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The best gift

My daughter told me that she participated in a enemy occult – a game where you give and receive unwanted gifts.

In this text, you can learn more about what to do when you receive an unwanted gift from other people, and also what is the best gift you can offer.

The eastern legend tells that Siddhartha Gautama once received a gift, and the gift was nothing less than an offense. But it wasn’t just any offense, it was an offense that could make him angry, hurt or sad for the rest of his life.

But despite it being a terrible offense, Siddhartha Gautama decided not to take the offense – and all that it brought with it (anger, hurt, sadness).

He asked the person who wanted to give him a gift:

– “You are giving me a present. If I don’t receive it, who will the gift go to?”

– “With myself”, the person replied.

– “Okay. The offense you are offering me, will stay with you. Only you will suffer with her”.

Moral of the story:

If we receive a gift that we really don’t like, and not like in the hidden enemy game – if we receive an offense, a curse, a verbal aggression – we can simply decide not to accept the gift and all the suffering that it brings.

They say that to each his own…

In addition, we can also think about how to offer a wonderful gift.

In these many years of clinical practice, I believe that the greatest gift you can offer someone is attention. If you truly listen, truly look and welcome, you are offering the best gift: allowing the other person to be who they really are!

The advantage of this wonderful gift is that it is free. We can all give away our attention. Listen carefully, look carefully!! These are very simple but very profound acts that can change a life for the better!

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