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The meanings of lucky charms

As a pendant or decoration, the Greek eye scares away the evil eye.
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Many people often resort to lucky charms. Figa, Greek eye, scapular, cross, Brazilian talisman and patuá are the most common. Know now the main meaning of each of them.

According to Afro-Brazilian tradition, it “closes the body”, leaving the wearer safe from physical and spiritual aggression.

Greek eye
Used as a pendant or decorative object, its main purpose is to protect against negative energies, evil eye, envy. No matter the size, the piece must always be blue and made of glass. This color absorbs and filters harmful vibrations. Glass, on the other hand, tends to crack when saturated with energy – a sign that the amulet has fulfilled its function. The shards must be thrown away and the part replaced with a new one. When used for environment protection, it should be fixed close to the door.

It has the image of Nossa Senhora do Carmo on the back and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the front. It is used as a protector. In everyday life, you should always say a prayer for yourself, for the church and for the Carmelites.

It is one of the oldest universal signs, recorded in Egyptian, Chinese, etc. cultures. The meanings are similar in various religions: they refer to resurrection, fertility and recreation.

brazilian talismans
The Bonfim ribbon grants three graces to the person who wears it. Pepper and garlic protect against the evil eye. The necklace with the seven lines offers the blessing and protection of the orixás.

Lucky charm
Incorporates Christian and African symbols. Our Lady protects. Santo Expedito solves impossible causes. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of marriage and love. The red seed of pau-brasil symbolizes the protection of nature, while the fig tree gives fertility. The patuá still bears a Prayer of Saint Gregory, who guards the house and the family.

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