The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults is the most widely used instrument in the assessment of cognitive abilities. Know what it is about and what benefits it provides.
Interest in measuring intelligence goes back decades, but it has never been simple. At the beginning, this concept was mixed with others such as morality, the soul or thought; There were no reliable or objective measures in this regard. Fortunately, there are now effective, practical and useful instruments to address this task; Among them, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) stands out.
This tool presents different versions updated over time based on the latest advances in psychology and clinical research. Thanks to this, increasing validity and reliability, more current concepts and an improvement in application procedures are possible. From the beginning, this scale dominates the field of cognitive assessment.
Do you want to know what it consists of and what information it provides? Then, continue reading.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: Origin and Evolution
An article from the Galician-Portuguese Journal of Psychology and Education points out that the first attempts to measure intelligence in a reliable and scientific way came from Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon.
They developed the initial scales to estimate the intelligence and educational needs of the children. Later, Adding psychometrics and statistics to the equation, the first version of the WAIS emerges.
This appears in 1955 by David Wechsler, American psychologist who contributed to seeing intelligence as a set of factors that can be measured independently. Thus, he implies that by absolutely evaluating the cognitive profile, it is possible to detect its strengths and weaknesses and not be left with only a unitary result.
According to a publication in the Graduate Journal of Counseling Psychology, The Wechsler intelligence scale for adults has a wide range, with four different versions in the measurement of intelligence in adults and other variants for the child and adolescent population (such as the WISC and WPPSI scales). But what exactly is this test about? We tell you!
The Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale has a place in the field of cognitive evaluation.
WAIS-IV: what does it consist of?
The WAIS-IV is the most recent version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. This came out in 2008 and presents some variations with respect to previous versions. Some of the most important, as outlined Pearson Clinical, include the following:
Less time required for its application. An improvement in psychometric properties (greater validity and reliability). Items more suitable for older people (who may have sensory deficits, mobility or a slower reaction speed).
But the biggest novelty is the replacement of dual ICs with total IC. And in previous versions this scale offered two main measures: the verbal IQ and the manipulative IQ. Nowadays, this approach has been replaced by the measurement of a quartet of specific indices in addition to a General Capacity Index.
Verbal comprehension
This subscale measures verbal and semantic richness, competence in verbal abstraction, associative thinking, verbal comprehension and expression, and learning and memory capacity. To do this, it has four specific tasks listed below:
Perceptual reasoning
In this case, points such as the ability to analyze and visual synthesis, abstract reasoning, the ability to compare and establish analogies and the identification of objects are evaluated. Such calculation is carried out through the next five specific tasks or tests:
Cubes. Scales. Matrices. Visual puzzles. Incomplete figures.
Work memory
This third subscale seeks to measure attention and concentration, auditory memory, ability to use abstract numerical concepts, and working memory. Its three associated tests are the ones we mention now:
Digits. Arithmetic. Letters and numbers.
Processing speed
The last three techniques evaluate factors such as speed and perceptual precision, visual-motor skills, associative learning and selective attention, using techniques such as the following:
Cancellation.Number key.Symbol search.
How is the WAIS IV applied and qualified?
WAIS IV It can be applied to people between 16 and 89 years old and takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete. It is an individual test, the person receives points for each item they answer correctly.
Measurements can be observed for the four subscales, allowing us to specify which are the strongest and weakest areas of the person. Besides, A total intelligence quotient (CIT) and a general ability index (GCI) are obtained. The latter is more useful and reliable if the person has some sensory deficit or there is a lot of discrepancy in their scores on the different tests.
It is worth mentioning that the results obtained on this scale are interpreted based on the comparison of the person with others of the same age or characteristics. In this way, it is inferred whether it is above or below the average in each area.
Areas in which the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale serves
This scale is the most used in America and Europe to evaluate the cognitive profile in adults and helps to classify, describe, predict and plan interventions (APA 2000).
According to a document from the University of Barcelona, It is an essential instrument within the clinical and health field; constitutes a reference standard for the detection of intellectual disability. Likewise, it is useful in the diagnosis of learning disorders and general developmental disorders.
In other contexts WAIS IV is also used; For example, in the forensic field to determine legal responsibilities, after evaluating a person’s cognitive skills and abilities.
In the school dimension, it allows us to detect special educational needs and plan interventions in this regard. as well as help with vocational guidance. And in the human resources sector, it helps to identify whether the person has the necessary skills for a job, develop training plans and recommend promotions or relocations.
Reasoning, working memory, verbal comprehension, and thinking speed are assessed on the WAIS.
Does the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale have limitations?
Despite the wide usefulness of this test, it also has some notable limitations. For example, as suggested by the General Council of Psychology, It cannot be used on people with physical disabilities, There is a lack of adaptations to other languages and all validation studies have been carried out with samples of the American population, which may not be appropriate for other populations.
Despite this, the WAIS-IV scale is a reliable instrument that has led the field of intelligence assessment for decades. It offers a complete cognitive profile and collaborates in the in-depth analysis of the person’s capabilities, in obtaining diagnoses and in making adjustments in different areas and contexts. Therefore, it is an essential tool.
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