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Now it’s too late to call me


The first thing I thought was that some shit had happened. That he was in some hospital or in prison or something. No, I was naive enough to let the adrenaline rush through my body and ignore some signs that this was a longing call.. I asked that “what happened, what happened? Fuck?”.

Nothing had happened. Or, as he meant to say, he’d missed me a hell of a lot and he’d decided to call me. Yeah, at four in the morning on a Tuesday. With the aggravating factor of being six months after leaving me and two months after taking on a new relationship. Dating that, it wasn’t begging the curse, I already knew it wouldn’t work.


Of course I knew where his life stood. Ex who is an ex goes back to see if the guy still does the same shit. Even those who say “I don’t want to know anymore” keep looking from afar, just to see if this Karma thing is true and the nonsense made during the relationship somehow comes back to hit him in the face.

I think that call was the Karma thing at work.

“It was you who wanted to break up, why look for me now? Where’s your girlfriend? Dude, what a horrible role you’re playing… Are you sure you thought before you called me? I’ve waited a long time for you to come back, but what do you want with me now? Did your life not go? Weren’t you the one who insisted on making it clear that you had put me behind?” Those were just a few questions my machine gun fired.


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I was left without an answer to all the doubts that arose there. He just repeated that he was sorry and that he wanted to go back. Well done, I said. Maybe breaking face is one of the biggest lessons we can have. We learn not to play with others and see that all our choices have consequences. He let me have it too. I was pretty sure I didn’t want to go back. Never.

Still, I listened to some of what he had to say with a mixture of anger and pity. I never wanted to see you suffer. He was my great love, but he had chosen to become an ex. And it doesn’t matter all that good happened. I dropped off his radar, and I intended to stay that way. As much as it sounded like revenge, life took care of redoing this encounter.

I apologized and hung up the phone.
It was too late for him to call me.



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