Lots of people talking about Portal 02/22/2022 in different ways and with different meanings. What to believe? Well, first you can believe what makes sense to you. Knowing this is important so that you don’t just fall into a fad and, yes, you can connect with your energy.
To help, we’ve gathered here different views on Portal 02/22/2022, from Astrology to Numerology and even Energy Therapies.
Astrology and the portal 02/22/2022
Astrologically speaking, more important than a magical portal itself, is knowing what is happening in the sky on 02/22/2022 so that you can propose to do some kind of magical work. That’s what explains the astrologer Marcia Fervienza: “What are the stars indicating? What kind of energy will be predominating on this day?”
Marcia explains that on 02/22/2022 the Moon will be in Scorpio, the sign of deep and inscrutable waters. “Mystical in its own right, this sign contributes to transformational rituals and catharsis. What do you want to emotionally purge? What shadows of yourself do you want to bring to light?”, she describes. In this link you can learn about where you have Scorpio in the Birth Chart and understand its power of transformation.
In addition to knowing that the Moon is in Scorpio on the 22/02/2022th, the Sun is in Pisces. This combination is super conducive to ritualistic work because Pisces is the most intuitive of the signs, which speaks of surrender and union with the Whole.
“Whatever you do on that day, it will reverberate in waves through the Universe and it will be easier for you to reach your goal and final destination”, explains Marcia.
Scorpio and Pisces, according to Marcia, are signs that contribute to rituals that deal mainly with difficult emotional burdens and work on personal liberation. Feel your emotions, no matter how intense or confusing they may be.”
Take the opportunity to understand how the Moon and Sun will be interacting with your map here at Horoscope (it’s free and personalized).
Astrological time tips for 02/22/2022 rituals
Between midnight and 5:30 am: great time for liberation work and personal growth, when the Moon will make an opposition to Uranus and a trine to Jupiter.
Between 17:00 and 22:00: perfect time for work involving love, finance and relationships, when Mars and Venus will be activated by sextiles by the Moon.
Between 7pm and 11pm: take the opportunity to do magic rituals that work the flow of emotions and connect you with the energy of the Universe, when the moon will be in trine to Neptune.
The 02/22/2022 Portal for Numerology
the numerologist Yub Miranda explains that in the case of the day 02/22/2022there is the repetition of numbers 2 and 0. Understand the symbology:
The symbology of 0 it is a kind of high voltage, of intensity. Every number that is accompanied by 0, such as 10, 20, 30, etc., intensifies the attributes of that number. And it has humanitarian potential.
The symbology of the 2 it is directly associated with the feminine, yin side of human nature and represents unity. So, issues associated with relationships, partnerships, alliances, contracts can gain prominence on this day.
For Yub, there is a danger on this date: that of believing that 02/22/2022 is more special than others: “It’s okay to take the moment to mentalize and harness the energy to create new ideas and start projects. But each day has its challenges, its opportunities and its learnings. Every day is a special day.”
Exactly in this sense goes the numerologist and aromatherapist Solange Lima. For Numerology, according to her, this day is a great opportunity to work on the energy of the number 2, developing patience and dealing with relationships in a balanced way, intuition and sensitivity to the number.
Adding this date we have the energy of 3 (2+2+0+2+2+0+2+2 = 12 + 1+2 = 3), which is precisely the number that looks at communication, the way to express yourself , to interact with other people.
“For that reason, it can be a nice day to meditate on your relationships”, comments Solange, who indicates the lemongrass oil to help communicate better. This oil has contraindications, so be careful and consult an aromatherapist to help you use essential oils safely. Solange has a Self-Care and Aromatherapy journey that you can discover here.
Numerology Reflections for the 22/02/2022th
Taking advantage of the symbolisms of the day 02/22/2022, according to Yub, you can reflect on your relationships and the way you relate affectively, with your family, professionally and socially. Some questions you can ask yourself:
Am I afraid to relate and nullify my identity? Am I not just visualizing the healthy habits and new projects, but also taking action and living them? How can I collaborate with the other in order to empathize, offer support and, at the same time, demonstrate a fraternal spirit of cooperation? Am I also open to receiving emotional and encouraging support from other people, in order to understand my wishes and take advantage of this support to make a project viable?
You can find out about the most special days for you this month at Numerology Prediction Mapwhich is customized.
moment of transcendence
Joanita MolinaAscended Master, Spiritual Leader and Priestess of Ascension Magic, believes that 02/22/2022 is a 22nd secular portal that marks a great moment of transcendence that helps people connect with their essences and with what we really came to manifest on the planet .
“It brings the opportunity to access the intuitive power and connection with the sacred feminine, represented by receptivity, fertility and unity with the whole. This portal brings a rebirth, with the opportunity to transcend the previous reality. It is time to see situations with equality, from a neutral and balanced point of view”, says Joanita.
22 is a master number that, for the master and spiritual leader, awakens idealism, long-term vision and the ability to materialize large projects of a humanitarian nature. It represents the archetype that brings Heaven to Earth, which means developing and applying spirituality in everyday life.
“On 02/02/2022 a network of portals of transcendence was opened, which will culminate on 02/22/2022. On this palindromic date, a door will open for the real rebirth of consciousness to a higher plane on Earth, a call to a new existence”, he says.
Energy Portal on 02/22/2022
“A portal is a door of energy that opens welcoming and emanating ideas, desires, possibilities, explains the psychotherapist Celia Lima. For her, symbols and rituals amplify our feelings, emotions and thoughts.
“Even if we are not aware of these possibilities or our desires and feelings, they are there, ready to make a deep connection between the visible and the invisible”, he says.
To “make it happen” on this day 02/22/2022, Celia’s tip is to reserve a moment of the day to be in contact with nature. “It could be in the garden of the building or in a park, on the beach, in the square near the house, it doesn’t matter”, she details. See the step by step:
Be barefoot, with your feet free on the grass or sand. Keep your knees slightly bent. Imagine roots sprouting from the soles of your feet and reaching the center of the Earth and a great horn of light above your head, reaching into infinity. So open your sensory channels, both to ask for and to receive what you want. So, just feel how this energy that comes from infinity and finds the center of the Earth runs through your body and soul, opening up confidence in life, in the power to achieve.
02/22/2022 and energy cleansing
“The energy of the 02/22/2022 portal drives us to be and live our best potential”, explains Ceci Akamatsu, one of the greatest specialists in Love in the country.
According to Ceci, this is a good time to do energy clearing work from the past, as well as meditations and energy work that help get in touch with the desires and yearnings of the soul.
You can take advantage of the date to do work to clean the past, wounds, patterns, beliefs, memories, negative energies, giving new meaning to them by understanding them from a truer perspective.
“Let’s take advantage of this energy to go beyond limitations, to leave behind once and for all those negative patterns that have been dragging on and preventing us from being and living our best!”, he says.