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Pregnancy week by week: find out what happens at each stage of pregnancy

Monitoring the pregnancy week by week is important for the mother to know what is happening with her baby. To identify the symptoms of pregnancy and monitor the baby’s development in each week of pregnancy, we prepared the list below in consultation with the masters in Biology, José Luiz Faria Vasconcellos and Fernando Gewandsznajder and the gynecologist and obstetrician Sheila Ferreira Sedicias (CRM-PE 17459). The size of the embryo in each week is represented by a seed or a fruit.

pregnancy week by week

  • 1st week: poppy seed. At this stage, the egg cell is already dividing and reproducing at an accelerated rate, resulting in the morula cell mass. Approximately 100 cells have already been produced, some of which will develop into the embryo and others into the placenta. The mother has interrupted menstruation and high levels of progesterone are maintained throughout pregnancy.
  • 2nd week: sesame seed. In this step, the morula cell mass is forwarded towards the uterus and changes resulting in the blastocyst. Then, the small embryo is attached to the endometrium (inner, vascularized layer of the uterus). The mother has a keener sense of smell and greater body sensitivity.
  • 3rd week: grape seed. Here, the small embryo adapts independently of the mother, despite her body’s need to develop. The mother has pink vaginal discharge and cramping, in addition to oily skin.
  • 4th week: lentil grain. The embryo is elongated and formed by three layers of cells (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm). The mother feels many emotional swings.
  • 5th week: almond. The mark of this step is the groove on the back with a protuberance that will be the head. The amniotic sac is already formed, the embryo receives oxygen from the placenta, and the heart is developing. The mother feels sleepy, tired and excessively sick, in addition to pain in the breasts and numbness in the nipples.
  • 6th week: pea grain. The central nervous system is under development, in addition to the lungs, which will form completely throughout pregnancy. The mother may have an indication of folic acid in the diet.
  • 7th week: cranberry (belongs to the same family as the blueberry). The heart already has four chambers that allow the heartbeat. The mother experiences constant headaches as there are high levels of the beta HCG hormone in the blood.
  • 8th week: raspberry. Here begins the formation of arms and legs, as well as facial features. The mother may have the indication of iron supplements due to anemia, which is normal at this stage.
  • 9th week: olive. The head is already rounded, being half its size, the eyes are still separated and merged by the eyelids, preventing them from being opened. The mother may have vaginal thrush because her immune system is low.
  • 10th week: black plum. The neck has already elongated and allows movement of the head. Facial musculature develops allowing chewing and sucking. The mother may have bleeding gums when brushing her teeth due to inflammation.
  • 11th week: lime. At this stage, the baby settles into new positions. The heart pumps blood throughout the body through the umbilical cord and the ovaries or testes are already formed inside the body. The mother will begin to feel discomfort as the uterus crosses the pelvic bones, leaving more room for the baby to develop.
  • 12th week: plum. At this stage the baby can already yawn, swallow and hiccup. The mother has enlarged breasts and the abdomen is more visible.
  • 13th week: peach. The hands and feet are formed, but the joints, muscles, and ossification are stiffening. The mother may have memory lapses and her veins are more visible on her body.
  • 14th week: Sicilian lemon. At this stage there is the growth of hair, nails and eyebrows. The sexual organs are developing and it is possible to detect the sex of the baby. The mother has a rounded silhouette, hormones stabilize making her more willing and the risk of miscarriage is reduced.
  • 15th week: orange. At this stage, the milestone is to know the sex of the baby, as its sexual organs are already formed. With the bones of the ears developing, the baby can identify and recognize voices. The mother may have less morning sickness.
  • 16th week: avocado. The skin of the fetus is pinker, although transparent, it is possible to observe the skeleton. In addition, the baby begins to train his breathing, encouraging the development of the lungs. The mother feels the increase in appetite, as the baby will need more energy as it grows.
  • 17th week: onion. At this stage the baby can already dream and the characteristic of the first teeth already appears in the jaw bone. The mother feels heat, swelling, itching in the belly or breasts and heartburn, as there are high levels of progesterone in the body.
  • 18th week: sweet potato. Fingerprints are developing through the accumulated fat on the tips of the fingers and toes. The mother may have a constant white discharge, which increases as she approaches delivery, which is common at this stage.
  • 19th week: mango. At this stage the brain develops the five specific senses such as sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The mother has a dark vertical line down the center of her belly and may experience pain below her belly due to the ligaments in the uterus that stretch as she grows.
