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isolated, concentrated, hydrolyzed… the difference in protein supplements –

Protein consumption is present in the lives of both athletes and sportsmen. Its need goes beyond the intention of having a defined body because, when consumed in low quantities, it is considered a type of malnutrition, generating symptoms such as excessive fatigue, hair loss, loss of muscle mass and fragility of the immune system. That’s why many people opt for protein supplements, but among so many options (vegan, isolated, hydrolyzed, concentrated…), how can you tell the difference and choose the best one?

According to nutritionist Juliana Ramos de Natale, the use of protein supplements como nutritional support is one of the recommended strategies to maintain adequate nutrient levels in the body. There is a wide variety of supplements on the market, whether of animal origin (such as whey protein) or of vegetable origin (legumes, cereals or oilseeds) and in different forms such as hydrolysed, concentrated or isolated, each one being intended for a purpose. Check out the difference between them below:

whey protein supplement

Rich in protein, milk is widely used in athletic supplements (Lew Robertson/Getty Images)

Better known as Whey Protein, whey protein is highly utilized by the body, generating satiety and helping muscle recovery as it contains all the essential amino acids. In addition, it has molecules that help the immune system, such as immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, components of human breast milk, which help the immune system and defense against viruses, bacteria and fungi.

It can be consumed in three formats. Luisa Saldanha, pharmacist and scientific director of Pharmapele, and Marcella Garcez, nutritionist, explain the differences between them:

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Focused: It is recommended for those looking for muscle mass gain and caloric reduction, being the ‘simplest’ among the three, since it undergoes a minimal filtering process, conserving lactose, fats and minerals, having a slower absorption.
Hydrolyzed: He pit bakes through a process called hydrolysis, where protein molecules are broken into even smaller segments called peptides, which makes absorption easier and more complete by the body. As it is a high quality protein, it is less likely to cause allergic reactions and is ideal for athletes who train in short intervals, with faster and easier absorption.
Isolated: The isolate is almost 100% pure. For this to be possible, the whey goes through rigid filtration processes, in which cholesterol, fats, lactose and carbohydrates are eliminated, causing an increase in the protein level. It is considered a complete protein as it has all the amino acids needed for a healthy diet, is carbohydrate-free and helps build and define muscle.

vegan protein supplement

Soy is one of the vegetables used for protein supplements (Prani Teiyng Ketu/EyeEm/Getty Images)

There is also the vegan supplement, which is made from vegetable proteins that are found in various foods, such as chickpeas, soybeans, rice, chestnuts, among others. “It is absolutely possible to build muscle mass with a vegan diet and supplements, as long as they are well indicated and consumed properly, combined with exercises to gain muscle mass”, explains nutrologist Marcella Garcez. Below are two examples of them:

Being a well-known vegan option, the soy-based supplement can also be found in several forms. It contains glutamine, which aids post-workout recovery, anginine, which dilates blood vessels and is an antioxidant, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol. Because it has more fibers, the absorption of the supplement is slower than that of Whey.

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Concentrated: It carries 65% of the proteins contained in soy beans.

Isolated: Made with soybeans, the isolated supplement guarantees 90% protein and zero carbohydrates

Textured: Also known as “soy meat”, it is made from concentrated soy protein and can be found in different formats such as pieces or granules.

As mentioned above, many other vegetables are rich in protein and, therefore, are used in the formulation of animal-free protein supplements. Some examples are rice and peas, sources of Vegan Açaí and Banana Protein, by biO2tested by our editor Larissa Serpa.

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For two weeks, she took the supplement after daily physical activity. “Over the past few years, I have developed a lactose intolerance. I get extremely bloated when I take any dairy product. At the same time, my body’s goal is to increase lean mass, which requires a higher protein intake, which is why the vegan option is ideal for me, ”she says. Below, she rated the product:

Result: Good. The food has 1.453g of leucine (protein directly linked to muscle growth), corresponding to half of the daily consumption needed for those looking for hypertrophy, a good proportion, since we must consider that part of the consumption must also come from food, for a diet healthy.
Consistency: Average. Vegetable protein is grittier than animal protein, which is why it is recommended for a more enjoyable consumption to be used in a smoothie. See some recipes here.
I like: Good. The product, made from 100% natural ingredients, has, in addition to proteins, organic powdered açaí, powdered banana and organic grape skin flour, ensuring a pleasant taste and an adequate amount of fiber.
Practicality: Excellent. The supplement measure is for 10g, requiring three measures for a complete portion (of 30g). This 1/3 measure (unlike others that have a measure for a whole portion) allows you to fractionate the consumption when there is no need for a whole portion, since the excess consumption of proteins damages the calcium in the bones.

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Check out the nutritional table of the product below:


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Despite being good for health, there are some precautions that must be taken with protein supplements. It is indicated that you always consult a doctor before inserting them into your diet.

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