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Víctor Küppers and the “lightbulb effect”: the importance of attitude

Many people focus on acquiring knowledge and developing skills to increase their value as a person. But for people we are not a set of knowledge and skills. Our value is not determined by a position or a resume. Our value to others is actually determined by what they see in us, what we give off, the sensations we transmit. It is our attitude that makes the difference. This is what Víctor Küppers calls the “lightbulb effect.”

With the metaphor of the “lightbulb effect”, Víctor Küppers elaborates his hypothesis about what is the key to success, why we project one image and not another. Thus, Küppers defends the power of positive psychology to introduce changes in our lives.

The “lightbulb effect”

Víctor Küppers explains that People are like light bulbs, because we all transmit sensations and capture the sensations that others transmit.. However, although we all transmit, we do not all transmit the same thing.

Just as not all light bulbs shine with the same power or the same type of light, Not all people transmit the same type of sensations. Thus, while some project a powerful beam, others do not illuminate with enough intensity to see or are directly burned out.

Where would be the difference in the value we project to others? The difference is in the attitude. Küppers’ formula to demonstrate this is very simple “V = (C + H) x A”, where “V” is the value, “C” is the knowledge, “H” is the skills and A is the attitude.

The importance of attitude

Víctor Küppers does not despise the contribution that knowledge and skills make to the value of people. For him, these factors add up. But the key so that knowledge and skills are reflected in the projected value It is the multiplying action of the attitude.

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The difference between the great and the mediocre is in the attitudesays Victor Küppers. We are not great because of our studies, our skills or our professional achievements. What makes us great is our way of being. That’s what counts. What makes the difference.

But what happens when life gets complicated? What happens when plans go awry, when things don’t go as expected? How do we face unexpected changes that ruin everything? When things go wrong, we have two options: resign or fight.

“It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you do with what happens to you.”

-Aldous Huxley-

React: you have the option to live with enthusiasm, despite everything

When things go wrong, many cling to discouragement, resignation and apathy. They lose hope, joy and enthusiasm. They resign themselves. But there is another option. Positive psychology offers a way out as it studies what we can do to lift our spirits when we chain one disappointment after another.

The normal thing is to live with enthusiasm and joy. The absence of these two ingredients is the first reason that should make us react. And if the normal thing is to live happily, it is because we deserve to be happy. The good news is that attitude can be worked on, since it does not depend on another. That’s why we can change it. We are responsible for our own attitude, and no one else. In fact, it is one of those few things that ultimately only depends on us.

“There is nothing like going through life cheerful, keeping your spirits up in shitty times.”

-Victor Küppers-

When what’s important is what’s most important

Everyone has the right to live their own dramas. But it is one thing to experience a drama and quite another to have problems. In this sense, Víctor Küppers differentiates between dramas and circumstances to be resolved.

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Küppers’ approach is clear: there are very few losses that can ultimately justify the loss of our joy. At this point, he highlights the importance of being grateful. When the inertia of the negative gains power, that is when we most need this exercise of reflection, so that our field of vision is not reduced to what has not turned out as we expected, as we wanted.

It is worth watching this video recorded for Thinking Heads, in which Víctor Küppers presents his metaphor of the “lightbulb effect” and explains the importance of attitude in his model of success.

“The most important thing in life is that the most important thing is the most important thing.”

-Stephen Covey-

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