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“The Book of Thoth”: book and analysis

«The book of Thoth»: book and analysis.

The Book of Thoth is an ancient forbidden book of magic, incantations, spells and philosophy from Egypt, written during the Ptolemaic period (325 BC – 25 BC).

It is not surprising that The Book of Thoth, in essence, a book of spells, emerged during the Hellenic domination of Egypt, which marked the end of the old forms of worship and the sublimation of other attitudes towards the gods and the State. Legend claims that the book was written by Thoth himself, one of the most important and ancient deities of the Egyptian pantheon, lord of writing and knowledge.

The Book of Thoth, perhaps written to safeguard some fundamental Egyptian beliefs, contains two imposing spells. The first allows the initiate to understand the language of all animals; The second, more ominous, allows the reader to learn to perceive the presence of the gods.

Legend has it that The Book of Thoth It was hidden in the depths of the Nile River, near Coptos, where it was sealed by several chests and guarded by snakes. Prince Neferkaptah, of pure Egyptian stock, fought against the snakes and recovered it. Thoth, offended by this audacity, murdered the prince’s wife and son. Neferkaptah committed suicide and was buried next to the book.

Several generations later, a young man named Setne Khamwas desecrated Neferkaptah’s tomb and stole the book, despite stern warnings from the prince’s ghost. Setne, more ambitious than thirsty for knowledge, was seduced by a beautiful woman who forced him to kill his children and humiliate himself in front of the pharaoh. Sinking into the deepest pain, the young man realized that everything was an illusion created by Neferkaptah. Without further delay, he returns The Book of Thoth to the tireless custody of the spectrum.

It is curious that the legend ends there, without explaining how The Book of Thoth He returned to the world of the living.

Below we quote another interesting legend about The Book of Thothbeautifully adorned by the magical realism of Jacques Bergier in his work The Damned Books (Les Livres Maudits), where a disturbing hypothesis is raised related to the terrible past of the book and a civilization that precedes the ancient Egyptians by several thousand years.


To study the problem of The Book of Thoth We must place ourselves in this hypothesis of a very ancient pre-Egyptian civilization. Thoth is a mythological character, more divine than human, who, according to all the Egyptian documents we have, predated Egypt. At the time of the birth of Egyptian civilization, it must be assumed that the priests and pharaohs possessed The Book of Thothwhich was probably a scroll or series of papyrus sheets that contained all the secrets of the various worlds and gave considerable power to their possessors.

2500 years before Christ, the Egyptians already knew writing and composed books. In the Egyptian literature of that time we already find treatises on science and medicine, religious texts and even works of science fiction! For example, the story of the adventures of Pharaoh Snofru, father of Cheops, is a true novel of anticipation, with extraordinary inventions, monsters and machines. It could have been published in our days and no one would suspect an origin of 25 centuries BC. from JC!

The Book of Thoth It must have been, therefore, a very ancient papyrus (if it was a papyrus), copied secretly on successive occasions, and whose age would date back to 10,000 or perhaps 20,000 years. But a material object is in no way a symbol. A material object that could be destroyed, mainly, by fire. Let’s see what became of him. But let us look first of all at Toth himself. This is represented as a human being with the head of an ibis. He has in his hand a reed quill and a palette with the ink that was used to write on parchment. The other two symbols of him are the moon and the monkey.

According to the oldest tradition, he invented writing and acted as secretary at all the meetings of the gods. He is associated with the city of Hermopolis, about which we know very little, and with some underground kingdoms of which we know even less. (Agartha?) He transmitted writing to Humanity and wrote a fundamental book, the most famous and oldest of all the books, which contained the secret of unlimited power.

The first allusion to this book appears in the Turis papyrus, deciphered and published in Paris, in 1868. This papyrus relates a magical conspiracy against the pharaoh, a conspiracy aimed at annihilating him, along with his main advisors, by means of spells practiced with figurines. of wax built in his image and likeness. The repression was terrible. Forty officials and six distinguished ladies of the Court were sentenced to death and executed. Others committed suicide. Then the condemned book of Thoth was burned for the first time. This book reappears later in Egyptian history, in the hands of Kanuas, son of Ramses II.

Apparently, he had the original, written in Toth’s handwriting, and not by a scribe. According to the documents, this book taught how to look at the sun face to face. It conferred power over the land, the ocean and the celestial bodies. It gave the power to interpret the secret means used by animals to communicate with each other. It allowed the dead to be resurrected and to work at a distance.

Naturally, a book like this constitutes an unbearable danger. Kanuas burns the original book, or intends to do so. Since the same text says that the book, born of fire, is incombustible, the story is contradictory. But if this disappearance really occurred, it was only provisional. The book reappears in the inscriptions on the Metternich stele, so named because it was given to Metternich by Mohamed Ali Pasha. The stele was discovered in 1828, and dates back to 360 BC. by JC A Scale of Egyptian History is, therefore, a modern document. More than three hundred gods are represented on this stele and, among them, the gods of the planets that revolve around other stars. Most of the modern decipherers of this stele say that it would be of great interest to science-fiction authors. Thoth himself announces in this stele that he had his book burned and that he expelled the demon Set and the seven lords of evil.

This time, the issue seems resolved. In the year 360 BC. of JC, the book of Toth is solemnly destroyed. However, the story has only just begun. From the year 300 BC. From JC, (barely 60 years later) we see Thoth appear again, identified this time with Hermes Trismegistus, founder of alchemy. And every self-respecting magician, particularly in Alexandria, boasts of possessing the book of Thoth; but this book never appears: every time a magician boasts of possessing it, an accident puts an end to his career.

Between the beginning of the 1st century BC. of JC and the end of the 2nd AD. of JC, numerous books appear that constitute, as a whole, the corpus hermeticum. Starting in the 5th century, these texts are collected, and we find in them references to the book of Toth, but never a precise indication that allows us to find it. The most famous texts in this series are those titled Asclepius, Koré Kosmou and Poimandres. The Asclepius in particular gives us strange images of the power of vanished civilizations. And even considered works of science fiction, these texts vividly excite the imagination.

Saint Augustine and numerous theologians and philosophers were very interested in them. Without a doubt these texts are the ones that propagated the Book of Toth. This appears so often, from the 5th century of the Christian era to the present day, that we can wonder how it was reproduced before the invention of printing and photography. The Inquisition burned it at least thirty times, and it would take an entire book to enumerate the strange accidents suffered by those who boasted of possessing the book of Toth. In the 18th century, every self-respecting charlatan boasted of possessing it and although none of them could show it, many died at the stake of the inquisition for this reason, until the year 1825.

The Book of Thoth So it is the book that exists but does not exist, but what does seem to exist is an international association of what has been called Men in Black. If such an organization exists, it must necessarily possess the book or what remains of it. And, if the Egyptians applied the same conservation techniques to papyrus as they did to mummies, it is not in any way absurd to think that a papyrus could be preserved until the 19th century, from which time it could be photographed. Unless the organization in question knew about photography long before, a hypothesis that should not be ruled out judging by certain clues that history gives us.

All this makes us feel eager to know more. But it is understandable that some think that humanity is not ready to receive this knowledge, and that an organization does everything possible to prevent the publication of the book of Toth. Until today, it seems that they have succeeded, and, in light of the applications that some men give to knowledge, they may even be right. The truth is that if a translation of the Book of Toth existed, with proof of authenticity and photographs of the original text, all publishers would hesitate before publishing it. You are not?

The book of Thoth.

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