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How to flirt with Japanese women – 5 steps

Japan is an exciting culture but very different from the West. She can be very attractive, just like her women. If you have proposed to hook you up with a Japanese woman, You must know how they think about themselves, others or their place in society. In general, Japanese women have strong values ​​and peculiar tastes, so if you want to make one of those women fall in love with you, you will have to go ahead and discover her preferences and desires.

At unComo.com we are romantics and we love helping our readers achieve their goals. So if you want to know how to flirt with japanese, Do not miss this article. You will surely get it!

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Steps to follow:

Japanese women like guys to be tall (more than 1.75) Unfortunately, if you are a short boy you have little chance of winning her over. But don’t give up, sometimes a friendly and fun character can win the heart of any woman, including that of a Japanese woman. Fitness is also important for them. Men who are too thin are not very successful among them, but neither are fat men. They like men with a normal weight, who take care of themselves and are in shape.

They also like manly men, so if you are the typical macho man, with hair on his chest, chivalrous and traditional, you will have a better chance of conquering her. Japanese women do not like androgynous men, those who shave or take excessive care of themselves.

You’re lucky. They like foreigners a lot. They are attracted to the fact that their partner is from another culture, they see it with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. So, don’t try to imitate being Japanese, claim your culture and differences so that it becomes something that unites you.


Japanese women love kindness, They love attentive and kind men who go out of their way for them (I think that’s universal…). There is no kindness without a smile. Laughing people are closer and more liked, in addition to appearing more accessible. Smile a lot, they love that. Making us laugh is always something very sexy but for Japanese women it is the most. A happy and fun character can make up for many shortcomings, taking into account that no one is perfect. Bring out your most playful side and you will have her in the boat.

They also like determined men, with initiative. They are not at all attracted to the idea of ​​being with a man who is too dependent, so you must demonstrate autonomy and your own resources if you want to make a Japanese woman fall in love with you.


They don’t like to take the initiative. Therefore, it is important that be you the one who conquers them, that you lead the way in that sense. Show her interest by writing messages, calling her, or meeting on Skype. If you are in love, nothing better than a beautiful and romantic declaration of love to finish softening her tender heart. They like direct, romantic men who are not afraid to show their feelings, take note!

They don’t like childish and immature men at all. You must be firm, with character and will. They are not willing to date men who make them feel like they are their mothers. They hate it. If you are an understanding and attentive man, you have a lot to gain from a Japanese woman. They really like men like that, since they feel respected and cared for. Work on your empathy and you will succeed.


Now let’s go for what they don’t likeso stay tuned if you want to flirt with Japanese women:

In Japanese culture education is very important, kindness and knowing how to be. Therefore, rude, rude and inconsiderate people have nothing to do with a Japanese woman. Selfish men who are not very detailed and do not take care of details will not be ideal candidates either. They love to be entertained and kept present, so if you like to go about your business and be pampered a lot but pampered little, you have a difficult time. cleanliness and order It is something very important for a Japanese woman. Men who are messy or who do not take much care of their personal hygiene will not be liked by these women.


If you have a very complicated character, with many mood swings or are too picky, you may not have much success with the Japanese woman. They like men with good character, kind and sweet.

If you want to conquer a Japanese woman, groom yourself. It is important that you take care of your appearance and be conceited, without being too feminine, of course. Perfume yourself, comb your hair, try to be fashionable within your style… learn to take advantage of it and you will have it in the bottle.

Lastly, you can’t be too authoritarian. They hate dictatorial men, who decide everything and about everything. Japanese women, although it may not seem like it, have a lot of character and are used to taking charge of many activities in their society, so they like to give their opinion and make decisions.

Keep all these tips in mind and surely that Asian girl who has stolen your heart will not escape you. Cheer up!

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