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Love is a secret that the eyes do not know how to keep

My eyes give me away every time I look at you… why do our eyes often say more about our feelings than our words?

I’ve liked you since the day I saw you enter the door of that bar and I knew I wanted to kiss you, without even touching you, but I never dared to tell you for fear of your reaction, in case you didn’t reciprocate. Although my eyes don’t know how to keep that secret.

And every time I saw you I felt something for you, a mixture of love, passion, the desire to kiss you and hug you. But I hid it and now I regret it, because I had nothing to lose.

It is my look, the light it gives off, the joy it sheds when I look at you, the beauty I see in your heart, the question mark that draws in the air when I don’t know if you reciprocate. ANDYes, she, my gaze, the one that betrays me and betrays me to you..

When you love a person…

When you like a person your heart races, your senses are heightened, you laugh and cry for no apparent reason, you feel like doing crazy things, kissing, making love. But love is something else, it is something more, it is the depth of a feeling of complicity with another person, of wanting to share the good and the bad.

Love is not just saying “I love you”, it is gestures, it is looks, it is sensations., there are many things that we can hardly hide. Love is experienced deep within us.

“The words are full of falsehood or art; “The look is the language of the heart.”

-William Shakespeare-

Our hidden thoughts

Each of us has four areas that differ depending on how we share information. Those areas have been illustrated through the Johari Window, which is a cognitive psychology tool created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, to illustrate human interaction processes. The four areas are the following:

Open: It is the area that includes what I know about myself and others know about me.Blind: what others see in me but I don’t see.Hidden: what I know about myself but others ignore.Unknown: what I ignore about myself and others also ignore.

The information may change from one area to another, depending on the trust we have with certain people. When we feel something for another person, for example, We can try to hide what we feel, but others (if they know us well) will know or intuit what is happening. Our eyes don’t know how to keep a secret.

The effects of a look

A look is a world, a way of communicating, an ocean of feelings, words, that are hidden or that come to light, is one more way of transmitting who we are. One look has many different effects:

It can be flattering or intimidating: Looking briefly is not the same as looking intensely. If someone stares at us for a long time, it can intimidate us, make us afraid… it all depends on the bond and the way we relate.Express emotions: A look is a window to our feelings, something that we cannot control, that lets our emotions escape without us barely realizing it. The looks are full of emotions.Add information to a conversation: A look is a fundamental element in a conversation along with words and gestures. If we are happy while we speak, our eyes will accompany our smile.Reports on the relationship between people: A look tells us if there is intimacy between two people or if they are two strangers. We do not look at a friend, our partner or a family member in the same way, each look is different.Regulate a conversation: A look indicates whose turn it is to speak and whose turn to listen. We look at whoever is speaking to pay attention, to listen actively.

Therefore, if your eyes do not know how to keep a secret, do not be afraid of it. They are windows to your soul, communication tools, snitches to your truth. Embrace and accept what your gaze conveys, as it will be your best asset to be a person who puts honesty first.

“I don’t know your name, I just know the look in your eyes.”

-Mario Benedetti-

The secrets that the eye does not know how to keep

One of the main tools to transmit emotions is the look. A look can say many things, it can be serious, happy, sad, angry, it can show love, tenderness, understanding.

We can use our gaze consciously when we want to convey something with our words, but sometimes our gaze betrays us and reveals all our secrets.

The light that our way of looking transmits when we fall in love with someone is unmistakable. We can hide gestures, we can hide words, we can stop doing many things, but the moment we open our eyes and look at the one we love, our love will escape through our pupils, it will reveal our heart and its beats.

“There are two views; The gaze of the body can sometimes forget, but the gaze of the soul always remembers.”

-Alexandre Dumas-

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Campo Postigo, A. (2006). The Johari Window: A Framework for Personal Knowledge. In Educational organization and management: magazine of the European Forum of Education Administrators.Navarro, EC (2013). Non-verbal language: a higher cognitive process essential for human beings. Communication Magazine, 20(1 (2011)), 46-51. Rebel, G. (2002). Body language: what attitudes, postures, gestures and their interpretation express. Edaf.

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