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How to spot when you’re being wronged at work

Injustice or professional failure? learn to differentiate
Photo: Thinkstock

The feeling of being the victim of injustices in the company may just be a self-indulgent way of explaining your professional shortcomings. Be aware of mistakes you may be making in your career and learn what to do when injustice really exists.

It is by giving (what the company wants) that you receive
After several years working in the same place and, mainly, performing the same function, you usually start to question your space: you tend to have the impression that your skills are superior to the position you occupy. At that time, stop and assess whether what the company expects from you is what is being offered to it. Have you ever stopped to think, for example, that there may be characteristics of your personality that don’t match the way you work in the place where you’re employed? Not fitting the profile required to hold a certain position does not mean having to settle for less; just shows that it’s time to think about investing in requalification. Going after what is missing in the curriculum will already count points in your favor.

The look of others is very important
It may not seem fair, but image is indeed a determining factor when it comes to getting a job. There are functions – mainly those of leadership – that require, in addition to competence, a different look and posture. Keeping an excessively simple style of dress and a shy way, for example, can convey an idea of ​​fragility.

The decisive role of relationships
As important as performing your tasks well at work is noticing when the relationship with the team or the boss is not going well and trying to reverse the situation. Don’t wait for your superiors or your colleagues to come to you to say that they are not satisfied with your behavior. This can even happen, but it’s not a rule. The ideal is to always be attentive to communication with them.

Experience in just one company can get in the way
Often, the company you work for is not offering good possibilities for career advancement – ​​and the professional may take a long time to realize this. There are certain times when you want to go further and your area of ​​expertise or even the company is limited.

learn to differentiate
In episodes of professional frustration, in general, there is a very fine line separating injustice on the part of the company from a failure in the person’s own conduct. Instead of cultivating a feeling of impotence for not having received the desired recognition, in these moments it is very important to stop and analyze without emotion the situation you are experiencing. Figuring out why things aren’t working is always the first step in finding a solution.

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