But agape love goes beyond brotherhood or friendship, since it involves absolute surrenderrenouncing any self-interest.

Examples of agape love

For Christians, the clear example is God’s agape love for people. Classical philosophy has also put as a manifestation of this kind of love what can be felt for nature and the universe that surrounds us.

Specific examples of this deep feeling can be found in everyday life and in practice. Probably the one that is seen most frequently is the one experienced parents for children. Although there is everything, sometimes it is still surprising what a father or mother can do for a child, putting the child’s well-being before any other interest.

Also the deep dedication of a couple, who leaves behind individual selfishness for the happiness of the other, could be a good example. Finally, the generosity of some people, capable of helping whenever someone needs it through volunteering or various actions in NGOs They would serve to give us an idea of ​​what agape love means.

What are the three types of love

As we have said, establishing different kinds of love is complex because this feeling that each person feels is unique and, furthermore, anyone in their life experiences it in a variable way. That is to say, the various types of loves intermingle, it’s just that at some times one form may prevail more than another. It is logical, a child is not loved the same as a brother or a partner.

Even so, philosophers, thinkers and psychologists point out, along with Greek agape love, other easily identifiable types of love:

Eros love

Among the types of love, it is the one that has the greatest relationship with the desire, sexual attraction and passion. In fact the name refers to Eros, the Greek god of sensual love and eroticism. It is an intense love but generally fleeting and not exempt from a certain selfishness because one loves the other, in part, to satisfy one’s own desire.

If you don’t know how to identify the differences between agape love and eros, take a look at our article How to know if it is love or desire.

He love philia

Within the types of loves, philia or filia is the one that usually predominates between friends and family. It is characterized by the affection forged over time together, respect, loyalty, admiration for others and sharing moments of life and also, perhaps, common interests. It is not exactly the same as agape love, because it is not unconditional and totally selfless love, since philia love does expect reciprocity.

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