  • 20th week: bananas. The heartbeat is stronger and can be heard with the stethoscope on the belly. The baby is now able to turn and roll, in addition to moving his hands and grasping the umbilical cord. The mother feels the increase in urinary frequency and may have stretch marks on her body.
  • 21st week: pomegranate. The milestone of this stage is the production of all bones and cells responsible for protecting the body (red blood cells and white blood cells). The mother’s belly is up because the uterus has grown a lot and light physical exercise is recommended, which improves blood circulation and facilitates delivery.
  • 22nd week: papaya. At this stage, the baby can easily move his arms and legs, put his hands on his face and suck his fingers. In addition, the nose and mouth are more developed. The mother may have frequent hemorrhoids and urinary infections, which are common at this stage.
  • 23rd week: grapefruit. Here, the pancreas is already working and makes the baby’s body produce insulin. The eyes begin to move quickly, the hearing is sharper and it is recommended to listen to different music and sounds for the baby to get used to. The mother feels balance swings as the center of gravity is shifting.
  • 24th week: melon-gallia. At this stage, the eyelids are still closed, but the eyelashes are already formed. The mother will easily notice when the baby is sleeping and/or awake due to the movements and kicks.
  • 25th week: broccoli. The baby’s hair appears and has a predefined color, which after birth will change. In the baby’s body, adrenaline and noradrenaline already circulate in circumstances of stress and agitation. The mother feels discomfort when sleeping, as it will be more difficult to find a suitable position due to the size of her belly.
  • 26th week: lettuce. Baby’s eyes are lighter shades and after birth they will darken according to family genetics. If the baby is male, the testes descend completely into the scrotum, and if the baby is female, the clitoris is protruding and the eggs are already formed inside the ovaries. The mother experiences severe back pain when bending over or sitting, in addition to discomfort when standing for a long time.
  • 27th week: cauliflower. At this stage, the baby may be sitting, sideways and/or upside down. The mother may have difficulty breathing because of the pressure of the uterus against the diaphragm.
  • 28th week: eggplant. At this stage, the sleep, breathing and swallowing cycle is already regulated. The baby feeds on the amniotic fluid that accumulates in the intestine, which helps in the development of meconium (waste). The mother will begin to produce colostrum (nutritious yellowish liquid) in the breasts, a preview of breastfeeding.
  • 29th week: pumpkin-acorn. The milestone of this stage is the position that the baby is in to be born, in general, it is upside down in the uterus and remains so until delivery. The mother may have initial Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are short and painless and will prepare the uterus for delivery.
  • 30th week: cucumber. A baby’s body fat is approximately 8% of its weight, which will help regulate its temperature after birth. The baby is already upside down and knees bent up, making delivery easier. The mother feels tired and mood swings, which is common at this stage.
  • 31st week: pineapple. At this stage, the baby is more receptive to play and to the stimuli of sounds and lights. The mother may have darkened and more sensitive areolas, in addition to small lumps due to milk production. Insomnia may be frequent and teas (valerian or passionflower) are recommended to relax.
  • 32nd week: pumpkin. Baby’s eyes are already open when waking up, move towards the light and blink. The heartbeat is approximately 150 times per minute. The mother may experience frequent cramping, which is a preview of labor.
  • 33rd week: cabbage. The bones in the baby’s head have not yet fused together, which makes it easier for them to come out during normal delivery. The mother feels discomfort in the ribs when eating due to pressure from the uterus. If she has excessive fluid retention, it is recommended to talk to the professional, as there are signs of preeclampsia.
  • 34th week: strawberry. The baby’s central nervous and immune systems are still developing. He prepares for childbirth. The mother has a harder belly and feels pain and/or numbness in the pelvic region due to the relaxation of the joints.
  • 35th week: coconut. The baby is fully formed, except for the lungs which are still developing. The mother has the most protruding belly button and may have gained weight.
  • 36th week: yellow melon. At this stage the baby still needs to grow and gain weight. If there is an advance of delivery, it is considered premature. The mother feels less and less the baby’s movements due to the limited space for him.
  • 37th week: water pumpkin. At this stage, the lungs are fully formed, in addition to all the organs and systems. The baby is similar to a newborn and can fit in and be born at any time, being considered full term. The mother’s belly is lowered, feeling lighter and breathing better, but the tiredness still remains and it is recommended to rest.
  • 38th week: frogskin melon. The baby is ready to be born, but it can remain until the 40th week, gaining weight and growing. The mother feels the contractions in a standardized rhythm every 30-40 minutes and it is recommended to contact the obstetrician, as the time for the baby to be born is approaching.
  • 39th week: giant pumpkin. At this stage, the previous circumstances remain. The mother has the mucous plug (gelatinous mucus) that closes the…

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