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Dreaming about flying is quite common. The curious thing is that it has different meanings: from the desire to fulfill aspirations to having various insecurities.
The world of dreams knows few limits. For a long time, human beings have tried to decipher the possible meaning of the images we see when sleeping. It is usually believed that each dream has a particular symbolism that can be analyzed. In this case, we will explore what it means to dream about flying.
It should be noted that the interpretation of dreams is not an exact science. There are different theories that attribute different meanings to dream images.. However, the debate about whether dreams have meaning or not is still open.
What does it mean to dream about flying according to science?
Sleeping is an essential process that has healthy effects on the body. When we rest, a series of mechanisms are launched that repair organs, tissues and promote psychological functions. That’s where the importance of getting enough sleep comes from.
However, what usually attracts the most attention about sleeping are the images we see while we are in said state. In this sense, dreams in which we can fly are one of the most frequent. So, what does science tell us about the meaning of dreaming about flying?
To date, there is no conclusive evidence to show that dreams have any meaning that can be interpreted. Although, research by Schredl (2007) launches some hypotheses about what it may mean to dream about flying. In his study, the author evaluated the relationship of this dream with personality traits. The results showed an association with openness to experience, tendency to remember dreams, play an instrument and blurred boundaries between reality and fantasy.
Based on this, It is possible to suggest that dreaming about flying is common in artists. But, again, they are just hypotheses that do not have evidence; largely because of how complicated it is to study the phenomenon.
Other meanings associated with dreaming about flying
As we mentioned at the beginning, there are many other theories that explain dreams in different ways. Most maintain that dreams have symbolic aspects that can be analyzed to find their meaning. Next, we will see some interpretations that these types of dreams have.
Dreaming that you fly under your own power
Dreaming that you take off from the ground under your own power and float is a common dream. It is common for us to hear people talk about the freedom that birds have because they take flight and go where they want. This way, One of the possible explanations for what it means to dream about flying is the desire to be free.
Maybe you are going through a time in your life where you feel pressured. The consequence is that you would love to take flight and go somewhere far away where you could forget about it. It could also signal a desire to be independent.
Dream about flying and falling
Dreams in which we fly, only to fall, tend to be described as an unpleasant experience. As for the meaning, They relate to insecurities that you may be experiencing for some reason. Maybe you are experiencing a situation that seems very important to you and you are afraid of failing or making mistakes.
Dreaming about flying in an airplane
In order to travel to a distant destination, people take flights every day. For that reason, This is a dream that can be associated with the desire to live new experiences or have a change. In our thinking, that plane takes us to that distant and different place where we have an opportunity to start again.
Dreaming about flying near the ground
If you want to know what it means to dream about flying near the ground, this It is associated with the dream of flying with your own momentum. In this case, the possible difference there is is that you could be perceiving freedom as a danger to yourself. You want to be independent and take flight, but you fear that something might happen that will make you fall and hurt yourself.
In other words, you don’t dare to completely detach yourself from what you know, but rather you stay in a comfort zone. Analyze how your fears could be preventing you from achieving your goals and developing your full potential.
Dreaming that you fly higher and higher
Sometimes people report having a dream in which they somehow fly or float, ascending all the time. This is often a dream that those who work with unrealistic ideas of greatness have. The height to which they rise could represent their desire to place themselves above others.
From another perspective, It could be linked to the ambitions of the dreamer. Maybe you are someone who wants to achieve a lot in your life and this dream represents it in a particular way. Everything will depend on how much it fits your reality.
Finally, in any of the cases where you try to know what it means to dream about flying, take into consideration your current situation. The circumstances you live in can have a significant impact on what you dream of.
Likewise, it is recommended that you pay attention to the emotions that your dreams provoke in you; These will be the ones that can ultimately reveal to you the meaning of a certain dream experience.
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Schredl, M. (2007). Personality correlates of flying dreams. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 27(2), 129-137.