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Sore throat due to stress: causes and what we can do

Have you ever been hoarse because of stress? Have you suffered from a sore throat during those times when you had a greater workload and worries? We explain why it happens.

Sore throat due to stress is a problem that most have experienced at some point.. Hoarseness, a feeling of lump in the throat, pain when swallowing and other symptoms accompany the condition. Many of these discomforts are perceived when we go through times in which worries and pressures are endless, at the end of which time for calm and rest is limited.

This makes you more vulnerable to developing a series of conditions, such as pharyngitis itself. If this is your case, if you usually spend many periods suffering from this ailment, we will explain what it is due to and how to prevent it as much as possible.

Stress and the excessive release of cortisol in the blood can weaken our immune system. This will make us more vulnerable to developing the classic sore throat.

Sore throat due to stress: what it is and how it appears

Every sore throat puts anyone on alert. The classic itching or inflammation is scary because it can be the origin of a viral disease. Colds and flu are usually the most common cause. Allergies, for their part, also trigger this condition. However, Sore throat due to stress has a psychological factor as its main trigger.

How can it be? Stress is a normal psychophysiological mechanism that allows us to act in situations of pressure, challenge or threat. At specific moments, it is positive and acts as a catalyst. If it becomes a constant in life, physical and mental health will be affected.

In this way, works such as those published in Nature Reviews Immunology remind us that stressful experiences can weaken the immune system. These endocrine changes can make the body more vulnerable to infections, and will mediate the development of sore throat due to stress. —among other possible conditions. Let’s see below how this problem manifests itself.

Symptoms associated with stress pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is nothing more than a symptom of some underlying condition, whether viral, psychological or due to other factors. The most important thing in all cases is to have a good diagnosis. To do this, the first thing is to attend to the symptoms. Thus, on average, a sore throat due to stress manifests itself as follows:

Sensation of dryness or irritation in the oropharyngeal cavity.The greater the stress, the greater the sore throat. However, the discomfort is reduced by relieving tension. Discomfort or pain when swallowing. General muscle tension. Hoarseness. Feeling of a lump in the throat. Cough. General fatigue. More physical discomfort may appear, such as headache, back pain. and other health problems. From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology It is reported how daily stress mediates the appearance of various conditions that go beyond even pharyngitis itself.Sore throat is not always relieved with drugsThis discomfort appears in times of worry and greater stress. It is common for poor night’s rest.

The most notable characteristic of a sore throat due to stress is that when we manage to relax, the discomfort is reduced.

Conditions associated with sore throat due to stress

Sore throat due to stress is triggered, as has already been seen, by psychological mechanisms. It is a real condition and is not always easy to diagnose.. Let’s look at other episodes that can accompany this problem, which can even directly explain some cases in certain contexts.

Dysphonia associated with muscle tension and glossophobia

This information is interesting. Dysphonia is a disorder that affects the timbre of the voice. Suddenly, you suffer from hoarseness, hoarseness, or a somewhat strange tone. In addition, discomfort appears, such as when you have shouted excessively and your throat feels tired or swollen.

Dysphonia can appear in situations of high stress. In fact, as Johns Hopkins Medicine reminds us, treatment often includes therapies that help release tension, such as massage, acupuncture, psychotherapy, and also physical therapy.

A work carried out by the University of Missouri-Columbia found that stress is capable of altering phonatory control for speech production through interactions in the limbic-motor order. In principle, this type of reaction can appear in the face of the social and evaluative stressor that is generated when speaking in public.

It is one of the most common fears in the population and the ones that cause the most somatic disorders. It is also known as glossophobia, and is characterized by functional voice disorders, as well as sore throat. Elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, may be behind this condition.

Swallowing problems (hysterical bolus)

Have you ever felt a lump in your throat? That feeling where suddenly it is difficult to swallow saliva and it feels as if something is blocking the pharynx It is called the hysterical bolus or pharyngeal globus. It occurs in intense states of stress or anxiety. These are situations in which the brain prepares to flee or confront a dangerous and threatening stimulus.

