The condom It is one of the most popular and used contraceptive methods in the world, to such an extent that when we talk about safe sex We automatically mention condoms. This fame is not in vain, however many people question their use or wonder if they are 100% effective, and some consider that their use can reduce pleasure so they decide not to use it.
Are you one of those who wonders if the condom is safe? Keep reading because at we explain everything you need to know about its effectiveness and the importance of its use.
They are safe as long as you use them properly Things that decrease the effectiveness of a condom How to use a condom properly
They are safe as long as you use them properly
There is no contraceptive method that is 100% except abstinence, however the condom is one of the most reliable methods with an effectiveness close to 97%. as long as you use it well. And its effectiveness is significantly reduced, dropping to 80%, when the condom is not used appropriately, increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy and contagion of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs.
The condom is safe, but you must use it correctly. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the condom is the only contraceptive method capable of preventing the spread of STDsthat is why there is no more effective option to achieve it if you are sexually active.
Things that reduce the effectiveness of the condom
Attention! As we have explained previously, the effectiveness of the condom is significantly reduced if you do not use it properly. The alarming thing is that most boys do not use condoms properly, running a high risk of unwanted pregnancy and STD contagion.
Some of the practices that reduce the effectiveness of condoms are:
Not checking the expiration date
Using an expired condom is the same as taking a high risk, as the material can become rigid, dry out or tear easily, leaving us unprotected. It is essential to always check the expiration date and never use it if it is expired. A moment of passion is not worth such a risk.
Using a poorly stored condom
Some people keep condoms in their wallet or the glove compartment of their car, completely inappropriate places to store them. Heat or sun can damage latex, increasing the chance of it breaking due to the friction of sex. It is best to store them in a dry and dark place, for example a drawer in your room.
Break the packaging inappropriately
The condom should never be opened with your teeth or scissors; doing so runs the risk of it breaking without you noticing, which would obviously compromise its effectiveness.
Use a very small condom
It is essential that the boy choose a condom of his size that is not too tight as it could tear, nor too loose or it could come off during use. It is important that you try several sizes before sexual activity, so you will be sure which one fits you.
Use oil lubricants
Many couples decide to use intimate lubricants to improve the sexual experience, however oil-based lubricants are incompatible with latex, increasing the risk of breakage. This also applies to Vaseline, baby oil, and any other greasy product used for lubrication.
Putting on the condom too late or doing it wrong
The condom should be put on before any sexual contact, especially if the goal is to prevent the spread of STDs. Penetration without a condom gives rise to the exchange of fluids that can transmit sexual diseases if the person is infected, but also cause the precum, which contains small amounts of sperm, to come into contact with the vagina, potentially causing an unwanted pregnancy. As if that were not enough, some guys decide to put on the condom when it is too late and they have ejaculated.
It is also important that the tip of the condom has a receptacle for semen so that it can collect it, which is why the tip of the condom should never be completely attached to the glans. There should also be no air between the penis and the condom, otherwise it could break.
Taking a long time to remove the condom
Another fundamental point to keep in mind to ensure that the condom is safe is to remove it at the right time. After the sexual act you must remove the penis when it is still erect and at that moment take out the condom, if you wait for the erection to go down to remove the penis from the vagina the condom will loosen and the semen could come out, in which case both would be left unprotected.
Not checking the condom after use
It is important that you make sure that the condom has not broken, to do this when you take it out you must tie a knot and press so that the condom inflates inside, this way you will see if some semen escapes with the pressure or not. After doing so, discard the condom.
If you detect that it has ruptured, she should opt for an emergency contraception method to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.
How to use a condom properly
Do you have questions about how to put the condom on properly? In our video how to put on a condom you will see how to do it so you don’t make any mistakes.
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