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Travel and learn, an inner journey

Vacations are that time that helps us disconnect from our routines, to rest, travel.discover new places, and enjoy our free time alone, as a couple, with family or in good company.

And contrary to what they want to sell us, The best vacations are not on long trips, big theme parks or the most expensive destinations. The best vacations are those in which we enjoy every moment and in which we are aware of what is around us.

For this, The ideal destination for our vacation is chosen by each person, depending on your preferences and possibilities such as your financial availability, time, etc.

This destination can be close to home, in nearby towns or cities, visiting museums, routes or corners that we don’t know… It can be several days with nights included or trips on the same day, it can be with accommodation in well-equipped hotels or in a campsite, in full contact with nature…

The important thing is that it is a place where we want to go to get to know it and enjoy it.

Travel for what?

Either way, The important thing is that our vacations fulfill the objective of disconnecting, enjoying, resting and learning from each experience, place and person we encounter.

It is preferable to travel to a single place, enjoy it to the fullest, get to know it in all its corners, in all its moments and in its people.more than traveling to many places with little time in each of them.

Traveling is a perfect time to distance ourselves from our routine, our rhythm and way of life.thus, It is important to be aware and take advantage of this geographical journey as an internal journey.a journey to find oneself.

Frequently, Observing and being aware of everything that comes across on our vacation is the best way to learn that in our life, there are things that can change or improve.

Leaving our inner limits means realizing that there are other ways of living, Take good note, and upon returning from our vacation, return with new ideas and purposes to improve our daily life.

Vacation Tips:

Travel calmly, slowly, Change your pace of moving in relation to what you are usually used to.

-Dedicate time to feel, smell, hear, touch the place where you are, you will feel that the place and its people transmit many things to you. Explore.

-Make a mental photographyrecord that moment in your memory with all its sensory components.

Sit and breathe, watch how they live or lived the people of that place.

Imagine the pace of life there, what life will be like in that place. Experience the pleasant or unpleasant sensation that your imagination transmits to you.

Take time to talk to the people you meetbe curious and ask them how they solve, how they do… You will surely discover other points of view and alternatives.

Get lost in corners of that place, where the tourist routes do not reachwhere you observe its details alone.

Be curious about the history, fauna, flora of the place, Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of that place.

Write, record, photograph sensations, moments, details of the place. Capturing your sensations allows you to know them even more and, consequently, yourself.

Don’t be in a hurry, enjoy every walk, every moment, every stopof everything that this place chosen for your vacation offers you.

And when you return from your vacation, reflect on what you have learned, and try to take it with you every day back to your routine.

You may be surprised because something inside you will have changed, you have learned or improved some aspect of your life. It is certain that The attitude with which you will approach your life will be different from the one you had before going on vacation.

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