5 myths about fairies. Aibheaeg: the fairy who cures toothache. Some stories that Little Red Riding Hood should read. Through The Faerie Glass: A Look at the Realm of Unseen and Enchanted Beings, Kenny Klein) Banshee: From Fairy to Washerwoman. Beverly Marsh: the myth of Snow White in “IT”. Bridget Cleary: the woman who became queen of the fairies. Little Red Riding Hood vs. Oedipus: The Ingenious Psychology of Fairy Tales. Carrie: the modern Cinderella. Changeling: Fairy children raised by human women. How to get 3 wishes from a fairy. How to See Faeries When the fairies left our plane of existence. When a fairy falls in love with a mortal man. Fairy Tales: Allegories of the Inner Life, JC Cooper Fairy Tales and Fantasies by Victorian Women Writers Hoffmann’s Fairy Tales, ETA Hoffmann ) Fairy tales from the Victorian era. Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (Kinder und Hausmärchen) Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry, WB Yeats) The Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore, WB Yeats) The fairy tale and the plan to “civilize” women. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, Bruno Bettelheim The Pied Piper of Hamelin: the story behind the legend (In Search of the Pied Piper, Radu Florescu) The Fairy (The Fairy, William Blake) The Hero who discovered the truth between the Princess and the Dragon. The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland (WB Yeats) The language of the fairies: how to speak the subtle language of the fairies. The Blue Fairy Book (Andrew Lang) The Red Fairy Book (Andrew Lang) The Green Fairy Book (Andrew Lang) The real world of fairies (The Real World of Fairies: A First-Person Account, Dora van Gelder) The fairy oracle: how to ask the fairies? (The Faeries’ Oracle, Brian Froud) The origin of the fairy godmothers. Faeryland: The Secret World of the Hidden Ones The Healing Power of Faery, Edain McCoy Moss Town: the spirits of the forest. Encyclopedia of Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Gnomes: An Encyclopedia Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods and Goddesses, Judika Illes) Fairy Tale Encyclopedia (Enzyklopädie des Märchens) Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People (The Faery Teachings) Groac ‘h: the witch from Hansel and Gretel. Complete Guide to Faeries and Magical Beings (A Complete Guide to Faeries and Magical Beings, Cassandra Eason) Habondia: queen of the fairies and friend of Joan of Arc. Fairy Morgana (Fata Morgana, Christina Rossetti) Fairies, witches, werewolves and astral doubles in the Middle Ages (Witches, Werewolves, and Astral Doubles in the Middle Ages, Claude Lecouteux) Good Faeries: Bad Faeries, Brian Froud) Fairies: How to Connect, Work, and Heal with Fairies and Other Elementals (Fairies 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Fairies and Other Elementals, Doreen Virtue) Fairies: Photographic Evidence of the Otherworld (The Fairies : Photographic Evidence of the Existence of Another World) Fairy without knowing it (La fée sans le savoir, Catulle Mendes) History of Irish fairies (A History of Irish Fairies, Caloryn White) Interpretation of fairy tales (Psychologische Märcheninterpretation, Marie- Louise von Franz) «IT»: the great modern fairy tale. The witch must die: psychology of fairy tales (The Witch Must Die, Sheldon Cashdan) The girl who thought she lived in a Disney movie. The girl who talked to fairies: analysis of “The White People” by Arthur Machen. The secret community: the agenda of magical beings. The Fairy Cup (Rubén Darío) The belief in fairies among the Celts (The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries) The philosophy of Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy, William Irwin) The lost history of the Little People (The Lost History of the Little People) The fairies (The Fairies, William Allingham) The fairies (Ricardo Jaimes Freyre) The fairies (Jorge Isaacs) The fairies of France (Les fées de France, Alphonse Daudet) The shadow and the evil in the fairy tale (Der Schatten und das Böse im Märchen, Marie-Louise Von Franz) The truth about fairy tales. Leanan Sidhe: the muse that feeds on poets. The feminine in the fairy tale (Femenine in Fairy Tales, Marie-Louise Von Franz) What Disney never told you about Snow White and Cinderella. Fairy Tales and a Theory of Imagination. The main lineages and strains among the FAIRIES. The unspeakable secrets of Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked) Mæra: the witch of all fairy tales. Fairy Magic and Spells: Charms and Love Potions (Faery Magick: Spells, Potions and Love, Sirona Knight) Grimm Mythology (The Mythology of Grimm, Nathan Robert Brown) Morrigan: The mother of fairies. Mermaid names: etymology and curiosities. Perisas: the fairies of death. Fairy Poems. Why fairy tales are not for boys. Psychology of myth and fairy tale (Psychiatric Study of Myths and Fairy Tales, Julius E. Heuscher) Races and species of fairies. Fairy Realm: How to Communicate with Nature Spirits and Elementals (Faerie Realm: Communicate with Nature Spirits and Elementals, Ted Andrews) Fairy Tale Rituals: Darkness and Eroticism of Fairy Tales the Dark, Eerie and Erotic Power of Familiar Stories, Kenny Klein) Hidden meaning of fairy tales. About kisses, princes and toads: why girls love batrachians. Fairyland (EA Poe) Wine of the Fairies (Percy Shelley)
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