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How a man hurt by a woman acts

If you’re in a relationship with a guy who’s been emotionally hurt, you’re probably constantly wondering about his behavior.

Why does he call you all the time, mistrusts you and doesn’t express his feelings to you?

All this after being together so long.

You’re wondering if it’s your fault or what the hell is wrong with him in general.

You are seriously thinking if you should leave him, if he really cares about you or what the problem is.

But don’t rush.

Find out first if he is really emotionally hurt. The signs that I will tell you about below will give you a clear picture and then you will understand how to handle it.

Its beginning may not be so easy, but if you really love it, you can give it a try. In short, you are with him for who he is and not because of his past.

17 sad signs that a man is emotionally wounded

1) Past pain still weighs on you

One of the biggest signs that a man is emotionally hurt is that he is holding on to the past.

Even when she says she’s left it behind, it’s still there in her heart.

For him, the pain of past rejection, disappointment, and depression are hard to shake.

This could have originated from childhood experiences and later experiences.

In some cases it includes childhood traumas and fear of abandonment. Also pain and anger from the disappointment of a failed relationship.

This underlying resentment and bitterness ruin potential new relationships, because they let the pain of the past dominate their present.

Also, by trying to protect himself, he hurts the feelings of the girls who go through his life in the process.

2) You don’t invest much in the relationship

A man who has been emotionally hurt is like a wounded animal. He is running for cover and trying to find a place to hide.

But he still wants to love and be loved.

He moves away from the place of the conflict and tries to protect himself. You will focus on yourself and your needs, because you are in survival mode.

This doesn’t mean that he’s really a selfish guy or that he doesn’t give a damn about you, even though he sometimes acts like that.

A guy who has been hurt by a woman will have trouble reciprocating affection and even taking kind actions.

It can take a long time for a man, who has been emotionally hurt, to begin to commit to the relationship.

He may even then suddenly pull back on you and walk away.

I’ll be honest, if you’re looking for a relationship without a lot of complications, this is not the person for you.

3) It feels uncomfortable to open up

Although you may sometimes open up in moments of vulnerability, you may later regret or feel uncomfortable about doing so.

It is because he has given himself up before and he has been hurt; and now he feels exposed.

He doesn’t want to tell you what he really thinks most of the time. Unfortunately, he associates this with the fact that he will become prone to open up old wounds.

You have trust issues. Even if she ends up trusting, she gets cranky and may lash out at you.

4) What would an adviser with a special gift say?

The reasons in this section will give you an idea to understand if your boy is emotionally hurt and that is why he acts as he does.

Still, love and relationship issues can be confusing at the best of times, especially since your situation is unique to you.

So could I help you get some outside guidance?

It’s fair to say that there are plenty of scammers out there, just waiting to take advantage when we are at our most vulnerable.

But after many frustrations in love, I discovered that talking to the specialists of “Your Psychic” was very useful.

The advisor I spoke to was very friendly and understanding and I knew he really knew what he was talking about.

My loving reading gave me the guidance I was looking for (and needed) during a painful and confusing time.

Click here for your own personalized love reading.

A talented psychic can not only tell you what is happening with this boy, in your particular case. He also can reveal all your possibilities of love.

5) Doesn’t seem to trust you

Another major sign is that you are a control freak.

As psychologist Melanie Greenberg writes:

“The inability to trust a partner can take many forms. This includes the feeling that the partner they are with is dishonest or hiding something. They don’t trust them to be reliable, consistent and available, when they are needed. They are afraid of being taken advantage of. They do not trust their values ​​as human beings. They don’t feel safe to express who we really are in their relationships.”

Being controlling can take many forms. Examples of them may be that he constantly asks you who you spend time with.

He feels uncomfortable when you text a lot or is jealous of your social media posts.

He wants to trust you, but there’s something inside of him that tells him he can’t.

As you can imagine, this ruins a lot of relationships, because at the end of the day it’s their problem, not yours.

6) He is cautious when expressing his love and attraction

Part of the problem with a man who has been emotionally hurt is that he doesn’t express his emotions much.

He keeps everything inside, including his love for you.

When you release your feelings, you feel exposed and are reminded of the rejection you’ve been through.

Showing you affection increases their feelings of attachment. This makes him more afraid of you leaving.

