Testimony from a Parent about the Signs of Autism
The new AUTISM book by M.Books shows the importance of discovering the signs, diagnosing and starting medical treatment immediately.
As says Dr. Jose Salomão Schwartzman:
“The moment when the doctor needs to inform the parents that their child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder or even a suspicion in this regard is extremely delicate for everyone involved. Parents react differently to this situation. Some continue their search for other opinions hoping to hear from someone that the diagnosis is wrong or that, contrary to what they were told, autism is indeed curable.”
Starting treatment is very important.
And this is what the Paiva couple did.
This book, in addition to being a sincere and emotional statement, is a guide for parents of autistic children to take a position and make decisions.
Paiva Junior opens her heart and shares with readers the story of her dear son Giovani. Through an entire narrative, she seeks to show other Parents a path, a direction for a happy relationship.
The author is available for interviews
About the author:
Francisco PAIVA JUNIOR: was born on April 29, 1976, in Atibaia (SP). Journalist, postgraduate in Journalism and Editorial Segmentation, writes his first solo book. He worked at Agência Estado, Jornal da Tarde and Estadão, TV Bandeirantes, among other newspapers and press offices.
Together with publicist Martim Fanucchi, he created the Revista Autismo, in April 2010, non-profit, free and national, to disseminate information about autism in Brazil. It is the first periodical magazine in all of Latin America, and the first in the world in Portuguese, with a specific focus on Autism.
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