Home » Love Clinic » Instead of ignoring a woman and having it hurt, do these 10 things

Instead of ignoring a woman and having it hurt, do these 10 things

Ok, you no longer know what to do to capture the interest of that woman who drives you crazy. So much so that you have reached the point of wondering how to ignore a woman and have her hurt?

I understand you. Sometimes we can become a bit challenging.

Maybe it’s because you want to have your little share of revenge because your pride has been hurt.

Or you don’t know how to get his attention anymore, and you think that playing bad as in the movies will make it.

The truth is that, for a woman to give you her attention, it is not necessary to hurt her.

Hurting someone should never be an option.

Instead of ignoring her, here are 10 surefire ideas to get her to seek you out.

They work, I assure you!

How to ignore a woman so that she looks for you: 10 ideas

In the art of seduction there are several tools that can be useful.

Ignoring someone you’re attracted to is a classic strategy.

A distant and hard-to-reach person can be seen as someone out of reach.

And that can be attractive at the time of conquest.

But only if you know how to use this tool well.

Since ignoring someone to make them feel attracted to you should not be something that causes suffering.

If you really want her to seek you out without hurting her trying, follow these 10 tips.

1) You are not 100% available

You can strike up a conversation with her from time to time and be interested in what she says and what she notices.

But you can’t always do it.

Above all, if she is to ask you for favors.

In that case, do not rush to help her or talk to her.

Prioritizing your activities must be important.

If he asks you out, don’t always agree. Show him that you have other people you care about in your life.

2) Apply the law of cold and heat

This is a classic game of seduction.

The idea is that you send him signals that you are interested, but only from time to time.

For example, you can give him sincere compliments, or a joke from time to time.

They can also exchange glances, but you should not be too obvious when doing so.

Make her doubt. She will intrigue you.

3) Be moderate with what you say

Don’t flatter her 24 hours a day, or highlight how pretty she is every time you see her.

She will realize that you are dying for her and she will smell your despair.

4) Give your opinion

You don’t have to agree with everything she says or does.

Part of seducing someone is letting them know you for who you are.

If she has a different opinion than you, you can make it known.

Although, remember to be respectful of differences in perspective, of course.

5) Actual interest

Ask yourself what kind of interest you have in her and work on it.

Just because you are physically attracted to her does not mean that she is the woman of your life.

Keep your head and goals clear and be respectful.

6) Keep it a little mysterious

Women like mystery.

Try to keep a bit of distance and don’t reveal everything about yourself right away.

Try to make yourself known little by little, it is not necessary that your life be an open book.

Save those important things for when you manage to have an intimate conversation.

This can make her more intrigued and interested in getting to know you better.

7) Complicit or fleeting glances

If it is about seduction, looks cannot be left out.

If they share a workspace, for example, and see each other often, knowing glances are key.

They are those looks that are generated when you understand what the other thinks, without saying anything.

If you manage to have this kind of eye contact, you will develop a deep connection with her.

And he may even get used to looking for your gaze more often.

For example: when that office mate does something that you both discussed in your last conversation.

You can also combine them with a couple of fleeting glances from time to time. But don’t be obvious.

When you catch eyes, hold her briefly and look into her eyes, you can crack a sheepish smile as you do so.

8) Surprise her with an unexpected detail

Surprise her with a small treat, like a piece of candy, for no particular reason.

Or show up with what he has said he needs more than once.

Do not go out of your way to make lavish or romantic gifts.

The idea is that you show that you have thought about her or paid attention to what she needs.

It is not a declaration of love.

9) Take it out of context

To get her to start picking up on your seduction cues, you can invite her to do something unexpected.

It can be something fun together, like going to a concert, an amusement park, or a play.

10) Show him that you care.

If you are getting to know each other little by little, he will surely enjoy realizing that you are paying attention to him.

And, even more, that you care what happens to him.

Send him a message or ask him how his important work meeting, competition, etc. went.

Remember that the objective is to arouse their curiosity and ask them:

“Is he attracted to me or is he just being nice?”

How to make a woman look for you and want you

If you want her to get to know you better and really care about you, pay attention to the way you are.

These tips will help you not only attract her attention, but keep her interested.

Be authentic

Being yourself is essential in the game of seduction.

Don’t try to act like someone you’re not.

In the long run this will only make you uncomfortable and will not allow you to build a genuine relationship.

Also, if you want to form a relationship with her, how long do you think you’ll be able to “keep a character”?