Your inner feelings of inadequacy flare up. So, he is convinced that he is “losing” control in the relationship.

Feel that you are going to destroy it at any moment.

This lack of verbalization of your feelings can be very difficult. Especially if you are a woman who wants clear communication about where things are.

Sometimes with patience and love this can be resolved. But in many cases, their own problems overshadow the possibility of romance.

7) Crave attention and validation

Does the craving for interest and approval never seem to wear off on him?

This is one of the biggest signs that a man has been hurt by a woman.

Your low self-esteem constantly tells you that you are not good enough. He is like an angry judge, that he is sentenced all the time to life imprisonment, inside a mental prison.

You are often ashamed of yourself and feel inadequate, for no good reason.

This guy doesn’t hate himself because he’s bad, but because his internal dialogue tells him he is.

It is for this reason that you feel insecure and continually crave praise and validation.

8) He is addicted to work and professional success

Another of the key signs that a man is emotionally hurt is work addiction.

You may pursue successes and professional achievements as a way to run away from your own intimacy problems.

The addiction to work can be due to a crisis of a man, who wants to suppress his emotions with long nights in the office.

He’s using work as therapy, but instead of solving and facing some problems, he’s just trying to escape.

9) Doesn’t seem to appreciate you, but is terrified of you leaving

Beneath the calm-looking surface of a broken man, there is a raging storm.

He is hesitant to show you affection or tell you that he loves you. But at the same time, he is deeply afraid that you will leave him.

This paradoxical combination is a nightmare that separates people. And he knows it too, but he couldn’t control it.

Much of this is due to a buried trauma, which he does not know how to overcome and that is why he continually returns to it.

A great tool that I have discovered is shamanic breathing and I am convinced that this could help you.

Our respiratory systems are a powerful link between our conscious and our unconscious.

Rudá Iandê is a shaman from Brazil whose breathing lessons are especially helpful and clear. He talks about what a huge difference breathwork has made for him, writing that:

“I started studying breathing 28 years ago and since then I haven’t stopped learning. What I have learned has completely changed my life. I was able to heal my body and mind, balance my emotions, and develop much of my personal power, creativity, and awareness.”

You can tell your boy about this tool and invite him to try it. It will help you work on rebuilding your confidence in yourself and in his body.

10) He has a negative narrative about his past

If this boy’s life were a movie, it would be all gray and full of betrayal and sadness.

You don’t notice or appreciate the good things, because the narrative in your head tells you that only bad things happen to you in life.

Unfortunately, this helps create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He himself is his worst enemy.

Not that positive thinking is always a good thing. But the stories we tell ourselves, about why we’re here and what we can achieve, make a world of difference.

When something goes right, he attributes it to luck. He doesn’t feel like he deserves it.

11) Try to use sex and seduction to hide the pain

He can be an absolute charmer in the right environment: witty, sensitive, and attractive.

His layers of pain and trauma don’t usually come to light until months after dating him.

You may think of him as a guy who is very in touch with his sexuality and enjoys time in bed. And he can seem very sensual and sexually attentive.

But in many cases your sexual desire is not about something physical. It’s his way of trying to run away from something deeper, and gain gratification and release.

Using sex and seduction in this way is not healthy. But it’s a habit that can start early in life and continue as time goes by.

As Scott Kampschaefer writes:

“Some people use sex as an outlet. They may also consume other substances and engage in certain behaviors. But for some, sex is one of their main sources of pleasure or gratification. We regard this as something we carry on our bodies. So it is one of the easiest options to relieve emotional pain, whatever the reason.

If this becomes a habit, starting early enough in someone’s life, it can become compulsive or problematic. One of the main signs of this is when the person has trouble stopping. Even when his better judgment tells him it would be better not to.”

12) Your suffering is always in second place

This is hard to digest.

He dismisses your suffering and emotions, considering them less important than his.

He only listens with one ear, convinced that what you say is nothing, compared to what has happened to him.

13) He has a bad image of himself

One of the worst things about having a poor self-image and low self-esteem is that it infects everything.

Psychotherapist Christine Webber notes that:

“Self-hatred is characterized by feelings of anger and frustration about who you are. Also, you don’t have the inability to forgive yourself, even for the smallest mistakes.”

This makes…

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