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23 Proven Ways To Tell If A Girl Likes You

Met an amazing girl and wonder if she likes you too?

You will not be the first nor the last to ask yourself this question.

By now you think relationships should be easier nowadays.

But there are things that never change. Some of us still fear rejection.

And not all of us have the confidence to directly ask a girl how she feels.

Lucky for you, there are many attitudes that you can observe, which will give you a clear idea if he likes you.

In this article we will talk about the 23 signs – many of them proven by science – that will tell you if he likes you.

Let us begin.

How to tell if a girl likes you, 23 proven signs that she does

1) Just ask

Listen to me.

I know that sometimes it can sound scary to expose yourself to rejection. But the truth is that many times it is the best and fastest option.

Can save you time, effort and wasted emotions.

If you ask him, only two things can happen:

She will say that she likes you and from there you can see how you are doing. You can start building trust with her and move towards a great relationship.
He will tell you that he doesn’t like you and that’s it. It will hurt a little, but just like that you can move on. Very likely you will find someone who does like you, sooner than you imagine.

Either way, it will work for the best. If you can just be honest and ask.

As licensed psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith states:

“When you open your mouth, you also open your heart, and knowing that someone truly listens to what you are feeling and understands it is comforting to your soul”

If you still feel intimidated about asking, that’s completely understandable.

Here are some signs to know if he likes you or not.

2) She tries to spend as much time as possible with you

If a girl likes you, she will be happy to spend time with you.

She will say yes to all your invitations and she will even be the one who proposes to stay.

According to science, we are more likely to create emotional bonds with the people we spend the most time with. That is why we create such strong friendships at school, work or university.

The more we “expose” ourselves to someone, the more chances they will like us.

3) Remember every talk

If this special girl remembers even the smallest details of the conversations you’ve had, it means she likes you.

If she pays close attention when you’re talking and tries to interact so that you continue to impress her with your adventures, then her interest is clear.

Does he mention things to you that you didn’t even remember telling him? Does he surprise you with the memory of her?

Chances are, if she pays attention to every word that comes out of your mouth, she is attracted to you.

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And besides, he will ask you many questions.

If he really likes you, he will want to know as many details about you as possible. For one reason only, to know with a certain basis if you are his perfect match.

4) Mirror your attitudes

For some it is very easy to lie with words, but non-verbal language is almost infallible.

Many experts claim that nonverbal cues are the largest percentage of our communication.

Something that you can particularly observe is the attitude of “mirror”. Which is when she unintentionally begins to imitate your movements or even ways of speaking.

The next time you spend time together notice how he acts around you. If he starts to copy your body posture, your attitude and even your expressions, it is a clear sign of attraction.

5) He is always in a good mood and smiles

I think we all agree when we say that a big smile is the most beautiful accessory a person can wear.

If when he sees you he does not stop smiling and also everything you tell him causes him an exaggerated grace, you can be sure that he is interested in you.

Women find a sense of humor essential. So your grace will be more important to them than a good physique.

6) Maintains intense eye contact with you

When do you see each other, does she hold your gaze? Have you caught her looking at you when you’re not looking?

Biologically, using eye contact to establish a connection has been a big part of our mating ritual.

If a woman looks into your eyes for longer than normal, she is showing that she has a special interest in you.

Because? Eye contact between two people generates excitement. But here’s the catch: it only works if the other is really attracted to you too.

7) Suddenly you find it everywhere

Do you suddenly start noticing that you come across it everywhere you go?

It may be coincidence or that this girl is intentionally looking to find you because she really wants to see you.

But if you start to see her more often in places you didn’t expect, take the opportunity to approach her and talk to her since there are many chances that she wants something with you.

8) Show a series of seductive attitudes with you

As we said before, non-verbal language can be key when it comes to knowing if she is attracted to you.

But You can’t tell if he likes you from an isolated clue. Rather you should observe a set of attitudes.

Pay attention if:

Her feet, legs or hands point towards you She blushes Points her chin towards you Crosses her legs often Plays with her hair

Also, if a girl really likes you, her body language will be more assertive.