Research such as that carried out at the University of Sydney, New South Wales, indicates that, although this condition can have various causes behind it, such as gastroesophageal reflux, psychogenic factors cannot be ruled out. The way it manifests is the following:

We notice our throat is more tense. Swallowing is more difficult. Phlegm. Hoarseness. Possible nausea. We may notice a slight sensation of drowning.

Changes in breathing

A sore throat from stress can also be the result of or accompanied by a change in breathing. When you go through times of greater physiological intensity, anxiety, worry and external pressures, you may experience the following:

Increased tendency to breathe through the mouth in an attempt to get more air. This makes the throat dry and painful.Long-standing states of stress often lead to sleep disturbances.. During those nighttime hours in which rest is irregular and awakenings are frequent, it is common to end up breathing through the mouth. This can lead to irritation and dryness in the oropharyngeal cavity.

Breathing and relaxation techniques can relieve sore throat from stress

Other non-infectious causes of sore throat

It is important to keep in mind that there are some daily habits that cause a sore throat without the presence of a viral or allergic factor. Thus, if these are added to a high stress load, they can lead to very annoying clinical conditions. The ideal is to take these factors into account and address them.

Research such as those published in the journal Inflammation Research highlight the following non-infectious and environmental factors that also mediate the appearance of pharyngitis.

Smoking. Both smokers themselves and people exposed to secondary smoke (passive smoking) are at increased risk of suffering from a sore throat. Besides, It is common for those who suffer from a higher level of stress or anxiety to use cigarettes as a means to calm down.. Thus, it is best to look for other ways to relax. Snoring is also associated with high frequencies of sore throat, although the direction of causality is not always clear. A high frequency of sore throat is a risk factor for snoring, and vice versa. In these cases, the sore throat may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea in adults. If you suffer from snoring, consult your doctor to identify the best solution.Screaming and having to speak in a raised voice cause a sore throat. Sometimes our jobs, combined with stressors, can lead to a sore throat. The ideal, in these cases, would be to have strategies that allow us to take better care of the pharynx.

How to prevent sore throat from stress

All these alterations that originate from states such as stress or anxiety basically require changes in lifestyle. A sore throat due to stress is just a symptom, the manifestation of something that we must attend to, care for and manage.. Let’s see, however, some strategies.

Changes in lifestyle habits

The hurried lifestyle dominated by infinite pressures directly affects one’s own health. It never hurts to stop for a moment and reflect on the following aspects:

Prioritize what is important in your daily life and what is secondary.Perhaps there are tasks or responsibilities that would be better to leave aside or delegate. Schedules require time for rest and leisure. It is necessary to improve the quality of night’s rest.Sore throat from stress can be reduced by practicing self-care. Prioritizing well-being a little more and taking care of physical and mental health is key. Lead a more active life and do some sports.

Techniques of breathing and relaxation

Sometimes, the impact that correct breathing can have on our physical and mental health is underestimated. The University of Liege, in Belgium, highlights how this factor can mediate well-being. It’s more, Breathing and meditation practices can promote very positive psychophysiological changes in brain-body interaction.

Consequently, it is very interesting that any of these strategies be introduced into the routine. Not only can they help prevent a sore throat due to stress, but also many other ailments where the mental condition affects health.

Practice diaphragmatic breathing several times a day. The technique of guided visualization (imagining a calm scenario) while carrying out slower breathing can also allow you to regulate stress. Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation is an interesting and valuable resource in these cases. Nor do you dismiss the mindfulness or full attention.

Psychological techniques to manage stress

Stress is a normal response in contexts that are perceived as challenging or threatening. Knowing how to act in these scenarios is key to overcoming everyday problems, also to safeguard physical and psychological balance. Having some psychological tools for these cases is of great help.

Take note:

Learn techniques to solve problems.Detect your limiting or irrational mental approaches and deactivate them. It is not about repressing or displacing those more negative thoughts, but about reformulating them, applying a more rational and positive view. Improve your emotional intelligence. Boost your assertiveness. It is a good resource to function in any scenario.

Final recommendation

Finally, you should always remember the importance of support from professionals when things get out of control. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to always have an adequate diagnosis and treatment.. In case this condition…

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