What does it mean to dream with vampires? The question implies a generic answer that hardly leads us to the truth. After all, dreams are personal, their own, they adjust to the imagination and fantasies of the subject, although they also have a fundamental atavistic charge, so they are not completely free of audacious interpretations.
If we talk about archetypes, vampires lead a race of infinitely recyclable symbols. The last hundred years have accelerated the process thanks to an indiscriminate succession of films, novels and stories that, in the best of cases, defined a concept that was never completely clear.
We can react to the word vampire in many ways, almost all of them far from the mythical paradigm that surrounds it and gives it its evocative force. In a way, vampires have stopped being walking corpses and become something more.
Cinema essentially modified the archetype of the vampire, endowing it with some positive, desirable, seductive traits. On the contrary, the ancestral archetype of the vampire lives and manifests itself underground; no longer in the realm of legend, but under the surface of those same attractive aspects that cinema and literature present to us.
Carl Jung reasoned that the archetype of the vampire represents the darkest collective drives, that Shadow of ourselves, a paradoxical chimera of isolation but also of an anguishing need for the other (see: Which of the 12 Jungian Archetypes corresponds to your personality?)
The vampire of legends always lives alone, isolated in the icon of eternal solitude: the tomb. However, the vampire needs others to feed. All his paraphernalia about immortality, eternal love, wisdom gained through countless eons, falls apart in the face of an inescapable need: blood.
This paradigmatic (and paradoxical) loneliness of the vampire is very interesting. It is normally combated with the inclusion, narrative or mythological, of three vampiresses as a kind of infernal consort (see: The three brides of Dracula: the true identity of the most famous vampiresses), which represent the past, the present and the future; just like the Fates, those weavers of the inevitable, the Grayas and the Gorgons of Greek myths.
Lacking a soul, and therefore humanity; the vampire sleeps in a coffin which is also a symbol of that spiritual absence (see: The soul of vampires). As a son of death, he is recomposed in the matrix of decomposition: the earth.
Now, let’s superficially analyze the meaning of dreaming about vampires. But first let’s clarify something: these descriptions are intended to cover the vampire as an archetype, not as a personal reflection of the unconscious.
There are as many dreamed vampires as there are dreamers. The possibilities are many; so many that it would be absurd to try to record them here. That said, let’s move on to take a look at the most common dreams with vampires.
According to the orthodox psychological interpretation, dreaming about being a vampire is the realization of a homoerotic fantasy. The archetypal vampire is a sexless entity, or rather, a creature that possesses the qualities of both sexes in the mouth. With it it receives blood while penetrating the skin of its victim with its fangs or, as in ancient legends, through a sharp appendage under the tongue.
The meaning of dreaming about vampires also expresses the need to release instinctive sexuality; that which lives in man as an arcane residue of a remote past, where courtship was reduced to the momentary possession of the desired object.
The vampire takes this absence of preambles to scandalous limits. He not only possesses his victims, but he feeds on them, marking them eternally. In this sense, dreamed vampires have the double function of releasing animal sexuality as well as exacerbating typically masculine possession instincts.
Another common dream about vampires could be finding yourself in a strange world, surrounded by ferocious creatures of the night, with the disadvantage that we are the prey.
The meaning of this dream with vampires indicates certain isolation, social rejection and insecurity. These are the most orthodox interpretations for seeing yourself surrounded by vampires in a dream.
This type of dreams reverses the typical image of vampirism. The individual is isolated, yes, but in a way contrary to what might be expected. It is not the vampire who flees from the torches, the hounds and the angry mob, but the man—the humanity represented—who is forced to give up his reason, and perhaps his soul, in exchange for an undesirable survival from beyond the grave.
Becoming a vampire in dreams is a way of expressing a desire to belong; that to be satisfied requires the sacrifice of every trait of humanity in the subject.
The vampire can dispense with all the refinements of being: intellect, love, science and art; All of them are sublimated in the need to acquire blood, thus regressing to the primary needs of childhood.
Now, what happens when we dream that we are the vampire?
In general, we can speak of the materialization of a primary instinct of possession, which can also be reflected attenuatedly as a mirror of seduction and sensuality. Additionally, if we dream that we are a vampire and that we drink blood then we are trying to purge a terrible fear of death.
If in a dream in which we are a vampire we drink as if we had slept in a coffin for centuries, then we are facing a manifestation of repressed anger; In general, towards a specific person who is not necessarily the one who appears in the dream.
The vampire archetype is remarkably complex. The fundamental duality that composes it offers serious difficulties for the contemporary oracle. On the one hand, the vampire represents a kind of encapsulated animality, a pleasant and seductive image that hides a terrible ferocity and aggression.
Alternatively, dreaming about vampires may express some difficulties in making decisions, particularly those related to new partners.
If we only dream that we see a vampire, but do not interact with it, this is an active manifestation of emotional exhaustion, that is, the representation of a distressing situation that materializes in a distant but lurking vampire.
Dreaming about being attacked by a vampire is possibly the delight of every Freudian analyst, since it hardly requires close analysis.
In these cases, it is advisable for the dreamer to relax, gently surrender his neck, and undergo the operation without offering resistance. Otherwise, the next dream will not have a vampire as its protagonist, but perhaps a surly port docker.
Dream Dictionary. I Vampires.
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