9) Flirt with you

A 2015 study at the University of Kansas looked at behaviors that reveal romantic attraction. There they discovered that flirting is a great sign of attraction for a girl.

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Culturally women tend to be more subtle with flirting. The man is more open since traditionally he has been the one who conquers.

So if a girl flirts with you, it definitely means something.

10) Reduce the space between you

Have you hate talking about proxemics?

This discipline basically shows us how comfortable or connected people feel based on the body distance between them.

If we like someone we tend to sit or stand closer to that person.

Dating coach Johnny Cassel states:

“Think about it: If you are standing and chatting with two people, one of whom you like better, you will subconsciously (or maybe even consciously) stand closer to the one you prefer, or lean in more proactively.”

11) He has investigated about you in the networks

There is not much more to add here.

If you have caught her mentioning your information that she could only see on the networks, it is that she was doing her part of the investigation.

If he looks at your instagram, your Facebook or any other social network you are on to find out more about you, it is a clear sign that he is interested in you.

12) It is available to you

Have you noticed that this girl goes out of her routine to see you? Does he go out of his way to be available to you?

Webster University psychologist Dr. Monica Moore has looked at the various flirting techniques used by single people.

What he discovered was surprising:

The most successful women in attracting men were not the most beautiful, but the most available.

If a girl likes you, there will be nothing stopping her from being with you.

He will answer your texts, your calls and spend time with you. She will invest time, effort and energy in you because she obviously sees herself with you.

13) He gives you unexpected gifts

We all know how much women love gifts. That’s why it’s so significant if she makes you one.

It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or extravagant.

Simply if he has taken an afternoon to go find something special for you OR buy you something that reminded him of you then you can be sure that he is interested in you.

14) Notice every detail about yourself

Did you suddenly change your hair, or do you bring a new shirt and she notices it immediately?

A girl who likes you will notice these things. Because? Because she deliberately pays attention to you.

The human brain is great at organizing information. It processes 4 million bits of information per second. But consciously you only retain the information that matter.

And this is why a girl remembers what you said the day they met. Or the clothes you were wearing. If he likes you, he will notice everything.

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15) He is not afraid of being vulnerable with you

Nowadays, in this modern dating life, it is particularly difficult to be vulnerable.

We’ve been told that we shouldn’t have feelings for another person too quickly.

Or that we should wait a bit to call so as not to seem desperate or “needy”.

For all this, if a girl is vulnerable with you, it shows something more than just attraction or that she likes you. She trusts you enough to let you into her life.

So if a girl isn’t afraid to open up to you emotionally, you should notice and appreciate it. Why is it very important? And it probably required a lot of courage on your part.

16) Laughs with you

I believe that most of us have in mind the “funny” characteristic as fundamental when thinking of a perfect couple.

Or have you not thought: “I would love to make me laugh”

According to science, humor is a key part of building connections. So much so, that being funny makes you a potential mate even more than being handsome.

Humor is particularly important in the early stages of a relationship because it serves as a “social lubricant.” It helps dissolve discomfort and makes two people feel more confident with each other.

So if a girl makes jokes and laughs at yours, it’s because she wants to create an ideal situation where you can be comfortable and get to know each other more deeply.

17) Acts weird around you

It’s not news that first romantic encounters are rare.

There are several reasons for this, both of you are in uncharted territory, you have yet to build trust, and you are trying to read each other in subtle ways.

For women, first dates can be very anxious and stressful. And their brains are literally multitasking as they read your behavior and gauge their feelings. This is why they may behave strangely. Especially if they like you.

According to relationship therapist Natalie Finegood Goldberg:

“Relationships can be awkward at first because both of you are still feeling things and trying to read each other. When we try to balance the task of reading to our partner and being ourselves, our brain multitasks.

“It is not about combining two tasks with which we are familiar, how to eat and walk. The task of reading to a new partner is like walking a new hiking trail – the person will pay close attention to his footsteps, which makes it difficult to relax and be yourself in a way that isn’t awkward.”

So don’t worry if she behaves strange and uncertain. It is definitely a good sign.

18) He is not afraid to touch you

Contact is the universal language of love. We hug, touch and kiss people with whom we feel a strong connection.

This is because chemically, our bodies

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