It is better that his interest is focused on the real you, who says that you are not attractive just the way you are?


Women are attracted to men who are self-assured and have self-esteem.

That is, they are not afraid to say their opinions or express their ideas or emotions.

show your interesting side

Women like to be with men who have interesting and exciting lives.

Try to maintain an active and varied life, do things that you enjoy and that challenge you.

But you don’t have to do new things to attract her.

There are times when we take for granted that our tastes and hobbies are normal or uninteresting.

But if she shares these tastes or is curious about it, it is likely that she will be interested in you. Do not you believe it?

be kind and attentive

Be sure to pay attention to it and to be kind and respectful at all times.

Ask him about his interests and listen to what he has to say.

Be patient

Don’t expect her to be attracted to you right away.

Building a bond takes time and effort.

Be patient and work on establishing a connection with her.

Sense of humor

Humor is a great way to connect with a woman and make her feel comfortable with you.

If it’s easy for you to make others laugh, try to show it when you’re with her.

But don’t overdo it, and make sure you’re not being offensive or insensitive.


Show him that you are a mature, independent and responsible person.

Women look for men who can handle difficult situations and speak clearly.

What to do to ignore a woman and make it hurt

While I don’t recommend that you ignore a woman, as no one deserves to have their feelings played with, here are the basic strategies for doing so:

Don’t talk to him: Talking means giving him the attention he wants.

If you really decide to ignore her, you should avoid all contact with her.

Even on social networks.

Don’t give him likes or comment on his posts.

Not even if he texts you.

Avoid complying with her requests: If she asks you to do something for her or help her, don’t do it.

Take an interest in other people: If you talked to her often, show her that she’s not the only person you can talk to.

She shouldn’t know you’re ignoring her: if she catches on to your strategy, she might get angry and even see you as a legitimate “jerk.” You have been warned.

Do not cross her path: if you frequent the same place as her very often, try not to go there anymore.

He will surely perceive your absence and wonder why you are not there.

Do not greet her: this would indeed be a dagger to the heart directly.

Since your attitude will show absolute rejection.

I suggest not doing it, a greeting is not denied to anyone.

What happens when we ignore a woman

When a woman is ignored, a host of emotions can be triggered in her.

If she is close to you, you may be confusing her.

And wonder if you have done something wrong.

It is likely that he is looking to get your attention or try to generate contact with you in some way.

Since this situation will generate a bit of mystery.

Although the intrigue she has may not be positive and the uncertainty hurts her.

If you don’t know each other very well, I might take it to mean that you are a person with a strong personality.

Since you show yourself as someone who is not accessible, that is, a difficult man to access.

I’m not going to lie to you, some women are attracted to these types of personalities.

But getting her attention in this way can show that your intentions are not good.

And that you are only interested in taking her to bed.

And if she has a good opinion of you, she might change it if she finds out what you’re doing.

You see, a woman who wants a serious man by her side is looking for mature people.

Seduction games of this style have no place for this type of women.

How does a woman feel when a man ignores her?

It all depends on the bond you have with that woman.

But I warn you, whatever relationship you have with her, it will surely affect her ego.

The vast majority of human beings do not take someone’s rejection well.

But how long this discomfort lasts or how intense it will be will depend on what relationship they have.

For example, if you’re her friend and she doesn’t know she’s become your crush, she probably won’t understand why you’re ignoring her.

And, surely, you hurt their feelings.

If, on the other hand, you have met at a party and only seen each other once, she will surely be annoyed that you ignore her.

But his anger won’t last more than a couple of days.

Be careful with making her feel this way, you may be causing her not to want to know anything more about you.

Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.

Why it is NOT advisable to ignore a woman

When it comes to romance and love, it is natural to play pick-up games.

But sometimes these games push us into unhealthy behaviors.

Neither for oneself, nor for the person we dream of conquering.

So the question I invite you to ask yourself is “is it necessary to ignore it?”

To understand your answer, it may help to also ask yourself:

How much do I care about this woman? What kind of bond do I want to have with her?

If you really care about this woman, my advice is don’t play games with her.

Ignoring a woman with the idea of ​​making her look for you is not a respectful way to build a relationship.

A study published in Sage Journals indicates that ignoring a person can affect their self-esteem.

It can even lead the ignored person to self-question its validity.

I understand that, when it comes to seducing someone, a share of intrigue works.

But you must be careful in the way you apply these strategies.

Since doing it incorrectly, it could generate a reaction in her that…

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