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How to treat groin diaper rash and 4 tips to avoid the problem

Rashes in the groin can be quite uncomfortable and caused by the use of certain pieces of clothing, so the ideal is that the area is always clean and dry. To understand more about the subject and bring tips on how to deal with the problem, we talked to dermatologists Renata Marques (CRM 814717 RJ | RQE 20486) and Francine Belinetti (CRM 30732 | SBD | RQE 20352). Check out:

What causes groin rash

According to Renata, “the groin rash means frictional dermatitis, that is, it occurs by friction. It usually happens in athletes and in people who are overweight and obese.” Other causes include:

  • Excessive humidity in the region: Francine points out that both not drying the crotch properly and having a lot of hair can contribute to increased humidity in the region. And this is the main cause of discomfort.
  • Inadequate underwear: for dermatologists, this is the second main cause of the problem. “Both very tight clothing and synthetic fabrics can be responsible for the appearance of diaper rash”, says Francine. She reinforces that, when clothes do not prevent contact on both sides of the skin, this facilitates friction and the consequent appearance of a rash.
  • Constant skin friction: common in overweight or obese people. Francine comments that “obesity favors friction at the site, which makes the rash appear and worsens, in addition to making hygiene difficult”. She also comments on the use of clothes that favor or not prevent friction, a situation that should be avoided.
  • Increased sweating: Francine points out that people with increased sweating are more likely to experience groin diaper rash. In fact, “the problem can be localized in the region or generalized”.
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These are examples of causes of diaper rash. For Renata, “it is essential to lose weight, keep the skin clean and dry, and apply a protective ointment based on petrolatum, zinc oxide or lanolin.” Francine, on the other hand, comments: “often, people believe that they only have a rash in the region, but, in fact, there are other factors that came later because of the constant friction of the skin, as is the case with mycoses.”

How to treat groin rash

When the diaper rash has already happened, it will be necessary to take some care to do the treatment. See essential tips:

Keep the skin dry and ventilated

In Francine’s words, “It is necessary to dry the area very well, and patients with a lot of hair should consider keeping their bikini shaved, suddenly even having laser hair removal”.

Baby powder

Talc helps keep the area dry for longer and also eliminates the discomfort caused by diaper rash. Francine makes it clear that both powdered and liquid talc can be used, with the aim of reducing moisture.

Bepanthol and zinc oxide creams

The famous diaper rash ointment used on babies can also be applied by adults dealing with the problem. For Francine, it is a barrier cream, more suitable for those who have difficulty keeping the groin dry and, mainly, for obese people.

cotton underwear

Earlier, when the dermatologist talked about the causes of groin rash, she mentioned the issue of underwear. She also comments that “it is necessary to reduce the use of synthetic fabric underwear and give preference to cotton, as they will help to make the region more ventilated and less humid.”

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The mentioned treatments are indicated in cases where there are no signs of inflammation on the skin caused by fungi or bacteria. As Francine points out, “there are situations in which the problem is a consequence of mycosis, inverted psoriasis and erythrasma. That’s why it’s important to go through a proper diagnosis.”

How to prevent groin rash

For both dermatologists, the most important thing is to always keep the skin clean and dry, in addition to using protective ointments. However, it is also valid:

  • Keep the skin hydrated: use hydration creams before doing any physical activity that will rub the area and whenever you notice the skin drier.
  • Be careful when shaving: whenever you shave your bikini area, remember to moisturize your skin afterwards. If using a blade, be careful not to cut the area.
  • Choose lighter underwear: clothes make all the difference, so bet on those with cotton fabric, which ventilate the skin better. As Francine recommends, it is best to avoid synthetic underwear, especially.
  • Clean the area with mild soap and warm water: Francine comments that inadequate hygiene habits can contribute to the appearance of diaper rash. That’s why the ideal is to clean the groin well and give preference to neutral soap during the bath.

As you can see, groin rash is a common problem. If the situation happens very often, talk to a dermatologist you trust to find the best solution together. Now, also check out information on how to whiten your groin at home and eliminate ingrown hairs in the region.

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The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

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