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What are the SIDE EFFECTS of the DAY AFTER PILL?

In recent decades, a large number of new medications for various branches of medicine have reached the pharmaceutical market. One of those that has experienced the most novelties has been the part of gynecology and sexual health, specifically the entire part that refers to the contraceptive methodsboth in those that, in addition to avoiding pregnancy, also significantly reduce the risks of suffering from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and those mechanisms that only prevent conception in sexual relations.

One of these methods that has arrived relatively recently is the morning after pill. Used in most cases as a emergency system When the rest of the contraceptive methods have failed, it raises a large number of doubts and questions, apart from the fact that myths have been created around it. If you still don’t know her and want to know more about her in case you need her at some point in your life, at unCOMO we explain what the side effects of the morning after pill.

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What is the morning after pill Symptoms caused by the morning after pill How to relieve the symptoms of the morning after pill

What is the morning after pill

As we have previously pointed out, the morning after pill is a emergency contraceptive method, not in regular use. It is used when had unprotected sexual relations and there is a possibility of getting pregnant, or when the method or methods that we usually use have not been effective and we have to resort to it. Its use as a usual contraceptive measure is not recommended because does not prevent pregnancy over time, but at a specific moment. It is also important to remember that in no case does it protect against contracting any sexually transmitted disease.

There are two types of morning after pills:

The most used and that does not require a prescription is the one that is composed of levonorgestrel. On the other hand, that of ulipristal acetate does have to be prescribed by a professional.

This pill should not be confused with the so-called abortive pill, since it interrupts a pregnancy, there is already a fertilized egg. The morning after pill simply prevents or delays ovulation in women so that conception does not occur (this is how the morning after pill works). For this medication to take effect, it is recommended to take it within 72 hours after having sexual intercourse in the case of levonorgestrel, and within 120 hours in the case of ulipristal acetate. In the following oneHOWTO article we explain how often you can take the morning after pill.

Symptoms caused by the morning after pill

When taking the morning after pill it is common to notice various symptoms or side effects which can last for a few days. If they persist over time, we advise you to go to a specialist, although it is not necessary to go to him to get the one that contains levonorgestrel. These are the effects that it can cause you:

Dizziness: in the following hours and even during the next 72 hours you may notice feelings of slight dizziness that are totally normal.Nausea and vomiting: It is quite common to experience nausea and even vomiting. If vomiting occurs within two hours after taking the pill, ask your doctor if you should take it again before 72 or 120 hours after having sex.Migraines or headaches: It is normal to suffer from headaches of different intensity after taking the pill. Fatigue and tiredness: it is likely that for two or three days after taking the pill you will feel tired.Abdominal discomfort: You may feel pain of low and moderate intensity in the lower abdominal area in the hours and days that follow.Variations in menstruation: Since the main effect of the pill is the delay of ovulation, you will most likely experience changes in your menstrual cycle.

How to relieve symptoms of the morning after pill

If you have had to resort to the morning after pill as an emergency contraceptive method, we give you some tips so that you can relieve its side effects:

In case of abdominal pains We recommend that you use an electric blanket or a hot water bottle to provide heat to the area to feel relief.For nausea and vomitingif they are intense, we recommend that you consult with a specialist to prescribe some antihemetic medication to reduce them.To combat the fatigue and tiredness We advise you to try to rest as much as possible for 72 hours after taking the pill.

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