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How to treat inflamed ear and 5 tips to avoid the problem

Earrings are accessories that make up the look and make the look elegant. But in some cases, the pieces can cause allergic reactions and even inflammation. To learn more about inflamed ear, we consulted dermatologist Victor Fernandes (CRM/SP 144.449 | RQE 49.968), from Unique clinic, who answered the main doubts, explained how to avoid and treat inflammation. Check out:

Why does the ear inflame?

The dermatologist explains that “inflammation can happen due to problems such as allergy to some earring, products applied in the region or the entry of microorganisms. The signs are: redness, increased local heat, pain and swelling.

What earrings can cause inflammation

Next, learn about the main materials used in the making of earrings that can cause inflammation in the ear:

  • Nickel: according to Victor, “the most common cause of inflammation due to earrings is the presence of nickel in costume jewelry. But even earrings made from other materials can have small amounts of nickel, enough to cause allergies in susceptible people.”
  • Natural fibers: the dermatologist informs that other materials, such as natural fibers, can present contamination by microorganisms causing inflammation.

The chances of earrings made only with noble materials, such as gold, silver and platinum, causing any adverse reaction are minimal. However, it is important to sanitize them properly to prevent contamination.

How to avoid inflammation

Here are some dermatologist recommendations to prevent ear inflammation:

  • Wear earrings made of surgical material (steel, titanium);
  • Hygienize the parts well;
  • Do not share jewelry without cleaning them first;
  • Avoid earrings from stores with unknown origin;
  • If you already have a proven allergy, do not wear jewelry.

It is important to follow the guidelines mentioned above to prevent more serious inflammation from developing.

How to treat inflamed ear

“Good local hygiene with soap and water in the bath, stop using earrings and chemical products in the region and seek medical attention to assess whether there is a need to introduce any medication”, guides the dermatologist.

Frequently asked questions about inflamed ear

With the help of the doctor, we solve the most common doubts about the inflamed ear. Follow:

1. Can you wear earrings while the ear is inflamed?

Victor Fernandes (VF): “No, because it could be the cause of inflammation or a reservoir for contamination by bacteria”.

2. Does using Bepantol help to reduce inflammation?

VF: “Bepantol will act as a moisturizer, helping to restore the skin barrier. It can help, but alone it may not be enough.”

3. Are there any home remedies to help?

VF: The dermatologist only recommends proper hygiene with soap and water. And depending on the case, seek medical help for correct evaluation of the case. This is because each organism is unique and can react in different ways.

4. Can food directly influence inflammation?

VF: “No, contrary to popular belief, some foods such as pork do not influence healing or worsen inflammation.”

Following the dermatologist’s guidelines and avoiding earrings made with nickel, it is possible to use the jewelry without any problem. Enjoy and learn how to prevent and treat ear keloids.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

Erika Balbino

Graduated in Letters and post-graduated in Digital Journalism. Passionate about books, plants and animals. She loves to travel and research other cultures. She writes on a variety of subjects, especially health, wellness, beauty and behavior.

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