Stop! Don’t Swallow This Frog
Photo: Reproduction of VIDA SIMPLES Magazine
Why do we tolerate or remain silent in the face of something that displeases us? This is the main question asked by the magazine SIMPLE LIFE in the July issue. Swallowing a frog has already become a common habit for many people and means “tolerating unpleasant things or situations without responding, due to inability or convenience”, according to writer and teacher Ari Riboldi, author of the book “The Scapegoat” (Age publishing house). But what is the reason for such lack of attitude?
According to Vera Martins, a specialist in behavioral medicine, people who swallow frogs simply try to avoid conflicts, even if that means ignoring their own desires.
“This attitude has to do with culture, with beliefs that are in the mental model guiding our behavior towards passivity in situations where we feel threatened or at risk of loss”, says Vera. This then provokes the development of anger and can even cause health problems such as allergy, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Want to know if you or someone close suffers from this evil? Check out the profile of the frog swallower prepared by Vera and clear your doubts:
· Blocker: Demonstrates pessimism and resistance to accepting change, for fear of being incompetent.
· Procrastinator: Leave everything for later. His life is an eternal crisis, confirming his feeling of incompetence.
· Observer: He does not take a stand, he prefers to listen and do what others decide.
· Amiable and agreeable: He is polite, permissive and agrees with everything the other says. It’s as if he didn’t have his own opinion, because normally he finds the other’s idea so adequate that he doesn’t even comment.
· Victim: Complain about everything, put yourself in the role of victim, making the other feel guilty.
A little discipline goes well
Start putting discipline in your work
Photo: Reproduction of VIDA SIMPLES Magazine
Still on personal behavior, the magazine clarifies that discipline should not be confused with rigidity and helps to bring order to life. To be disciplined, you need to be open-minded, know how to prioritize and make choices. The result is not a plastered schedule, but lighter.
Start with work! Determine the execution time of each task, start with the most difficult or laborious, avoid unnecessary conversations, determine when the journey begins and ends and commit to what you do.
Your body asks for a break
Take time to stand upside down
Photo: Reproduction of VIDA SIMPLES Magazine
After so much reflecting on a possible personal transformation, it’s time to relax. After all, rest is good and everyone likes it. To that end, the July issue gathered super-relaxing suggestions ranging from choosing the pillow to meditation courses and travel. Good rest!
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