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Slimming with IMMUNITY: learn how to make avocado tea?

Avocado is a delicious fruit and is well consumed among Brazilians in many ways, but did you know that we can use its leaves to make tea? They have nutrients that offer several benefits to the body and can be consumed through avocado leaf tea. Learn more about its properties and check out how to prepare the drink:

What is avocado leaf tea for?

We talked to phytotherapist Ana Paula Silva, who talked about the benefits and explained what avocado leaf tea is for. Follow:

  • It helps regulate metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. “In addition to protecting you against chemical damage caused by allopathic medicines, tea stimulates the action of a “lazy” liver, explains the herbalist;
  • Controls hypertension, as the properties of avocado leaf have a vasorelaxant effect and control blood pressure;
  • Helps in the treatment of urinary infections. Ana Paula explains that “tea helps to control pain and inflammation, due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action”;
  • Prevents kidney stones, being indicated for those who have already expelled the stones by preventing the formation of new stones;
  • Helps fight the flu, due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of avocado leaves;
  • Reduces swelling, as its diuretic action helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and fluids;
  • It helps in the fight against gastritis and ulcers, due to its anti-ulcerogenic properties that considerably alleviate the symptoms.

It is important to emphasize that the consumption of tea, in some cases, can help in the fight and prevention of some diseases. Therefore, it is always necessary to seek medical advice.

How to make avocado leaf tea

  1. In a cup, put 1 tablespoon (dessert) of dried leaves;
  2. If you prefer, use 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves;
  3. Add boiling water;
  4. Wait about 10 minutes;
  5. Drink then;
  6. You can drink it straight or sweeten it with honey or sugar.

It is recommended to drink 3 cups of tea, warm or hot, at any time throughout the day. You can add other herbs and ingredients, such as mint, ginger and lemon, which add more flavor and are very effective. Tea can also be consumed with allopathic medicines, but these must be prescribed by a doctor.

Myths and Truths About Avocado Leaf Tea

Much is speculated about the effectiveness of avocado leaf tea to prevent or even cure some diseases. Let’s clarify what is myth or truth about its effects. See below!

Does tea prevent aging?

MYTH: although avocado leaves contain flavonoids, phenols and antioxidants (substances that fight free radicals in the DNA of cells), there is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of tea for this purpose.

Does avocado leaf tea help you lose weight?

TRUTH: tea helps with weight loss due to diuretic properties, capable of eliminating swelling, in addition to substances that control cholesterol and improve metabolism.

Does Avocado Leaf Tea Cure Epilepsy?

MYTH: it does not cure, but it can help to improve the condition, as it contains an anticonvulsant agent in its properties.

Is it good for diabetics?

TRUTH: Yes, because tea has substances that help control blood sugar levels.

Warnings and Contraindications

“This tea is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, as its consumption can cause necrosis in the mammary glands. People with severe heart problems should also avoid consuming it”, warns the herbalist.

We know that there are several types of teas that are beneficial to our body. If you love to consume the drink, be sure to also know the benefits that fennel tea brings to our body.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

Erika Balbino

Graduated in Letters and post-graduated in Digital Journalism. Passionate about books, plants and animals. She loves to travel and research other cultures. She writes on a variety of subjects, especially health, wellness, beauty and behavior.

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