Under review
The greatest virtue of the Grounding exercise is that it is an extremely simple technique and that it can be practiced at any time and anywhere. It is a handy tool to quickly get out of a state of anxiety.
The exercise of Grounding It is a very simple relaxation technique, especially indicated for those who are going through a moment of great stress or anxiety. The word Grounding In Spanish it means ‘connecting to the earth’ and the exercise precisely has to do with this, both literally and figuratively.
This method serves to reduce states of extreme nervousness, but It is also suitable for those times when we experience confusionfear or sadness without a cause -threat/loss- that justifies these emotions.
A study carried out at the University of California supports the benefits of exercise Grounding. From a physical point of view, it would reduce inflammation states in the body, strengthen the immune response and generate a feeling of greater vitality. Without further ado, let’s see what it is all about.
“Most of our stress and anxiety comes from disconnection from our bodies. The more grounded you are in your body, the less stress and anxiety you will experience.”.
-Scott Jeffrey-
The Grounding exercise, classic version
It must be said that there are several versions of the exercise of Grounding and that the most classic involves a direct encounter with nature. If you feel more calm when you walk on the beach or move through a forest, you are simply doing a Grounding spontaneous. That’s precisely what it’s about: immersing yourself in a natural environment.
To perform this simple exercise Grounding Start by taking off your shoes and socks. Then walk on a surface with grass, sand or stones. Obviously, make sure the floor is free of objects that could harm you.
You just have to walk without stopping for ten minutes. Focus on the sensation you experience under the soles of your feet. Try to breathe slowly. Ideally, you should do this exercise outdoors, as it is much more beneficial.
How does it benefit you? It has been proven that direct contact of the skin with the earth is relaxing. Likewise, when you move across a surface that is not uniform, what you get is a kind of natural massage, without hardly realizing it. This exercise is believed to help return to the center of oneself.
Second variant
There is a second variant of the exercise of Groundingwhich corresponds to a kind of “version mindfulness”. In this case, You should sit in a chair that allows you to rest your feet well on the floor.. She starts breathing normally and gradually tries to breathe in and out more and more deeply.
This time you must also be barefoot. After a few minutes in that position, and when you feel that your breathing is deep and rhythmic, Focus all your attention on the soles of your feet. Try to perceive very carefully the sensations you experience, the texture of the floor, the temperature of your skin…
All you have to do is do this exercise for three minutes. Focusing on the soles of your feet and the ground brings you back to the now.. It’s as if you opened a parenthesis in your anxiety and gave yourself the opportunity to get rid of it for a moment. Then, you will feel much more calm.
The third variant
There is a third version of the exercise Groundingwhich is also related to mindfulness. It is popularly known as the “three threes” exercise.. This is a minimal action, particularly indicated for a specific moment in which you feel elated or out of control.
Start by closing your eyes listening to what is around you; Then name the three sounds that you hear most clearly.. Immediately open your eyes and say out loud which three colors you notice the most in the environment. Finally, mention the three sensations that you experience on your skin at this very moment. And that’s it.
This mini-exercise is fabulous for anchoring you in the present and staying in the here and now. Anxiety has to do with a tendency of the mind to project towards a future that is perceived as threatening. This practice of returning to the present moment will help you dispel restlessness or excitement.
As you can see, the three versions of the exercise Grounding They are very simple, with the advantage of being able to practice them at any time.. None of them take a lot of time, but they can make a difference in your mood. See for yourself.
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Figueras, T. (2013). Grounding: concept and uses in dance movement therapy (DMT)
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