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8 ways to increase oxytocin in your body

Oxytocin is one of the most powerful hormones our body generates; since its effects are essential to achieve and maintain our mental health. That is why, below, we present eight ways to increase it naturally.

Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, is much more than a simple biological component. In addition to promoting social interactions, breastfeeding, care and childbirth, this hormone with neurotransmitter functions serves many more purposes. Reduces blood pressure and cortisol levels, increases pain threshold, reduces anxiety…

Oxytocin is one of those most powerful brain chemicals when it comes to modulating our behavior. In this way, as teachers like Miranda Olff of the University of Amsterdam, in the medical journal Psychoneuroendocrinology this component It promotes mental health and generates a very positive response in the treatment of various psychological disorders.

Now, it should be said that its external administration beyond the clinical setting is not recommended. All of us can increase oxytocin production naturally. Therefore, rather than focusing on our current levels, what we should do is ask ourselves what we can do to enhance its presence in our body and thus benefit from its effects.

In some situations, such as sexual intercourse or childbirth, oxytocin is released naturally.

Believe it or not, There are many other ways to increase the levels of this hormone to reduce stress and feel better.. Let’s see how to achieve it.

Increase oxytocin production, what science tells us

It was from the 70s onwards that neuroscientists began to show great interest in oxytocin. and its relationship with maternal behavior and social bonding in various species, including, of course, human beings. Something that could be discovered is that even beyond the mother-child relationship, this component had the power to improve social behavior.

What’s more, when a human being or another animal generates a behavior that the brain understands as beneficial, it rewards us with oxytocin and endorphins. That is to say, the mechanism of action is double, oxytocin determines us but we ourselves can also make it appear with our actions and behaviors.

The enthusiasm generated by this hormone was such that many scientists began to consider a possibility. Perhaps administering or increasing the production of oxytocin in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could improve their sociability., their openness and emotional connection. Well, recent studies, such as the one carried out by the University of Seoul, reveal that to this day there is still no conclusive relationship.

In this way, science reminds us of something very simple. All of us can naturally increase the production of oxytocin in our body. All positive, rewarding and enriching behavior will be rewarded with this molecule.

1. Physical contact

Oxytocin triggers an exceptional reward system every time we make physical contact with someone significant. It is well known that sexual relations, for example, increase oxytocin levels. However, also the hugs of friends or family, the caresses of our children and even that cuddle with our pets, it is very rewarding for our brain.

2. Words of encouragement

When someone compliments us, encourages us or comforts us we feel good, we find calm and well-being. These words of encouragement make us feel loved and valued. In turn, the act of being the ones to support others and give them encouragement and support also affects ourselves: we also produce oxytocin.

Words are a powerful weapon to feel good and make others feel good. They can convey kindness, compassion and love. They connect us and erect a fundamental pillar in our social relationships.

3. Listen to others

Listening is an amazing way to increase oxytocin. Everyone wants to feel recognized. We all like to know that we are understood, accepted, validated… It is another essential component in our daily relationships.

Therefore, it never hurts to remember the great power of active listening and that gaze that attends, welcomes and looks without judging. Don’t multitask when someone requires your attention. Offer yourself to the person who is speaking to you with complete openness; The effort is always worth it.

4. Meditation

Meditation relaxes body and mind, allowing us to become calm and balanced, thus reducing stress. This practice, which has its roots in ancient times, is increasingly taking root in our society. What’s more, psychological practice already recognizes its benefits, with mindfulness being a more than valued and accepted approach.

In Western culture the word meditation comes from the Latin meditatĭo, which originally indicated a type of intellectual exercise. In this sense, meditation is a valuable instrument to extinguish fears and release oxytocin.

“Meditation and prayer feed the soul.”

-Og Mandino-

5. Exercise

Exercise not only serves to keep the body healthy. With exercise and physical activity, endorphins and oxytocin increase. In addition, the blood becomes oxygenated and reaches the brain and other parts of the body with greater momentum and ease. The amount of hormones that are released in this process is very positive.

To exercise and obtain all these benefits, you don’t have to go to the gym or go running or cycling if you don’t want to or can’t. Going for a walk or doing moderate exercise at home is enough. In this way, we also achieve an adequate release of oxytocin.

6. Cry

“Crying is a healthy act and necessary for the health of our body,” says Dr. Stephen Sideroff, a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. Crying acts as a releaser of our emotions, reduces stress and cortisol and increases oxytocin levels.

Thus, the accumulation of energy produced by the imprisonment of our feelings causes stress to settle in our lives and physical problems begin to appear.

Crying is precisely an act of expression and proper management of this energy. Think about how you’ve felt after those times when you couldn’t seem to stop crying. After those moments of relief, relief and calm always come…

“Tears disinfect pain.”

-Ramón Gómez de la Serna-

7. Be generous by giving something to others

We feel good when we give and when we give. Being generous and charitable, as well as offering our time to others in a selfless way, makes gratitude and connection with others flourish, releasing large doses of oxytocin.

Another generous gesture that releases oxytocin is giving a gift to someone from the heart. A detail for which it is not necessary to have the excuse of a great achievement or the celebration of an anniversary. What really triggers the release of oxytocin is thinking about the other person with affection and wanting to please them.

8. Food

It is pertinent to mention that Food by itself does not provide us with oxytocin; since it is a nonapeptide that can only be produced by living beings in our body. However, the fact that foods do not contain this hormone does not mean that they cannot help us increase it.

In fact, it is believed that certain ingredients could stimulate and increase oxytocin production. Among which herbs such as rosemary, parsley, thyme, mint and dill stand out.

For its part, Another ingredient that helps increase oxytocin production is chocolate.; which is famous for its aphrodisiac power.

To conclude, as we have seen, increasing the doses of oxytocin naturally is not that complicated. It’s just about promoting our well-being and connecting with others in a genuine, affectionate and respectful way.. Let’s put it into practice.

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