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Hydroquinone: Are the Risks Worth It? Dermatologist evaluates

Skin care, present in the routine of most women, includes various types of creams, acids, ointments, moisturizers, regenerators and antioxidants. The entire feminine arsenal is used to deal with any type of problem that could threaten the immaculate skin tissue, leaving it smooth and, preferably, completely uniform. Hydroquinone is another one of those products that promise great dermatological miracles.

Used to lighten blemishes, hydroquinone is the subject of heated debate between its advocates and its inquisitors. Dermatologist Helena Zantut says that much discussion is due to the fact that the product needs to be used correctly, otherwise it can cause a series of side effects.

What is hydroquinone?

Helena explains that hydroquinone is an aromatic organic compound, “used to lighten dark spots on the skin”. Sold under various names, the product works as a depigmenting substance, helping to inhibit the production of melanin by cells and blocking its accumulation. This function is what gives the effect of diminishing dark spots, acne marks and even freckles.

What are the side effects of misuse of hydroquinone?

Firstly, hydroquinone can cause skin hypersensitivity to sunlight, which means it will be more likely to develop new blemishes. This can cause treatment for one area to end up harming others.

Some patients report, while using the drug, a certain redness in the skin, in addition to itching and dryness. Helena says that these problems can only be avoided through the correct use of the product, always with the guidance of a dermatology professional. “Hydroquinone has to be used well. It is necessary to start with a very light concentration and gradually increase this concentration”, she explains, “in summer, it is not recommended to use the product, in case the patient decides to go to the beach, for example”.

Due to these complications and its possible carcinogenic action (not yet proven), the FDA in the US has proposed a ban on the sale of hydroquinone in pharmacies.

How to avoid hydroquinone side effects?

Medical follow-up is expressly indicated for any type of health treatment, even those for topical use, as with hydroquinone. Consulting a professional and giving him all the necessary information about your medical history, before starting a new treatment, reduces the chances of facing problems arising from allergies and irritations, for example.

Helena also emphasizes the importance of following the treatment according to what is designated by the dermatologist. In the case of hydroquinone, “the ideal is to use it at night, always accompanied by a sunscreen in the morning, and never use the product without a medical prescription”.

This type of care allows your body to get the best out of the treatment and not suffer from unexpected reactions, which can be painful, leave permanent marks on your skin and even bring more serious damage to your health.

How much does it cost and where to buy hydroquinone?

The price of the product varies, as it is sold by different laboratories, in different concentrations and under different names. Hydroquinone can also be manipulated. The price range is between R$20 and R$30, according to research carried out in some pharmacies. The lowest price we found for hydroquinone was at Drogaria Onofre, for R$18.89.

Buy hydroquinone now!

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