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Passionate people: what makes them different?

Passionate people are distinguished by enthusiasm and knowing how to make the most of life. Also a tireless obsession with achieving what they dream of. Do you know someone with this kind of luminous quality?

Passionate people see life as a sweet fruit that must be squeezed to the maximum. They inspire us and, sometimes, they even exhaust us, because their impetus and motivation is so excessive and effervescent that it is difficult to keep up with them. However, they always stand out for demonstrating a series of psychological strengths that make them unique.

Albert Einstein said that he, in reality, had nothing special. He was just someone passionately curious. Somehow, This trait, this quality, is like the gasoline that ignites the best of human beings.. It is the lighthouse that guides you in achieving the highest purposes and it is also that virtue capable of transforming the world.

After all, only those truly passionate about their dreams and goals cross borders that no one had dared to break down before. Only those who are clear about what they want mobilize all their energies, efforts and dreams towards that goal.. These are, without a doubt, the figures that we need most in our lives and in our society.

Now, passionate people… Are they born or made? We delve deeper into this topic.

To have passion is to harbor daily purposes for which to fight without giving up.

The passionate person trusts themselves and what they propose, even if others do not understand it.

What differentiates passionate people from the rest?

One of the most prominent experts in the study of the psychology of passion is the psychologist Robert J. Vallerand. He has been a pioneer in providing an authentic theoretical compendium on the subject, clarifying ideas and providing valuable information. Thus, in a 2018 work, he already offered an interesting definition of passionate people.

The man or woman with these traits shows an inclination towards an activity or activities that are meaningful to them and in which they invest a great deal of time and energy.. Many times, it must be said, it is difficult to understand these personalities. Whether in work, art or politics, these figures always cause a stir and surprise and fascinate us in equal measure.

What makes them that way? Can we also be “infected” by such a stimulating spirit?

“Passion is the genesis of genius.”


The two types of passion that can define you

Vallerand explains to us in his book Psychology of Passion: A Dualistic Model that there are two types of passionate people. The former show a type of harmonious passion, one that will always benefit them and allow them to achieve goals, in addition to high levels of well-being and satisfaction.

However, Passion can also become obsession. In this case, it can lead to maladaptive and sometimes even problematic behaviors. An example of this is losing relationships because you want to achieve a professional goal. They are two sides of the same coin that we see very often.

They relate to every aspect of life with great enthusiasm

If there is a dimension that defines them, it is enthusiasm. Nothing seems to have a middle ground for passionate people: either something captivates them or it bores them, or they are engrossed in a project or they are driving themselves up the wall with pure anxiety. They are active, proactive, highly curious, born explorers and lovers of innovation.

In their minds there is always a goal to achieve, a dream to conquer, a star to touch with their fingers… They connect with their immediate reality and with the people around them with great effusiveness, positivity and energy.

They have perseverance and resistance to frustration as their main characteristics

Passionate people know that life can trip them up at any moment. They are aware that what they want is not always achieved, but they still do not give up. They will take the long way, if necessary. They will accept falling a thousand times, but they will learn from each mistake and setback with great motivation, with resilience and courage.

Passionate people trust themselves, are aware of their limits, but try to improve themselves whenever they can.

They cultivate optimism

Theirs is a healthy and meaningful optimism. They do not see life with a rosy filter, but rather they make that necessary mental effort with which to see solutions to each problem. They are those presences that always instill hope, transmit enthusiasm and the desire to excel in every circumstance.

In this way, if we asked ourselves at the beginning, if the passionate person is born or made, the truth is that in 80% of cases they show these traits already from birth. They have great skills to manage stress, to overcome every difficulty and to always see the rainbow in the middle of every storm.

The passionate person is defined by always having a mind focused on what they want to achieve.

Sense of belonging, values ​​and goal-oriented

One of the characteristics that stands out most in passionate people is the sense of belonging. They experience great pleasure and motivation being part of a social group. They are very familiar, friends of their friends, extraordinary co-workers and even great leaders capable of successfully guiding their teams and employees. They know how to build enriching and productive ties.

Likewise, another evident trait is its clear goal orientation. They always have a plan or purpose in mind, they need to set short and long-term challenges.. In turn, all these expectations are influenced by their strong values, by their vital meanings.

Natural ability to enjoy the little things, not everything is work

Living with passion is trying to enjoy every moment intensely. It is seeing the positive side of each circumstance, appreciating what you have and understanding that beyond purposes, work and dreams, there is reality.

Every event that happens in the here and now is important for people who live with enthusiasm. They do not despise anything, they do not miss opportunities, laughter, company, complicity and games.

Everything is worth it, everything is worth joy for this personality profile.

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