Something is shaking the bed!
We received another interesting email at the Paranormal Clinic of (contact form at the bottom of the article). As always, we will share it in an edited way, avoiding those details that belong to the sender’s private orbit. Then we will analyze the case in greater depth.
My story begins a few weeks ago. I’m not exactly a light sleeper, but I’ve always woken up easily to unusual noises, especially if it’s accompanied by the feeling that something is wrong.
About four weeks ago, I woke up with a start. I felt something, or someone, shake the bed. This happened at approximately 4:00 in the morning. I didn’t hear anything strange, just the sound of my phone falling off the bed. I sleep alone in a large bed, and I usually fall asleep with the phone in my hand, so I don’t think it’s possible that it fell on its side. Strange, but nothing out of this world so far.
Earlier this week I woke up at 2:15 am I tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep, or feel comfortable. I turned to my left side (where I normally fall asleep), turning my back to the wall at the back of the room. Suddenly, my left ear began to sting, and, a second later, to burn.
Through that burning I began to hear white noise, like static, and underneath that voices that spoke in a very low, very serious tone. The voices were clear, despite that. I’m sure it was Spanish, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying, except for a few isolated words. After a few moments, I felt my bed sink at my feet, repeatedly, as if someone was sitting at the foot of the bed, pressing down on the mattress.
I kept my eyes closed and tried my best to control my breathing (I practice meditation with some regularity), but I couldn’t. The pressure on the mattress disappeared, little by little, and also the feeling that there was someone else in my room, as if they were moving away. I stayed there, still, I guess for about an hour. I didn’t even dare to open my eyes.
At one point I reached out and turned on the light on the nightstand. Nothing. I turned on the main light in the room and ran to the bathroom. I felt nauseous, and I actually vomited, I guess because of how scared she was. I slept with the light in my room on for the rest of the night.
Since that night I have gone to bed with the bedside light on.
I woke up once again two days ago. My bed shook again, and I also felt that there was someone else with me. I think it could be my mother’s spirit. This month marks one year since she passed away. I’ve felt her before, but she’s never tried to contact me like that. I live in a fairly new house, with only one previous family as background. Do you have any idea what could be happening?
There is a scientific explanation for those voices we hear before sleeping.
In reality, they do not necessarily have to be voices, you can also hear babbling, whispers, inarticulate sounds, murmurs that overlap each other, like many people speaking at the same time. These events are known as Hypnagogic Experiences, and basically consist of visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations that occur immediately after falling asleep.
The dimension of the hypnagogic is uncertain, and defines that moment of transition between wakefulness and sleep, where the subject is neither completely asleep nor awake. One of the most common phenomena that can occur there is hearing a kind of distorted repetition of what we have heard during the day, or what we would have wanted to hear (Psychophonies: beings from another dimension or a joke from your brain?)
These mysterious, and certainly disturbing, voices can also be accompanied by other more physical phenomena, such as feeling that something invisible is touching you, or feeling that something is blowing or breathing on your face. This phenomenon is usually associated with experiences with Shadow People (see: Human figures walking around your house at night).
The voices, in any case, overlap, mix, become strange melodies; But other equally strange things also happen. Some people see flashes and sparks of daytime events, things that happened during the day, or completely imaginary, and even surreal, images. Muscle spasms and sudden movements are also common; for example, kicking and shaking the arms.
Something similar happens before fully waking up. These experiences are known as Hypnopompic Experiences, but this does not seem to fully fit today’s case.
A good part of the events that our friend has told us can be explained within Hypnagogic Experiences. Feeling that the bed shakes can be due to those sudden movements that we make without realizing it, which can quietly move the bed, startle us, and make us burst back into wakefulness with the feeling that someone else moved it.
Apparitional Experiences, that is, when we feel observed, or even feel presences when alone, also belong to the hypnagogic universe.
A good part of the phenomena in this case can be explained within this context. It is important to remember that the hypnagogic state is also characterized by generating the sensation that there is an intruder nearby (see: Dreamwalking: when someone strange enters your dreams). This is probably a defense mechanism of the brain to quickly shift us into a state of alert.
There is nothing exclusively paranormal about today’s case, but that is not an unequivocal sign either. There is a wide margin for subjectivities in this sense.
The possibility that the spirit of our friend’s mother may have been trying to communicate with her cannot be dismissed lightly (see: Entities That Obsess With the Living). In fact, it is not uncommon for these entities to try to get our attention when we are in our most vulnerable state, or open, depending on how you see it; but the truth is that the phenomena described in your email do not seem to go in that direction.
In any case, those who have come to this article looking for an explanation for beds that shake at night may want to take into account the following recommendations:
to- Check the time.
The spirits and beings of the astral plane do not manifest regularly, ghosts, in terms of residual energy, do (see: Are ghosts “recordings” imprinted in reality?); so that if the phenomenon always occurs at approximately the same time, it could be some type of residual energy accumulated in the place (see: Spirits and “charged environments”).
b- Description of the phenomenon.
Keeping a record of these events is important to rule out, let’s say, natural causes, especially when a child says that their bed shakes (see: When children see ghosts).
In this case, all the information that can be extracted must be collected. This is most likely a hypnagogic experience, provided there are no other abnormal phenomena to consider.
c- Cleaning.
If there are other phenomena in addition to those described above, such as the presence of human shadows (see: The shadows of the astral plane that inhabit your house), it is important to verify that the room where they have occurred, and in this case the entire house , is free of, let’s say, undesirable presences.
Astral Infections are quite common in any home, especially in discharge spaces, such as the bed and bedroom, but they do not constitute a real risk if they are treated properly (see: Astral parasites and “bad energies”).
The phenomenon of shaking beds is very common within hypnagogic experiences. This always occurs when the person is trying to sleep. The sensation may vary, that is, you may feel that the bed shakes, shakes, or even vibrates slightly, as if the house pet had climbed into the bed and was licking or scratching itself. As soon as the person wakes up completely, or sits up, the sensation stops.
Today’s case has all the ingredients of hypnagogic hallucinations, including the whispers and voices that our friend claims to have heard, although others are missing, such as the Shadow People, the sensation of falling just before falling asleep, a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, among others.
Another explanation, certainly more vague, but which cannot be ruled out, is the so-called Vibratory State that occurs during Lucid Dreaming, astral travel and extracorporeal projections.
This state of consciousness, neighboring sleep paralysis, produces a slight, almost imperceptible, although uncontrollable tremor in the body, which can produce the sensation of a bed vibrating or shaking.
Sometimes the sensation is more intense in the lower part of the body, and it is perceived as if someone was sitting at the foot of the bed, something that also coincides with today’s case.
It is also wise to investigate other, more secular causes, if you will, for the shaking bed phenomenon.
Something as simple as a ceiling fan downstairs, a distant train, or the subway, can generate vibrations and hums that suddenly stop when the person stands up; that is, when the distribution of body weight becomes more concentrated, thus preventing the vibration from continuing to spread over the surface of the bed.
Paranormal consultation. I Paranormal phenomena. I Dream Dictionary.
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